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Pre University Board 2006 P.U.C Economics 2nd - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 11:30Web

New Scheme

Code No. 22-NS
Total No. of ques. : 38 ] [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 7
March / April, 2006


( Kannada and English Versions )
( New Syllabus )
Time : three Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 90

English Version )

Note : i) Write the ques. numbers legibly in the margin.
ii) ans for a ques. should be continuous.

I. ans the subsequent ques. in 1 sentence every : 10 × one = 10
1. State and discuss five factors that affect a consumer’s demand schedule.
2. discuss three assumptions concerning consumer behaviour.
3. What is "Globalisation" ?
4. What is "Bonded Labour" ?
5. What is “Balance of Payments” ?
6. Expand "BOLT".
7. provide the meaning of Deficit Budget.
8. What do you mean by "Food Security" ?
9. What is "Cash Reserve Ratio" ?
10. What is "Drip Irrigation" ?

II. ans any ten of the subsequent ques. in 4 phrases every :
10 × two = 20
11. What is "Sustainable Development" ?
12. Mention any 4 benefits of education.
13. State any 4 defects of Public Distribution System.
14. elaborate "Self-Help Groups" ?
15. Distinguish ranging from Manufacturing and Service Industries.
16. Name the main sources of Secondary data.
17. Mention any 4 recommendations of the M. Narasimham Committee
18. elaborate the 4 objectives of WTO ?
19. Distinguish ranging from Scheduled and Non-Scheduled Banks.
20. State any 4 causes for the growth of Public Debt.
21. elaborate the main objectives of Family Welfare Programme ?
22. State the composition of "Primary Commodities" in India's exports.


III. ans any 8 of the subsequent ques. in about 15 phrases every :
8 × five = 40
23. Write a note on "Rain-water Harvesting".
24. What steps are taken by the Government for the technological
upgradation of Small Scale Industries.
25. define the land use trend in India.
26. discuss the different Social Security measures adopted in India.
27. explain the composition and direction of India's exports.
28. discuss the machinery for Five-Year Plans in India.
29. discuss the non-conventional sources of Energy.
30. discuss in brief, different Export promotion measures of Govt. of
31. explain the industrial sector reforms in India.
32. define the Women Empowerment Programmes.
33. explain the progress of Railway Transport in India.
34. Draw a Pie-diagram to represent the subsequent data of proposed
expenditure of a Municipal Corporation for the year 2005-2006.
Water Supply
Roads Health Education Electricity
(Rs. in crores)
300 400 75 200 25

IV. ans any 2 of the subsequent ques. in about 40 phrases every :
2 × 10 = 20
35. define the National Programmes of Employment Generation and
Poverty Alleviation in India.
36. explain the characteristics of India as a developing economy.
37. discuss the different modes of communication in India.
38. discuss the sources of revenue of Central Government.

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