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Pre University Board 2011 P.U.C Political Science Pre-university - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 07:30Web

Total No. of Questions : 40 ]    Code No. 29

Total No. of Printed Pages : 7 ]

March, 2011


( Kannada arid English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes 1    [ Max. Marks : 100

(Kannada Version)

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ii)    Figures in the margin indicate full marks.

iii)    Write correct question numbers for your answers.

I.    Answer the following questions in one sentence each :    10x1 = 10

1.    Who is called "the mobile university ?

2.    Where was Ambedkar born ?

3.    What is Sarvodaya ?

4.    Expand L.P.G.

5.    Who is the present Chief Election Commissioner of India ?

6.    What is Defection ?

7.    Which is considered as Bible of democracy ?

8.    What is public opinion ?

9.    Which is the root word of administration ?

10.    When was U.N. founded ?

II.    Answer any ten of the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences each :

10 x 2 = 20

11.    Name the works of Plato.

12.    Write a brief note on Janapada.

13.    What is minority representation ?

14.    Name any two political rights.

15.    What is strike ?

16.    What is privatisation ?

17.    What is Universal Adult Franchise ? Give examples.

18.    Mention two advantages of Electronic Voting Machine.

19.    What is a coalition government ?

20.    What is civil service ?

21.    Define corruption.

22.    Name the permanent member countries of Security Council.

III. ' Answer any eight of the following questions in 15 to 20 sentences each :

8 x 5 =; 40

23.    Discuss Aristotles classification of government.

24.    Write the place, period and works of Karl Marx.

25.    What are the political implications of Globalisation ?

26.    Explain briefly the electoral process in India.

27.    Discuss any five agencies of public opinion.

28.    Explain any Jive types of pressure groups.

29.    Explain the features of Civil Service.

30.    Explain the functions of Union Public Service Cominissioh.

31.    What are the factors which promote secularism ?

32.    Explain the formation of Karnataka Lokayukta.

33.    Discuss the principles of Panchsheel.

34.    Explain the aims and objectives of SAARC.

IV.    Answer any two of the following questions in 30 to 40 sentences each :

2 x 10 = 20

35.    Explain Kautilyas concept of Saptanga theory.

36.    Explain the characteristics of political party.

37.    Discuss Ambedkars contribution towards the upliftment of depressed classes.


38.    Corruption is a great threat to democracy. Discuss.

V.    Answer the following questions in 15 to 20 sentences each :

2 x 5 = 10

39.    Write a brief note on the national leader whom you like.


It is essential to give reservation for women. Discuss.

40.    Illiteracy is an impediment to Indian democracy. Discuss.


How do you celebrate Independence day in your college ?


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