Pre University Board 2008 P.U.C Economics 2nd - Question Paper
Karnataka second PUC ECONOMICS June 2008 (KAN & ENG Version) ques. Paper Is in Pdf format beneath. check tat.
Total No. of Questions : 41 ] [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 8
Code No. 22
June, 2008
( Kannada and English Versions )
Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ] [ Max. Marks : 100
( Kannada Version )
: i) dbO.
ii) 4 Jdd adoJddsAdeXb.
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I. X>A S,<>oXa ob dsX.0 JO : 10 x 1 = 10
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1) |
aX >drt 0odeb ? |
2) |
on ,o<bbX J 0ode ? _D |
3) |
rdbt |
4) |
dert rtj, a bbb ds.z.a. J/ cp co ct > > |
5) |
ot yrXJb rdbl |
6) |
Xd /dbX| 0ode ? |
7) |
GATT . >, O&. c _0 |
8) |
wbb ,dXb ds.z.a. I 6 6 |
9) |
Xd J(b bbort SJ 0ode ? |
10) |
ea w<>ert A sreXjd /do ? |
xrt - a
II. X> Ad)rt> d/>d)d3dd drtrt dodX 3o@ dX6rt>Y JO : 10 x 2 = 20
11) T3,bX d jo4rt>b db Jb d/dX d jo4rt> d6 j>6,
12) XedXd d,dbbn ortrt>b
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13) $,dJd d/dddd 3C0@ dOdbrtb,
14) a adOdb d/e&rt>b
15) >dJd XOXrtb, dAerXO.
16) >dJd d/>d)d3dd <b@ q)j XOXrtb, ,O&.
17) ;,,>db rtbod)rt>oddeb ?
18) d ne{n>bR ert orta,>Ad ?
19) odjdbX 4 db d/>d)d3dd db<n>b,
20) os5" dd ae 0oddeb ?
21) ia Xedb Xb.n >b 0odeb ?
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III. X> A d)rt> d/d)d 000 drtrt dodX dadb dX6rt>, J O : 8 x 5 = 40
23) 43,0 J earyda 0>oddeb ? dd X\rart>eb ?
24) ,3d r&aX d<dbd ddbbn j&ddrartb,
25) odb ,3>dzX db< ,iXdbrdA X\rad dbdJd b, dO.
26) >dtd d/cbX|rt> erico Xrtod Xd
27) >d t d $->X d/do teo,d od dd t/oft.
28) rodtd ,ra dd/rad a drt> do.
rs ZJ co 6 t
29) rndtd X)& yrXd ,d/X-aX ,3 d/rt>y do.
co d * cp <=i
30) >dtd ydrX ,on> trt>e ?
31) ,odXr nodded ? d>d-,odXrd d ,drt> /d)d) ?
32) od aX doo iXdrdA d, ortd ddtd do.
33) ed >ert> r dt d ert>d
_0 _0 CO oi.
34) 9e dodrX de&d d ert>d do.
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IV. X> Ad)rt> d/d)ddd 0dd dnn dodX <dto dX6rt>, t O : 2 x 10 = 20
35) d t ador< dt dert ,yrd Xrtoadod drdd do.
36) rndtd d, OT,o5*rt> >drt dt ddd do.
' * co 6 6 -> t,
37) >dtd ddon drt>ed ? ,yrd Xoacbd d da XdrtbR do.
38) Xeod, ,yrdd Wddd dbortbR do.
V. ae wa>0 4 <z4d 0rfdo
0 : 2 X 5 = 10
39) >e o> >edo Xsi<$3n <e&(o oo da </0.
40) /)ad d, ort> jrt> Xeo eo, oo <z0.
41) md ,X,do saoo eo, X>Xo saort>o oo
* CO U J t 0 t
,d> , o deza ,0 d :
_> * V c
r |
1970-71 |
1975-76 |
1980-81 |
1985-86 |
1990-91 |
2000-01 |
(o&\ &&e'rt>Q ) |
12 |
20 |
31 |
35 |
38 |
42 |
Note : i) Write the question numbers legibly in the margin.
ii) Answer for a question should be continuous.
I. Answer the following questions in one sentence each : 10 x 1 = 10
1. What is economic growth ?
2. What is sex composition ?
3. Give the meaning of dry land farming.
4. Define Sick Industry.
5. Give the meaning of Child Labour.
6. What is call Money Market ?
7. Expand GATT.
8. Define Import substitute good.
9. What is deficit budget ?
10. Who is the present Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission ?
II. Answer any ten of the following questions in about four sentences each :
10 x 2 = 20
11. |
Distinguish between primary data and secondary data. |
12. |
State the important parts of table. |
13. |
State any four effects of soil erosion. |
14. |
Mention the benefits of drip irrigation. |
15. |
Classify the industries of India. |
16. |
Name any four major industries of India. |
17. |
What are self-help groups ? |
18. |
How are Railway gauges classified ? |
19. |
Mention any four non-conventional sources of energy. |
20. |
What is bank rate policy ? |
21. |
What are intellectual property rights ? |
22. |
State the important functions of National Development Council. |
III. Answer any eight of the following questions in about 15 sentences each :
8 x 5 = 40
23. What is Sustainable Economic Development ? What are its features ?
24. Point out important public sector reforms.
25. Explain the importance of Education as a social infrastructure.
26. Mention the measures to overcome the defects of Agriculture Markets in India.
27. Bring out a table showing land use pattern in India.
28. Explain the problems of small scale industries of India.
29. Explain the socio-economic status of Agricultural Labourer in India.
30. What are the weaknesses of Trade Unions in India ?
31. What is communication ? What are the various modes of TeleCommunication ?
32. Explain the importance of road transport as an economic infrastructure.
33. Mention the meaning and objectives of fiscal policies.
34. Explain the objectives of 9th Five Year Plan.
IV. Answer any two of the following questions in about 40 sentences each :
2 x 10 = 20
35. Describe the Governmental Programmes of poverty alleviation and employment generation.
36. Explain the growth of Commercial Banks and their structure in India.
37. What are Indias major exports ? Explain the export promotion measures taken by Government.
38. Explain the sources of public revenue to the Central Government.
V. Answer any two of the following project and assignment related questions : 2 x 5 = 10
39. Prepare a report on the rain water harvesting project you have seen.
40. Prepare a table showing any ten Railway zones and their headquarters.
41. Construct a simple single bar diagram, representing the following sugar production data of India :
Year |
1970-71 |
1975-76 |
1980-81 |
1985-86 |
1990-91 |
2000-01 |
Production ( in lakh tonnes ) |
12 |
20 |
31 |
35 |
38 |
42 |
Attachment: |
Earning: Approval pending. |