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Pre University Board 2008 2nd BUSINESS STUDIES - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 07:45Web

Karnataka second PUC BUSINESS STUDIES March 2008 Kannada & ENGLISH version is in Pdf Format Check tat beneath.

Code No. 27

[ Total No. of Printed Pages : 4

Total No. of Questions : 39 ]

March, 2008


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]

[ Max. Marks : 100

( Kannada Version )

I. X>A 0>    ododo dX.dS 0ft. d,    odo oX :

co     ZS <=i    > co o    ZS ZS <=i

10 x 1 = 10

1.    a,dX XTOOXrt odo 3d} X&S.

2.    ddortra {>&ed>3 />d)>dd) odo ado ,0ft.

3.    W.T.O. . a, 0ft.

c    _0

4.    ,3dd odo ado $ft.

5.    N.S.E. . a, 0ft.

c    _0

6.    </d)>dd odo yaordo, ,0ft.

7.    a, ado<o </>d)>dd) odo dSftoo ,0ft.

8.    ,3>0rt(o odo KX.rado $ft.

9.    d edd    X&S.

10.    -d>&,d o o,3X, rt.adod odo odd $ft.

6 ot     6    6    &    ot

ii. x> a d)n> , /d)d dnn, d, dn 0ddo d>x6rt$rt aoeddoJ

0ft. d dn 0ddo oXrt>o :

10 x 2 = 20

11.    d> a<oo,ra dd, rdoct X&S.

12.    aX,rio X rdot X&S.

13.    d,>d 0oddeo ?

14.    Jdp odd>d doe d,>d edod 0ddo o4rt>oct do0.

15.    SEBI 0d do yorrtdo $ft.


16.    ado,\ aa dnrd} ( Electronic Fund Transfer ) 0Odde ?

6 & 

17.    dDd rt$ftd d30ft<o ( Paid-up policy ) rdot X&S.

18.    DoXort >o 0oddeo ?

19.    ,3d r&aX >,o d$rt n> rdot $ft.

20.    dddidd XJ(dD 0ddD roddrartD Xs.

21.    (d/dddd 0ddD u>Xd>dd d>dD add}    d,o.

22.    delude," adrd}<dD ( DBMS )    Xs.


III.     X> Ad)rt> <d/d)ddd wdo drtrt, d, dn dadD ,30Drt$rt DeddoJ Jo. d d d odrto :    6 x 5 = 30

23.    odD XoXeddbdr    < rtJdd (d/dddd dD o2rt>CR ,o3,d dbA do.

oOk o

24.    {edJD dDJD X/dD X d d. 3D,,rt>D dDO.

_0 ZJ    t t    ot

25.    XeoXdD rt)n> ,edrt>bR $&.

26.    ,<d jn> DX<n>DCR &$&.

27.    nos* zJdD JddDDd dDR $&.

28.    Xrodd d<dDd d,d>dX, dDd ,3d/X d}n>oX(dDD $.

co 6    u    ot

29.    >Xdd dXD.rt>D ,oS,ddAdO.

rj    c    oOk _o

30.    dD6v d/d,wdDd,dDd ( Electronic media ) ed d d52rt>Dct ,od,d dA do.

oOk o

31.    -5dD,*r ( E-commerce ) d,eKrt>D

IV.     X> Ad)rt>, <d/>d)ddd dodo dnn, d& dn dDdJD ,Drt$rt

Ded doJ Jo. d,3 d.2,n dJ oXrt>o :    3 x 10 = 30

-e y y -o

32.    X/dD JDdort ,od aedod dn>DR do.

33.    de5 d.dd d dX<J dDJ DXioJrt>D udDo.

)    _D    c

34.    2edD adDD Xeod,rt > sdDF do.

35.    ed dD<dD d drtR do.

36.    dDD ortdD DX)J dJ otdXkJ n> D d do.

_0    c

(,efi drio)

V.     X> Ad)rt> <d/d)dbdd 0ddOR Jo. d dn dD oXrt>o : 2x5= 10

37.    dDe X/dD JDdaod aoed\,dDdd rtDrart> d/>d)d) ?

38.    rndJdSdDd dJ 2edD ad<dD Xeod,rt>D d, d/s.

   co    _o    ct eo

39.    d/ d,{/A,    dbdoDod do,dd ,odX\rart /d d on>D, aoeS,,D eo ?

CO    ct    oOk _0


I. Answer all ten questions in a sentence each. Each question carries one


10 x 1 = 10


Give an example of Extractive Industry.


Name any one form of Outdoor Advertising.


Expand W.T.O.


State one type of Debenture.


Expand N.S.E.


State any one function of a Bank.


Name one policy under Fire Insurance.


Mention one feature of Water Transport.


