Pre University Board 2008 P.U.C Economics 2nd - Question Paper
Karnataka second PUC ECONOMICS March 2008 Kanada & ENGLISH version is in Pdf Format Check tat beneath.
Total No. of Questions : 41 ] [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 8
Code No. 22
March, 2008
( Kannada and English Versions )
Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ] [ Max. Marks : 100
( Kannada Version )
: i) doO.
ii) 4 d) adodOTftdedo.
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I. X>A o 0 : 10 x 1 = 10
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2) adrfertd
3) eQe4 aeo O rt>ode ?
4) ,n sizra tooX za.
5) ,eddra 0odeo ?
6) B.S.N.L. . >,0&.
c _D
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8) a< ,ort 0>ode ?
9) r&ad
10) deo wert A dJcb </d ?
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: 10 x 2 = 20
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III. d> A 0)rt> /0)d 0o&o Oodd a o3d6rt>< O : 8 x 5 = 40
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31) rodt w4d 4,4>d ,o<>e&(D r.
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33) deeD e 0ode ? deeD 4d ,>d}rt> 4 dD0.
34) o e> 4do4$<d d 4dDo yDrrt>D
IV. d> 4)rt> /4)d 0rfo 4,4 odd <4tD 4d6rt>, t 0 : 2 x 10 = 20
35) >dt >ert 4otO 4t 4d}nA d(inoadD4 d%eD yDrdrt >D 40.
36) 1991 d dnQy BajD yDrtotrt>0 4a.
37) >dt 0,4r noS yDrrt>D 40.
38) deo ,yrd w><d4 4D&<rt>0 40.
V. </4ad 0-3 dcod ao
J Ob : 2 x 5 = 10
39) x>n Xdo adJ TOb PQLI d@ a>3 :
BLR | |
&d, J1<w 6 |
65 rrt >o |
60/1000 x@ |
65% |
40) adJ />4ad Jo -<* drt>o )n> da X$eOrt> ,&J
41) X> n Xdo Xeo ,yard ja,ort>0 TOb 4-deza
CJd&J rt>3 id -o |
( ,rt>C_ ) |
a da> Ob |
22 |
Xeo, cC?-a , y is |
18 |
CeeJd IS |
16 |
dX,} e <A IS |
14 |
oart $rt Xeo Jortd sa<o |
12 |
,aD |
07 |
Xeoa$J oaKn Xeo dj |
06 |
CeeJd dj |
05 |
ii) Answer for a question should be continuous.
I. Answer the following questions in one sentence each : 10 x 1 = 10
1. Give the meaning of the term sustainable development.
2. State the meaning of unemployment.
3. What are multipurpose irrigation projects ?
4. Define small scale industry.
5. What is meant by women empowerment ?
6. Expand B.S.N.L.
7. Mention the basic principle of Co-operation.
8. What is Foreign Exchange Reserves ?
9. State the meaning of public debt.
10. Who is the present Chairman of National Planning Commission ?
II. Answer any ten of the following questions in about four sentences each :
10 x 2 = 20
11. What is secondary data ? Name its two sources.
12. State the meaning of literacy rate. How is it measured ?
13. Mention four effects of soil erosion.
14. What is meant by public distribution system ? Mention its two defects.
15. How are the manufacturing industries different from service industries ?
16. Distinguish between Money wage and Real wage.
17. State the meaning of Social Security. Mention any two social security measures.
18. List the important harbours of India.
19. Bring out the differences between Money Market and Call Money Market.
20. State the reforms in air transportation in India.
21. Write four objectives of World Trade Organisation.
22. What is Balance of Payments ? Name its two accounts.
III. Answer any eight of the following questions in about 15 sentences each :
8 x 5 = 40
23. State the types of Bar diagram. Draw a bar diagram by using the following data :
Census Year |
1951 |
1961 |
1971 |
1981 |
1991 |
2001 |
Density of Population |
117 |
142 |
177 |
216 |
278 |
324 |
24. Differentiate between Economic Growth and Economic Development.
25. Write a note on the occupational distribution of population in India.
26. State the meaning water conservation. Explain its various measures.
27. Describe the pre-harvest technology adopted in Indian Agriculture.
28. What are labour reforms ? State the recommendations of 2nd National Commission on Labour.
29. Examine the two Socio-Economic Status of Women Labour in India.
30. Analyse the non-conventional sources of energy.
31. Discuss the composition of Indias imports.
32. State the export-promotion measures undertaken by the Govt. of India.
33. What is Fiscal Policy ? Write a note on the Fiscal Sector reforms.
34. State the formation and functions of the State Planning Board.
IV. Answer any two of the following questions in about 40 sentences each :
2 x 10 = 20
35. Explain the National Programmes of Employment Generation and Poverty Alleviation in India.
36. Elucidate the strategy for Industrial Development of 1991.
37. Explain the various functions of Reserve Bank of India.
38. Explain the sources of revenue of the Central Government.
39. Calculate PQLI by using the given actual values :
Indicators |
Actual values |
65 Years |
60 per 1000 |
65% |
40. List any 10 Railway zones of India with their Headquarters.
41. Draw a pie-diagram by using the following data of Central Govt.
Expenditure :
Items of Expenditure |
Proposed Expenditure ( in paise ) |
Interest Payments |
22 |
Central Plan Expenditure |
18 |
Non-Plan Expenditure |
16 |
Defence Expenditure |
14 |
Share to State Govt. in Central Taxes |
12 |
Subsidies |
07 |
Central Assistance to UTs and States |
06 |
Non-Plan Assistance |
05 |
Attachment: |
Earning: Approval pending. |