Pre University Board 2006 P.U.C Political Science 2nd - Question Paper
Monday, 04 February 2013 11:25Web
New Scheme
Code No. 29-NS
Total No. of ques. : 38 ] [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 7
March / April, 2006
( Kannada and English Versions )
( New Syllabus )
Time : three Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 90
( English Version )
Note : i) ans all ques..
ii) Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
iii) Write accurate ques. numbers for your answers.
I. ans the subsequent ques. in 1 sentence every : 10 × one = 10
1. Who was the teacher of Plato ?
2. When was Dr. B.R. Ambedkar born ?
3. What is a welfare state ?
4. Who was the founder of Indian National Congress ?
5. Name the party system in India.
6. Who is the head of the district administration ?
7. Expand K.P.S.C.
8. What is illiteracy ?
9. Who appoints the Chairman of Karnataka Public Service
Commission ?
10. Who is the current Lokayukta of Karnataka ?
II. ans any ten of the subsequent ques. in two to three phrases every :
10 × two = 20
11. Name the university founded by Plato. When was it founded ?
12. What is Janapada ?
13. provide the meaning of Dictatorship.
14. What is meant by Privatisation ?
15. What is Adult Franchise ? provide an example.
16. What is meant by election ?
17. What do you mean by regional parties ? provide an example.
18. Name any 2 agencies of Public Opinion.
19. provide the meaning of Civil Service.
20. Mention any 2 kinds of Civil Services in India.
21. What is meant by state service ? provide an example.
22. What is Foreign Policy ? Who was the architect of India's Foreign
Policy ?
III. ans any 8 of the subsequent ques. in 15 to 20 lines every :
8 × five = 40
23. define Plato's concept of Ideal State.
24. discuss the techniques of Satyagraha.
25. elaborate J.S.Mill's views on Liberty ?
26. State the importance of Liberalisation.
27. discuss the electoral reforms in India.
28. define the meaning and importance of Political Parties.
29. elaborate the functions of the Election Commission of India ?
30. discuss the role of Press and political parties in moulding public
31. State the different kinds of pressure groups prevalent in India.
32. elaborate the functions of UPSC ?
33. State the different steps taken by the Government of India to prevent
34. discuss the impact of illiteracy on democracy.
IV. ans any 2 of the subsequent ques. in 30 to 40 lines every :
2 × 10 = 20
35. discuss Aristotle’s classification of Government.
36. What is the contribution of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar to the making of
Indian Constitution ?
37. How is inequality a challenge to democracy ?
38. define the fundamental principles of the Foreign Policy of India.
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