Give the meaning of Career.


State any one of the resources required for

implementation of



II. Answer any ten of the following questions in not more than two sentences each. Each question carries two marks.    10 x 2 = 20


Give the meaning of Air-conditioning.


Give the meaning of Salesmanship.


What is Publicity ?


Write any two factors influencing short term Finance.


Mention two functions of SEBI.


What is Electronic Fund Transfer ?


Give the meaning of paid-up policy.


What are Tankers ?


Give the meaning of public warehouses.


State two examples of Business Ethics.


Name any two Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies


Give the meaning of Database Management System.


III.    Answer any six of the following in not more than fifteen lines each. Each question carries five marks.    6 x 5 = 30

23.    Briefly explain any five factors required to establish an Industrial Enterprise.

24.    Write five differences between Advertising and Salesmanship.

25.    State the services of Indent Houses.

26.    State the merits of Debentures.

27.    State the procedure for opening a Bank Account.

28.    State the social responsibilities of a Business towards Consumers.

29.    Briefly explain the Rights of Consumers.

30.    Briefly explain the career opportunities in Electronic Media.

31.    State the benefits of E-Commerce.


IV.    Answer any three of the following in not more than thirty lines each. Each question carries ten marks.    3 x 10 = 30

32.    Explain the methods of remunerating salesman.

33.    Write the merits and demerits of Foreign Trade.

34.    Explain the functions of Stock Exchanges.

35.    Explain the various policies under Life Insurance.

36.    Write the advantages and disadvantages of Air Transport.

SECTION - E ( Practical oriented questions )

V.    Answer any two of the following. Each question carries five marks :

5 x 2 = 10

37.    What qualities are expected from an effective salesman ?

38.    List ten Stock Exchanges in India.

39.    As a common man, what obligations do you expect from a Businessman to protect Environment ?

Code No. 27

[ Total No. of Printed Pages : 4

Total No. of Questions : 39 ]

March, 2008


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]

[ Max. Marks : 100

( Kannada Version )

I. X>A 0a    ododo daX.dS Job. d,& d4,n odo oX :

co     ZS <=i    > co o    ZS ZS <=i

10 X 1 = 10

1.    a-X XnaOXrt odo ad} X&S.

2.    -aortra {ae-a3 />d)add) odo >do ,0b.

3.    W.T.O. . >,0b.

c    _0

4.    ,adJ,d odo >do 3$b.

5.    N.S.E. . >,0b.

c    _0

6.    na6oS </>d)add odo yadrdd, ,0b.

7.    A, do<d </>d)add) odo daSbdd, ,0b.

8.    ,a0rtd odo X,rado 3$b.


9.    d edd rdoct X&S.

10.    -da&.d o o,aX, Jd< rtJ.dod odo ododd 3$b.

6 ot    o 6    6    &    ot

II. X> d>n >  <zd)ad)    d3 drt 0-do daXrt oeddoJ

Job. d,3 dn 0ddo oXrt>o :

10 X 2 = 20

11.    da adoJp ddd rdoct X&S.

12.    Xxo X d rdoct Xs.

13.    diad 0oddeo ?

14.    ea)da odda>d doe d,ad TOdod 0ddo ort>oct doo.

15.    SEBI d 0d do yadrrtd 3$b.


16.    do,av aa dnard} ( Electronic Fund Transfer ) 0odde ?

6 & 

17.    dad 3rtbd daSbd ( Paid-up policy ) rdot X&S.

18.    laoXdrt 0oddeo ?

19.    ,adr&aX a,ao d$rt n> rdot 3$b.

20.    ddrodd &XJio 0ddo ddd} X&S.

21.    i/dddd 0ddo >Xd>dd d>do add}    ,o.

22.    deie," adF}io ( DBMS ) dFdo. X&S.


III.     X> Ad)rt> i/dddd wdo drtrt, d, dn dado ,3ort$rt oeddoJ Jo. d do odrt>o :    6 x 5 = 30

23.    odo XoXed.wdodr <o riJd i/dddd do o2rt>ocR ,o3,d dbA do.

oOk 2

24.    {edJo do Jo Xio X do d.JD.,rt>o dioo.

_o y    6 6    

25.    XeoXio rt)n> ,edrt>R $.

26.    ,<d J,n> oXJrt>ocR $.

27.    nos* z>Jioo Jdiood dd $.

28.    Xrodd diod d.ddX dod ,3d/X dnoXdoo $.

co 6    u    ot

29.    >Xddd dXo.rto, ,oS,ddAdO.

rj    c    oOk _o

30.    do,wv dzdadddd ( Electronic media ) ed d d52rt>ocR ,os,d dA do.

oOk 0

31.    -5bdo,"F ( E-commerce ) dert>o $.

