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Pre University Board 2010 P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology Physics - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 06:25Web

Total No. of Questions : 40 ]    Code No. 33

Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 ]

June/July, 2010


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]

[ Max. Marks : 90

( Kannada Version )

'    i>    v    =t,    *    co    coco

odrto ddortoao,. ii) dadod dd o-n>0 ,oop /dez>/oodo doad    odn>ot ddortoao,.

>ri - A

I. X> A 0o d;4rt    o :

10 X 1 = 10

co ZJ <={,    _o

1. to 3drad )rt do<d do don zd d 34 nod d ?

& -0

2. 3 0d do d .eddrartod drt >  dod d s.d d .eddrartoo

6 & &

>,d,3 o d roddx d o0.

Jx cp    *    <=t

3. zd addz d) do djd 0odo    ?

4.    Jdortdd    wdrt ,oopdoJ    dertd ,J,do doO.

5.    q 1    q 2 00 0ddo wdeSrt>    q 1 , q 2 > 0 wrort,

doa d) eAdoJd ?

6.    odo adoeS d emf n aea.

7.    adodddX ,oopd <zd aodod) SajJo aododo ddQoJd ?

8.    y5F0oddeo ?

9.    LEDo /d)d3dd odo czodot d oO.

10.    OR JXf d3,dX, ,ooadoJ u0do rtraJeS <oo doO.

oi V    0    <=t

- B

ii. x>Ad)n> /d)ddd 0o dnn jo :    10 x 2 = 20

11.    Jrtd0Y >3 Sdrad Xad ao nodo artFdonod aXdeFo Sdrad d 3,ed do JeO,d oddd dezJdo d oO.

12.    aSdrad yo&dj doJ d o d,dadd do zdo ? pei3 XradoQrt

noadod SS o n Je3 <oo doO.

_0    _D    c{,

13.    X>n Xdod dsortSo deAb deXdra d J ,oobdoS %,o{ rtodSo X, S :

Ot    V

Xd :

SS &) d : X = 678 nm


be>ortoQrt > oSd : d = 035 mm

ddd be>ortoart> SdoaS dd : D = 1 m.

14.    to ado,3*S0 n3,*S aododSo adOb.

cp    6    co    <=t

15.    b0odd* ddXd ddo, dd ddXJ o rtSeS oSo doO.

*    _>    7    *    o

16.    aeis* ( Wheatstone ) {3<d oddBd dS doO. aeis* {3<d ,oSo0S aododSo doO.


17.    yoS ( Magnetic dip ) 3rt $aoo yoed Seo &Xrt>

d.Z . aea.

6 6

18.    dd o ado63B@oo d,ed} o aodort>o $b.

19.    3)*3d* deZrt>odde ? ,odra    njd raddrt Srnd >S ded) /d OeodAdoSod ?

20. , o, X    rioriX DdDXrt>ode ?

_D    _D

21.    de, 3drart > 0d rtoraoX.rart > d dDO.

oOk    Ot

22.    ,Xrt > ( Liquid crystals ) 0do >rt> D dDO.

- c

III.     X> )rt >y /)ad oo Oft :    1 x 5 = 5

23.    ,ao; /,d0 aD , aD ne> <0 &e$ X, n, u, v, R

~ 6    CO    _D    CO?    Ot    CO _> *    U    -C

n >  ra ,oo,X ,d ajft. , oXe n>d otqXd , oXe n> d oadD .


24.    O-eD ( Double refraction ) oOT dezarfoQrt aOft. ,a/ 3dra dJd    3drart$rt X>rt ,ooftoJ    n>D dDO.

i)    ert

ii)    D;aeXdra , <

IV.     X> )rt >0 /)ad 0do    Oft :    2 x 5 = 10

25. o<a&X de ( Equivalent resistance ) 0o de ? Ddo deXrt > e ( Series ) o0 OraaDyaO deD jA

26.    LCR ,d:Odd0 ad,3,d3X, d)d,3 X.:: >XOdo

CO    5 y    trjcp    oOkot

n 3e3 ad,3 &.

_o    <={,    _o

27.    dadS* d    ed ad d}:: , OdA d:0.

V.     X> A d)rt >0 /d)d3dd 0dd $rt 30 :    2 x 5 = 10

28.    && id d - d/ra: - n ,ooQ e- o3 d d,3d n>>

4    cp    Jx    <={,

29.    a) X> A d)> :    :

i)    dj:,oaX %p-3Od ( Decay constant )

ii)    3F::

b) N = N 0 e - x deA mrart d:3: d.&aX -oXX,

0    *    _0 oOk    Cp    T?

d:d ,OOdd: 3.

30.    dddrrt> d: dO3d ddd d:e d3Xrt>o, drd3Xrt>o d:3: rod Xrt> doa d .3., n > > d:0.

_o    >><={,

VI.     X> A d)rt >0y /d)d3dd ddo $rt 30& :    3 x 5 = 15

31.    0-25 m d d,ad:d d:3 T524 d3,ed3OXad:d aeo 0

cJ    _o    Zs *    J    =t    co

, OdPrardA d::>oAd. ae0 d 3,ed OXd) T333 wAdd- Od: 3 3drad) 40 Xe d0    d,a: d:e ddd, an rd: 3drad

,rd < &d :

ci    CO    <=t    tr

32.    WdeS 20 uC dDd oD &oD WdeSdD O oDa0    A dD0 B

~    t    CO    0

&oDrt>D O odDaaod X,dDd3A 005 m    015 m ddd0 d. A dD0

_>    CO    0

B Ort>0 dDrod adrt>o XodoaDO. 16 x 10 - 19 C

co    *    <=t

wdeSadod odD wdeSdo B odoaaod A odoart d< Seyd X<, d


4 0}dDd O XodDaDO.


