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Pre University Board 2009 P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths

Monday, 04 February 2013 09:05Web

PHYSICS(JULY) paper is in Pdf format below

Code No. 33

Total No. of Questions : 40 ]    [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 15

June/July, 2009


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 90

( Kannada Version )

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1. S,rtd 0ddo drarrt> Xeaeo drar    Xa.

y    co        6 6    ct

2. e ed<o - (d tiaddoart en doand ?

3.    o,eXdra ,o 0ode ?

4.    Xodo&Soo doXo ,dertOn efi&do rra oonrt> ,oZ6 Oj ?

5.    n oeo doO.

6.     el",, {< na.,eoe&d* oo Xe d,,d >o>rt

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, oe & o ,,,ro>rtoS rfoe ?

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7.    oo3eo o>>ort> 0odeo ?

8.    oo > d} XS.

9.    n-/O dX 0odeo ?

10.    OR jd    XeXo XS.

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II. X> njrt>Y /)d &o    ,0 :    10 x 2 = 20

11.    <(o rtSeS oo, d ,oXe3aX.drt>o O.

y    -D    oL    aJi    ol

12. ddrdd ddd@dra dbdrd) X>Ad)rt>oQrt ert >rt ?

a)    dwdrdd 3p adb&, draSdsrt

b)    a d d b dsd d/Sdsn

CO    <=i

13.    sssd o ad &e> rtoa adr(b d/ert d6d,pb db dbO.

14.    o a<bdbdb ddb dO.

15.    add deZrt> 0ddb rtbraod\rart>b dbO.

16.    ,sded\ adbeob dZ 0ddb odb ddd adbdsdert doa d@ ,oopdo aes. ,sded\ dbb added\ adbeoJrt do

,oodbR dbO.

17.    5 x 10 1 , oZwb 0 ydn >o odb dsdd db<d 3 ,Xorart>ddn d,ddsrt 4)4oznd adb d,dsdbR d@ sa.

20. erdid doJo ,></F,do ,do<dd wy aX XodA yraoJd?

_o    _o    cn    >


21. d deJ 0oddeo ? - odo wyddo $.

22. s efi, dd rt>o 0oddeo ? pi>a S efi, d,d6 ,&oeXdrado doO.

- c

III. X> Ad)n>, /d)ddd o dn JO :

1 X 5 = 5

23.    w<dy>d n> dsoo n>$ dodd    wrtod dsr d< &X, rtJeS oo ad, &.

CO U    0    ot J o

24.    S deXdrad, do riod eXdrad ad,.

iv. x> nd)n> /d)ddd 0-o dnn jo :

2 x 5 = 10

25. do63 dd,od 0-do dXrt>o ,d/oJddA Odrt, d) dod /rtod <X@    ad,. dOod woded dzaS).


26. o d,eddd>rtod AC doodod<), .adoS dd) -adoS" dSoS dd, <dodo doooadoS d 0oodo ,a,od ,&d ,&oeddrado ad, &.

cpeo    _o    t        _o    ct*J_o

27. Uo&oyd d S,o 0o deo ? dedrfo ,odprar Sdort Uo&oydddA dert >,>rtoS d 0oodo dO.

_D    c

V. X> Ad)rt> <d/d)ddd 0do drtn Sp :    2x5=10

28. eo dXo x6X@ nSeido ad,.

29. (dod*" <rt> (d/dddd do >& odra

30. do rtood) d< & adodorto ddo, dO.

cs>     cp    co    ct    7

vi. x> Ad)n>, <d/d)ddd do-o sp :    3 x 5 = 15

31. 0-2 oe. ,ortdoddd od &e doddo >eO doo>ofi&d. dodd

<=i    co

d dS,edodd) 15 doSo aeOdS, 133 wAd/, aeO<, dodd ,ortdodddo ?

32. edoS {esd 0ddo dddrt> ,doSo<6 dddS 1875F d >rt ,d/oSd {ed}<do ,odoSo<6 dddS 8F d. sndd dodd dddSdodo, dodoSoO.


33.    0ddb    noed/ddrt ,e odd opd. dn>

,oZ6 d,dbd>A 2 dbb 10    &wrt>    d,dbd>A 007 m dbb

008 m wAd. dd < !>,o{oi TO.,ed/d dd 60 ad<

6    6 cJ    CO    eJ CO

oidd, 0dde i.ooi' TO.,ed/ddd0 ourtbd ad< &(b

7    6    6 cJ    CO    eJ CO

dd/radbj ?

34.    odb ded <b wdr 2 x 10 12 Hz wAd . dd died 3 x 10 12 Hz


wd dbd {>3 3dra wddjdjrt &f (/rtbd 0d yd' dertdR dd@ >3.

h = 6625 x 10 - 34 Js do


m e = 9-1 x 10 - 31 kg.

VII. X>Ad)rt>, <d/>d)didd ob d, 0 :    1 x 5 = 5

35.    aeo >& nedbR db,.' dod {id ydeod/ddd deA& dodbsbbd dxertdbR do.

36.    ioi n6<zed/ddd dddrd dodbsdb, dd ,><bSod odb d;ded B H bR dd@ >dbd dertd do.

VIII. d>Ad)rt> </d)d,dd oo dn Sp :    1 x 5 = 5

37. X> A ds3ort>b d<>eA &e dbdd da.edoddb, dd, S :

-0    ot    > *    tr

zX&bzR ,oZ6

S> /

&& tifid D (&J{.)

j,d , >$od >d


S (oe.)