IV.     X> Ad)n> i/>d)ddd dodo dnn, d, dn dodJo ,ort$rt

oed doJ Jo. d,3 d,4tf dJo odn>o :    3 x 10 = 30

-e y y -o

32.    X,io Jodort ,od aedod    do.

33.    de5 d.dd d oX<J do Jo oX)Jrt>oJ doo.

2)    _D    c

34.    2edo adoio Xeodn > ioFrt do.

35.    ed doio d dSrt>bR do.

36.    db>ioo ,3ortio oXJ do Jo oXioJ n > o d ioo.

_D    c

V.     X> Ad)rt> i/d)ddd 0rfdOR Jo. d drt do odrt>o : 2x5= 10

37.    ioe X,io Jodaod aoeSdodd rtorart>o i/>d)d) ?

38.    rndJddod dJo 2edo adoio Xeod,rt>o d, d/S.

   co    _o    ct eo

39.    d/ dj{i/A,    dbdoood do,dd ,odd\}n oO/d &d>ro> ort>o aoeS,,o eo ?

CO    ct    oOk _0


I. Answer all ten questions in a sentence each. Each question carries one


10 x 1 = 10


Give an example of Extractive Industry.


Name any one form of Outdoor Advertising.


Expand W.T.O.


State one type of Debenture.


Expand N.S.E.


State any one function of a Bank.


Name one policy under Fire Insurance.


Mention one feature of Water Transport.


Give the meaning of Career.


State any one of the resources required for

implementation of



II. Answer any ten of the following questions in not more than two sentences each. Each question carries two marks.    10 x 2 = 20


Give the meaning of Air-conditioning.


Give the meaning of Salesmanship.


What is Publicity ?


Write any two factors influencing short term Finance.


Mention two functions of SEBI.


What is Electronic Fund Transfer ?


Give the meaning of paid-up policy.


What are Tankers ?


Give the meaning of public warehouses.


State two examples of Business Ethics.


Name any two Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies


Give the meaning of Database Management System.


III.    Answer any six of the following in not more than fifteen lines each. Each question carries five marks.    6 x 5 = 30

23.    Briefly explain any five factors required to establish an Industrial Enterprise.

24.    Write five differences between Advertising and Salesmanship.

25.    State the services of Indent Houses.

26.    State the merits of Debentures.

27.    State the procedure for opening a Bank Account.

28.    State the social responsibilities of a Business towards Consumers.

29.    Briefly explain the Rights of Consumers.

30.    Briefly explain the career opportunities in Electronic Media.

31.    State the benefits of E-Commerce.


IV.    Answer any three of the following in not more than thirty lines each. Each question carries ten marks.    3 x 10 = 30

32.    Explain the methods of remunerating salesman.

33.    Write the merits and demerits of Foreign Trade.

34.    Explain the functions of Stock Exchanges.

35.    Explain the various policies under Life Insurance.

36.    Write the advantages and disadvantages of Air Transport.

SECTION - E ( Practical oriented questions )

V.    Answer any two of the following. Each question carries five marks :

5 x 2 = 10

37.    What qualities are expected from an effective salesman ?

38.    List ten Stock Exchanges in India.

39.    As a common man, what obligations do you expect from a Businessman to protect Environment ?

Code No. 27

[ Total No. of Printed Pages : 4

Total No. of Questions : 39 ]

March, 2008


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]

[ Max. Marks : 100

( Kannada Version )

I. X>A 0a    ododo daX.dS Job. d,& d4,n odo oX :

co     ZS <=i    > co o    ZS ZS <=i

10 X 1 = 10

1.    a-X XnaOXrt odo ad} X&S.

2.    -aortra {ae-a3 />d)add) odo >do ,0b.

3.    W.T.O. . >,0b.

c    _0

4.    ,adJ,d odo >do 3$b.

5.    N.S.E. . >,0b.

c    _0

6.    na6oS </>d)add odo yadrdd, ,0b.

7.    A, do<d </>d)add) odo daSbdd, ,0b.

8.    ,a0rtd odo X,rado 3$b.


9.    d edd rdoct X&S.

10.    -da&.d o o,aX, Jd< rtJ.dod odo ododd 3$b.

6 ot    o 6    6    &    ot

II. X> d>n >  <zd)ad)    d3 drt 0-do daXrt oeddoJ

Job. d,3 dn 0ddo oXrt>o :

10 X 2 = 20

11.    da adoJp ddd rdoct X&S.

12.    Xxo X d rdoct Xs.

13.    diad 0oddeo ?

14.    ea)da odda>d doe d,ad TOdod 0ddo ort>oct doo.

