Pre University Board 2008 P.U.C History 2nd - Question Paper
Karnataka second PUC HISTORY April 2008 Kanada & ENGLISH version is in Pdf Format Check tat beneath.
Total No. of Questions : 35 ] [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 8
Code No. 21
March, 2008
( Kannada and English Versions )
Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ] [ Max. Marks : 100
( Kannada Version )
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ii) B0 ,oZw 31 -xioe - d ioe dJ.rt>o xdeAd.
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I. X>n d,4rt$n ddodX, odo dd dOT odo t o : y ct y $ 4 t cn _o
10 x 1 = 10
1) rtora e i/do dodoaddb ?
2) drod sso i/rort doto ?
3), i/do ,3 &ddb ?
oOk ct cp
4) dra wsd nop 0odo i/do ddio>Ad ?
5) j3eii6 deod Xio ioo i/do ?
6) 4,,o, io do>53iord5F i/do ?
&5 cp
7) d>d < io worte-dodo iodo ,d/>&ort$d od i/)o ?
8) dodo d3K6e, rtoed ,ero dOeX i/do ro,do$ddo ?
9) Ddt y dd i/)OTfito ?
10) ,o de53 od do rtdX@ i/rort e eaddo ?
II. X> Ad)rt>, /dddd drtrt d,3odX@ 0ddo ddrt>o dd 0ddo dX.rt> O : 10 X 2 = 20
6 co _D
11) tydoed yd tydoon ,O&.
12) 0dd<o do><oodd rao OToort>o >X,&, &ty3a d&,rart>o
cp co cteo eJct
13) doO, Xoddort> aXo /do {on oddo ? </drt ?
14) rndd oeo doF dOoo </do de&ftddo ? </drt ?
* CO s) Cp ct *
15) doO, pyd ,od /drt doo ? art doO d>d (/roddo ?
16) rood,* ,ed>dbR </do ty3,do$ddo ? </drt ?
17) Kdora aSeXdrad tyd & /do ? d o,0 ae />d)do ?
18) doOy&d ,o ,ondo /d&irt doo ? ,ondod od /do doOyd d6X\d)ddO ?
19) ,. ,d/Kdo </do ,3&ddo ? /rort ?
y & ot cp
20) rtered*d ddo drod, {Ort od 0ddo tydoon j&ddrart $.
21) aodOe,* as* >Oe,* 0o ,o, <oD </do ty3,do$ddo ? 0
* cp <=i y 4 co
djjdoddo ?
22) dOo tyOrt 5@<y 0o aeoO dd, </do {Ort oddo ? aeood do aaod 0ddo drto, &$&.
III. X> Ad)> , /d)ddd w drtrt ddodX@ 15-20 oort, d doO : 6 x 5 = 30
23) >dfX ,Ddd}> >od$o, d/r* <dd* ty>do adO.
24) >d*r d & <o , ><oX ,e3 dd 3dd dO.
25) o aaeXdrad, yioi*-XdPd Xdortrt adO.
26) 1857 d d on o ,d/X >rt dorX ydrart>3d)d) ? dO.
27) tyxddo dosaoodX tydoon yadrart>O $.
28) dodo aort e-do,,do <ood d ydrart> >rt dOra3dort>b adO.
co e) cp <=i
29) doO add, d/s*r Xu* d/Sd ,dd}rt>o adO.
30) Xotf&X aSeXd rad dort otydA $.
- D
IV. 31) X>A do JOb : 5 + 5 =1
A) adort X.dod nidJd nd&d X>A ibX ,>rt>o rtodob,
* 0 co cp ct
d,<>odo , >d 0ddo di>X.rt> doO :
-> cp C\ 6 co
a) 0S
b) di b
c) X Xel
' CO
d) n> nio
e) tedortdra
B) adon X.dod nidJd nd&d X>A ibX ,>rt>o rtodob,
* eo co cp d.
d,<>odo , >d 0ddo di>X.rt> doO :
y cp r\ 6 co
a) SJdo
b) nedi
c) o?dii mn
d) Xo.J
U 0
e) di0SeO
V. X> Ad)rt> /d)idd 0dd drtrt dodX 3-4 ,i<ort>Y Jd doO : 2 x 1 = 2
32) a yspo yid rart>o dOb.
doiJv niopeodd eJd 192 Ood 1947 dddrt dd JoJ >d$<do dOb.