K , = 0-18 be. dbSb K 2 = 0185 be.

1    -c 2

38. X>n X.dbd dsortb d<>eA dbF,,d ds> ribraaoddb,

aJ    -e    ot        eo    rs    ot

dodbSbO :

S = 100 Q




( C )

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e)rt - D

IX. X> Ad)rt> <d/>d)d,dd 0b drt Sp :    1x10=10 39. a) odb d/dd yspd ded) 42 wAd. d/dd dbed dSrtod Sd rad ,orar ,dbS< dbeddra oa dd,d. wrt dS Sdrad dS Xedb, dd, S.    4

ot    V

b)    -adS" XSd odb aodb>, odb wdeaodboi>rtbd dbs d X, n SeS bb, >> &.    4

* u    o t    o

c)    dxd ,drt> (d/dddd 0ddb brt>b dbO.    2

40. a) X> n X.dDd dodd A dDD B oDrt> do ti0}adDya0

'    eo    cn    _o

dedb. XodbaDO.    4

b)    de e,' d(dD artrt>D rtDdDd doart d0. 4

c)    laadro oiartDd ti0dra adDdrd dDd o&Dd/dod /)add 0dd dDrt>D    2

Note : i) Numerical problems solved without writing the relevant formulae carry no marks.

ii) Answers without relevant diagram / figure / circuit wherever necessary will not carry any marks.


I. Answer all of the following questions :    10 x 1 = 10

1.    Define angular dispersion between two colours for a prism.

2.    How does intensity of light vary with amplitude of the wave ?

3.    What is plane of polarisation ?

4.    How many reflecting faces does the mirror possess in Michelson's rotating mirror experiment ?

5.    State Gauss's theorem.

6.    Does the balancing condition of Wheatstone bridge vary, if the positions of the galvanometer and battery are interchanged ?

Code No. 33    10

7.    What are magnetic elements ?

8.    Give an example for boson.

9.    What is an n-type semiconductor ?

10.    Give the truth table for OR gate.


II. Answer any ten of the following questions :    10 x 2 = 20

11.    Write an expression for the deviation produced by a thin prism and explain the terms.

12.    How does the resolving power of a microscope vary with the

a)    immersion of microscope in oil

b)    decrease of wavelength of the light used ?

13.    Draw a neat diagram of the experimental set-up for the Fraunhoffer diffraction through a single slit.

14.    State and explain Brewster's law.

15.    Write any two properties of electric lines of force.

16.    Define relative permittivity of a medium in terms of the force between

two point charges and give the relation between relative and absolute permittivities.

17.    Calculate the electric current when 5 x 10 18 number of electrons flow through a conducting wire in 3 second.

18.    State Kirchhoff's laws of electricity.

19.    What are coercivity and retentivity ?

20.    Explain why the sky appears red during sunrise and sunset.

21.    What is Band emission spectrum ? Mention any one source of it.

22.    What are de Broglie matter waves ? Write de Broglie wave equation for photon.


III. Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

23.    Obtain an expression for the lateral shift produced by a parallel sided glass slab placed in air.

24.    Derive an expression for the fringe width in Interference pattern.

IV. Answer any two of the following questions

25.    When two current carrying conductors are placed parallel to each other, obtain an expression for the force between them and hence define ampere.

26.    In an alternate current circuit with only inductor, show that the


voltage leads current by a phase with a suitable derivation.

27.    What is rectification ? Explain how diode can be used as a full-wave rectifier.

V.    Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 5 = 10

28.    Obtain an expression for the radius of Bohr's orbit.

29.    Write any five characteristics of nuclear forces.

30.    State and explain Soddy's group displacement laws.

VI.    Answer any three of the following questions :    3 x 5 = 15

31.    A convex lens of focal length 0-2 m of refractive index 1-5 is immersed in water of refractive index 1-33. Calculate the focal length of the lens in water.

32.    The equivalent capacitance of two capacitors is 1-875F when connected in series and 8F when connected in parallel. Find their individual capacitances.

33.    Two tangent galvanometers with number of turns 2 and 10 having radii as 0-07 m and 0-08 m respectively are connected in series. The deflection in the first T.G. is 60. Calculate the deflection in the second T.G.

34.    Calculate the velocity of photoelectron emitted when light of frequency 3 x 1012 Hz is incident on a metal surface of threshold frequency 2 x 1012 Hz.

Given h = 6-625 x 10 - 34 Js and me = 9-1 x 10 - 31 kg.

VII.    Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

35.    Describe an experiment to determine the specific heat of water using Joule's calorimeter.

36.    Describe an experiment to determine the reduction factor of Tangent Galvanometer and hence to calculate BH at a given place.

VIII.    Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

37.    Calculate the refractive index of the material of the lens using the given data :



Distance between the object and the screen D ( m )

Shift in the position of the lens S ( m )







Code No. 33    14

38. Determine the temperature co-efficient of resistance of the given

thermistor using the data below :

S = 100 Q




t [ C ]

Balancing length l [ m ]








IX. Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 10 = 10

39. a) If the critical angle of the given medium is 42 and a ray incident on it has maximum degree of polarisation after reflection, calculate the angle of incidence.    4

b) Obtain an expression for the electric potential at a point in an electric field due to an isolated charge.    4

c) Write any two applications of liquid crystals.    2

40. a) Find the effective resistance between the points A and B. 4

b) Explain the construction of a Ruby Laser with a labelled



c) Mention any two sources of power loss in a Transformer.    2

[ Turn over


adbrt ,oopdoJ    abdbrt>b dbO.


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