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Pre University Board 2011 P.U.C Sociology - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 07:00Web

Total No. of Questions : 42 ]    Code No. 28

Total No. of Printed Pages : 7 ]

March, 2011


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 100

( Kannada Verc'on )

I.    ZoOdD    :    10 x 1 = 10

1. SoOd    c&raroddjs toocb 5T3,e3erf SoTSdsS

' 2.    ejsosd <3odde;& ?

3.    soOk &50E0    tt?S&,ci>rts?&ds3ci> oirado ?

4.    $>& &1&02JC3

* >>.

5.    rfedri ffsoci crajOoloesSrfS So?i0Aj.

6.    ccte)    ssocraeak s&co srsSoei) zszSOXozo?

7.    ( TRYSEM )    OS,.

8.    o3%eo&    goddess ?

9.    33DticoscJs5d2 c&rad: ?

10.    2J3<y    &oc3de?> ?

II.    ofccroejdjs Sa srts?rt wdc& qiro six/ad: saris eroo :

10 x 2 = 20

11.    drsestosTOd <aode& ?

12.    7T5 o s>3ri <adc& 53o$rte?3> 3osS0&.

n    ,    6<

13.    sra*/ aoeo addj 3o?rt a&t|J6Loa& ?

14.    stooej ssMofc sort sto.53. ~es.

-S    A

15.    wasroSi 7c.TLoaocS    sfoafcrts rles?3 aoozatfofo 3o*0&.

16.    Soodo    tiSXiouti sSse3 stesS 8?cb >dc&    #&.

* J     *    oi

17.    3eod, &i020d <adc& edrts .as?*.

18.    s&iseo*3 <aoride?> ?

19.    7jjj0dra c3d??& ?

20.    rra,s> s> rfrldrl oiJssjjrodcLo dc&>

21.    yasedra aoridesb ? -


22.    jsaaadaod xSsiraacj s&eertorf oirasjjroddjs ad<> sSOraasfcrttf;

III.    o&s3)crac3ci srts?rt 15 ssarls eroo :    4 x 5 = 20

23.    zjsdec* sSs&s&ri s&ed zPzi osLSofc stos3s3?S> <aD.

*    cp cw y *    *t

24.    SJ0&5 S3r1S? ;TOto2S3    >e&.

25.    ojj3sroddo3 sodi orsrl? sjr3r*>.

26.    sfcdrtg ssociSrf eo&d srarfstorfsjsSs.'asSO.

o'    cp    =t

27.    srasraAdrarf &ea&rte*5&

J-J D    <*

28.    sradd sadrartskS sSoaroft 502>c)A)..

IV.    o&34<3& t54 arisJrt 15 srari eraOA; :    4 x 5 = 20

29.    EidSeo*    ?rasipeS    &b&,    &s35&.

*    eo *m    =t

30.    sjo5eo


31.    tocS3<3) w2o &1oeoc3 ffsokr-ris? ?j ajrfsScfri'sto s> ?&&.

   e-5     e    co    o(,    co

32.    d3<3 eo&dD acbOsJsksraftd&sS o&asScyadci


33.    dci TO,5irt    Zj0.

34.    d&j ssao <rSd2 c&Qojs3 Oridri & Srterttfsfr fr3r&.

CD    Cp    Ot

V.    ojjBsroddjs >dc& sris?r1 30    eroOAi :    2 x 10 = 20

35.    d>Beo) s&ssad s&ak dsJsj? <asio.

36.    23Do* sreorocSo rtaraorarts? 530>.

Code No. 28    4    '

37.    eo&d: >$    ste>scbs3    r3rAi.

38.    zssirads cSrtco Fds$ rtjsoatksj s&rtfS >s30Aj.

VI.    oirasiirodilQ dc& gjr\<A 15 srts troJ) :    2 x 5 = 10

39.    Ed?oi) sSs&sssci s&e<s3    riooio &eOcbs3 ed&s&fc >eSO&.

40.    oeofc zsSai    <Ss30*>.

41.    l9?Se    zjxted?3 siracS o3f-c3o&5& sSd:s3 sisiraK ?&qrad3

   C5    C<    C"3    *

wo&raes&rte doc&rtrWci &0& iSsS o&o.

42.    ferid, SoOciK?ri-s3riFr$ wodjsrvrfr rios' arosSfS zodctoO.

(English Version )

I.    Answer the following questions in one full sentence each :    10 x 1 = 10

1.    Mention any one of the early names of Hinduism.

2.    What is Pakka Food ?

3.    Who popularised the word Harijan ?

4.    Define Joint Family.

5.    Name any one women scholar of Vedic period.

6.    Which year was observed as International Womens Year ?

7.    Expand TRYSEM.

8.    What is National Integration ?

9.    Who introduced the term Sanskritisation ?

10.    What is Child Labour ?

II.    Answer any ten of the following questions in two to three sentences each :

10 x 2 = 20

11.    What is Communalism ?

12.    Name the two sects of Islam.

13.    How is the word Caste derived ?

14.    Define Dominant Caste.

/ _

15.    Name the Regional zones or Geographical distributions of Tribes.

Code No. 28 6


Mention any two legislations which affect Hindu Joint 'Family.


Mention two types of Nuclear Family.


What is Johar System ?


What is,Empowerment of Women ?


State any two differences between Village and City.


What is Modernisation ?


Mention any two effects of corruption on Society.

III.    Answer any four of the following in 15 sentences each :    4 x 5 = 20 Explain the impacts of Buddhist Culture on Indian Society.







Explain the social problems of Scheduled Castes.

Explain any Jive characteristics of Joint Family.

Explain the status of women during Vedic period.

Explain the effects of Westernisation.

Briefly examine the causes of Corruption.

IV.    Answer any four of the following in 15 sentences each :    4 x 5 = 20

29.    Explain the salient features of Indian Social Structure.

30.    Explain the concept of Adivasi Panchsheel.


31.    Analyse the functional changes of Joint Family in India.

32.    Discuss any five problems confronting women in Modern India.

33.    Explain the economic problems of Indian villages.


34.    Describe the working conditions of Child Labourers in India.

V.    Answer any two of the following In 30 sentences each :    2 x 10 = 20

35.    Explain the different facets of Indian Diversity.

36.    Explain the traditional characteristics of Caste.

37.    Describe the achievements of women in various fields in modern India.

38.    Explain the Governmental measures to prevent corruption.

VI.    Answer any two of the following in 15 sentences each :    2x5=10

39.    Explain the impacts of Western Culture on Indian Society.

40.    Explain the role of education in National Integration.

41.    Write a note on the contributions of Social Reform Movement to bring social change in 19th Century India.

42.    Explain the brief history of Backward Classes Movement in Karnataka.


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