33) d/dO oadiA dodo d&od ,o 0o. -aS/Sjdddd diJdo dOb.
>,dd dod XirXd dd ,SsL odi<drt>o dOb.
y cp co <=i
- F
VI. idDO :
* ct ZJ co
a) >d ddD yort, ,
b) -d ,n
c) n- on
d) d>no yort,
e) Dj,O XodD
X>A 44 15-20 roX.rt>0 O : 1 x 5 = 5
ZJ ct 6 co _o
d>deD d%eD >od0y ,DD'o, dedd O.
,-D DdoD O.
o anrrtnsfi
DOy o ,onsD yadrart>D ,o3\otA dDO.
ii) Instead of Map work Question No. 31 alternative question is given for the blind students at the end of the question paper in Part-D as Question No. 31.
iii) Answer the questions according to the instructions given for the questions.
I. Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each :
10 x 1 = 10
1. Who discovered the Cape of Good Hope ?
2. When did the Russian Revolution take place ?
3. Who founded Nazi party ?
4. Who is called The Gandhi of South Africa ?
5. Which was the last battle fought by Napoleon ?
6. Who is the Secretary General of U.N.O. ?
7. Which treaty ended First Anglo-Mysore War ?
8. Who introduced Civil Service Examinations in Mysore ?
9. Which was the capital of British in India ?
10. When did Swami Vivekananda visit Chicago ?
II. Answer any ten of the following questions in two words or two sentences each : 10 x 2 = 20
11. Who were the famous scientists of the Renaissance period ?
12. Name the cities of Japan where atom bombs were dropped during the Second World War.
13. Who introduced Commissioners rule in Mysore ? When ?
14. Who declared National Emergency in India ? When ?
15. When did Rendition take place in Mysore ? Who became the ruler after Rendition ?
16. Who started Hindustan Sevadal ? When ?
17. Who was the chief architect of German Unification ? Which policy did he follow ?
18. When did American War of Independence take place ? Who became the President of America after the War of Independence ?
19. Who founded the Brahmo Samaj ? When ?
20. Mention the two important reforms of Gorbachev in Russia.
21. Who started The Missionaries of Charities ? Where ?
22. Who introduced Doctrine of Lapse in India ? Name any two states annexed by him by following this doctrine.
III. Answer any six of the following questions in 15 to 20 lines each :
6 x 5 = 30
23. Describe the role of Martin Luther in Religious Reformation Movement.
24. Describe the Subsidiary alliance of Lord Wellesley.
25. State the contributions of Count Cavour in unification of Italy.
26. What were the social and religious causes for the revolt of 1857 ? Explain.
27. State the main causes of the First World War.
28. Briefly explain the causes and results of third Anglo-Mysore War.
29. Describe the reforms made by Mark Cubbon in the administration of Mysore.
30. Briefly state the stages in the unification of Karnataka.
IV. Answer the following question as indicated : 5 + 5 = 10
31. A) Mark on the outline map provided the locations of the following
historical places and write about the places in two sentences each :
a.) Dandi b) Plassey
c) Calicut d) Belgaum
e) Srirangapattana.
B) Mark on the outline map provided the locations of the following historical places and write about the places in two sentences each :
a) Kittur b) Goa
c) Jalianwala Bagh d) Calcutta
e) Pondicherry.
V. Answer any two of the following questions in 30 - 40 lines each :
2 x 10 = 20
32. Explain the causes for the French Revolution.
Briefly sketch the Freedom Movement lead by Gandhiji between 1920 - 1947.
33. What role did M. Visweswaraiah play in transforming Mysore into a model state ?
Describe the Armed Struggles in Karnataka against the British.
VI. 34. Arrange the following in chronological order : 5 x 1 = 5
a) Foundation of Indian National Congress.
b) Palace Satyagraha
c) Nagar Rebellion
d) Belgaum Congress
e) Treaty of Mysore Partition.
35. Answer the following in 15 to 20 lines : 1 x 5 = 5
Describe the role of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in Indian National Movement.
Write a short note on Esur Tragedy.
31. Briefly write the causes of American War of Independence. 10
Describe the achievements of Devaraja Urs.
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