15.    SEBI d 0d do yadrrtd 3$b.


16.    do,av aa dnard} ( Electronic Fund Transfer ) 0odde ?

6 & 

17.    dad 3rtbd daSbd ( Paid-up policy ) rdot X&S.

18.    laoXdrt 0oddeo ?

19.    ,adr&aX a,ao d$rt n> rdot 3$b.

20.    ddrodd &XJio 0ddo ddd} X&S.

21.    i/dddd 0ddo >Xd>dd d>do add}    ,o.

22.    deie," adF}io ( DBMS ) dFdo. X&S.


III.     X> Ad)rt> i/dddd wdo drtrt, d, dn dado ,3ort$rt oeddoJ Jo. d do odrt>o :    6 x 5 = 30

23.    odo XoXed.wdodr <o riJd i/dddd do o2rt>ocR ,o3,d dbA do.

oOk 2

24.    {edJo do Jo Xio X do d.JD.,rt>o dioo.

_o y    6 6    

25.    XeoXio rt)n> ,edrt>R $.

26.    ,<d J,n> oXJrt>ocR $.

27.    nos* z>Jioo Jdiood dd $.

28.    Xrodd diod d.ddX dod ,3d/X dnoXdoo $.

co 6    u    ot

29.    >Xddd dXo.rto, ,oS,ddAdO.

rj    c    oOk _o

30.    do,wv dzdadddd ( Electronic media ) ed d d52rt>ocR ,os,d dA do.

oOk 0

31.    -5bdo,"F ( E-commerce ) dert>o $.

IV.     X> Ad)n> i/>d)ddd dodo dnn, d, dn dodJo ,ort$rt

oed doJ Jo. d,3 d,4tf dJo odn>o :    3 x 10 = 30

-e y y -o

32.    X,io Jodort ,od aedod    do.

33.    de5 d.dd d oX<J do Jo oX)Jrt>oJ doo.

2)    _D    c

34.    2edo adoio Xeodn > ioFrt do.

35.    ed doio d dSrt>bR do.

36.    db>ioo ,3ortio oXJ do Jo oXioJ n > o d ioo.

_D    c

V.     X> Ad)rt> i/d)ddd 0rfdOR Jo. d drt do odrt>o : 2x5= 10

37.    ioe X,io Jodaod aoeSdodd rtorart>o i/>d)d) ?

38.    rndJddod dJo 2edo adoio Xeod,rt>o d, d/S.

   co    _o    ct eo

39.    d/ dj{i/A,    dbdoood do,dd ,odd\}n oO/d &d>ro> ort>o aoeS,,o eo ?

CO    ct    oOk _0


I. Answer all ten questions in a sentence each. Each question carries one


10 x 1 = 10


Give an example of Extractive Industry.


Name any one form of Outdoor Advertising.


Expand W.T.O.


State one type of Debenture.


Expand N.S.E.


State any one function of a Bank.


Name one policy under Fire Insurance.


Mention one feature of Water Transport.


Give the meaning of Career.


State any one of the resources required for

implementation of



II. Answer any ten of the following questions in not more than two sentences each. Each question carries two marks.    10 x 2 = 20


Give the meaning of Air-conditioning.


Give the meaning of Salesmanship.


What is Publicity ?


Write any two factors influencing short term Finance.


Mention two functions of SEBI.


What is Electronic Fund Transfer ?


Give the meaning of paid-up policy.


What are Tankers ?


Give the meaning of public warehouses.


State two examples of Business Ethics.


Name any two Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies


Give the meaning of Database Management System.


III.    Answer any six of the following in not more than fifteen lines each. Each question carries five marks.    6 x 5 = 30

23.    Briefly explain any five factors required to establish an Industrial Enterprise.

24.    Write five differences between Advertising and Salesmanship.

25.    State the services of Indent Houses.

26.    State the merits of Debentures.

27.    State the procedure for opening a Bank Account.

28.    State the social responsibilities of a Business towards Consumers.

29.    Briefly explain the Rights of Consumers.

30.    Briefly explain the career opportunities in Electronic Media.

31.    State the benefits of E-Commerce.


IV.    Answer any three of the following in not more than thirty lines each. Each question carries ten marks.    3 x 10 = 30

32.    Explain the methods of remunerating salesman.

33.    Write the merits and demerits of Foreign Trade.

34.    Explain the functions of Stock Exchanges.

35.    Explain the various policies under Life Insurance.

36.    Write the advantages and disadvantages of Air Transport.

SECTION - E ( Practical oriented questions )

V.    Answer any two of the following. Each question carries five marks :

5 x 2 = 10

37.    What qualities are expected from an effective salesman ?

38.    List ten Stock Exchanges in India.

39.    As a common man, what obligations do you expect from a Businessman to protect Environment ?


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