33.    odD TO.<,eaDe&d ded 50 n dDD dd0 ae ,,e0 dDDod

> oS    4    >    co    -o

0,< rtOTrf Xad adD    2 mA. n6<zeaoewdD

a)    0 - 3A adDdd    dDFd aDved

b)    0 - 5V ad>oddo > DDd dord dpecaoe&d

en 4 Od 3f, < . ?

4 6

34.    0-2 kg d,d6oa&D 92 U235 , o4prdn ad> nodrt idDrtd /rtod Dj S do 3ded- d d ( kWh ) 0 X@ a. 92 U235 4 ad> d0 idDrt d/rtod Ss 200 MeV.

CO    _0

vii. x> n d>n>0 /d)d oo djSn 0 :    1 x 5 = 5

35.    a 0y ,ortdDdd    a0CY dX do XodoaDod dD<X odD &e dD,dd d, a dSjedsoXdrfo

_o    ZJ 4    <=t

XodoaDod 4,en d a do ad o&.

36.    oD d,dd a4j ned o adD aaod {i yeod/4 Xd o 4 efl& XodoaDod dert do ad 0&.

VIII. d)rt ><) /ddd oo dn O :    1 x 5 = 5

37. 0ddo dedrt>o {ea, X>A ort>o ddooAd. Ldj

<={, 7 <={, aododo dert> , d {ed } aododo ,dzod

{ed } aodod o 3> d/a, d,dzedO : d : R 1 = 2Q , R 2 = 4Q

, do den >o :

co    *

@e*joe&-* Qeon*



V in volts

Qe&orFI in








, dz d d den>o :

CO    *

@e*joe&-* Qeon*



V in volts

Qe&on* I in








38. i6o{ol n6<zeaoewo rfert d X> A ort > o Xodo B H oo dodoaoO :


,odoo r = 7-96 X 10 - 2 m ,rt > , oZ6 n = 2


ZOvettc* Qeon* I in amp

m,, K.faie&oeteu* &3

v cJ r?

9 i

9 2

9 3

9 4













e)ri - D

IX. X> dsn>0 /d)ddd drt JO :    1 x 10 = 10 39. a) ,>X,,d S FXd o 4ert X, drt S <ood 4240 A

o\V    d

1\&dS Fud dJd

wAdoJd. ,>X d S FXd dd,dra aooo 3 x 10 - 7 m wdrt , d d

dS)oAeo Xedo XodoaoO. 0 ya wdeS 16 x 10 - 19 C 0odo Xd dd XX\oY 0 yarf wdoo a@&.    4

b) dd n>o 0oddeo    ? odo Xrad wdertdo doo&doJ w Xrad a ,efi ood X,    ,aoeXdrado doO. XdSFXd

ZJ CO CO tr    Ot gJ) oOk&

JJzdo d oO.    4

c) zoo-djedXJ    d d,jd d,edXJ n > J Jrt > o >,d ,3d n> o

#&. 2

40. a) odo d d dzraoa 0,,    51 x 10 - 11 m d dJd 0,

,oJo k> d3 n, dd XX.o Xeod,d0 yoJ X.eJd oo 134 I ,3

0 0 CO 7    oOk    CO    oOk    CO

wAdoJd. ndd yarf XX\o0, wdoo XodoaoO. 4

b)    wde5 J ddXd ( Charged capacitor ) S ,ort|X@ Jdo dJjA 4

c)    d,eXdrado dd oco Seyd aod n>o d oO.    2

( English Version )

Note : i) Numerical problems solved without writing the relevant formulae carry no marks.

ii) Answers without relevant diagram / figure / circuit wherever necessary will not carry any marks.


I. Answer all the following questions :    10 x 1 = 10

1.    When a ray of white light passes through a prism which colour is most deviated ?

2.    Write the condition for constructive interference in terms of phase difference between two interfering waves of light.

3.    Name the phenomenon which illustrates the transverse nature of UgM.

4.    Give the expression for the speed of light in terms of its frequency and wavelength.

5.    Two point charges q 1 and q 2 are such that q 1 q 2 > 0. What is the

nature of the force between the charges ?

6.    Define emf of a cell.

Code No. 33    10

7.    Which law of Kirchhoff related to frequency signifies conservation of

energy ?

8.    What are quarks ?

9.    Mention any one application of LED.

10.    Write the Boolean equation for OR logic gate.


II. Answer any ten of the following questions :    10 x 2 = 20

11.    Draw a neat diagram to show refraction of a ray of monochromatic

light passing through a prism in the position of minimum deviation.

12.    Who proposed quantum theory of radiation ? Give the expression for

energy associated with a photon.

13.    Calculate the fringe width of the interference pattern from the

following data :

Wavelength of the light X = 678 nm

Distance between the slits d = 0-35 mm

Distance between the slits and the screen D = 1 m.

14.    State and explain Gauss theorem in electrostatics.

15.    With a neat diagram of a cylindrical capacitor, write an expression for

its capacitance.

16.    Draw a circuit diagram of Wheatstone's network. Give the condition

for balance of a Wheatstone's network.

17.    Define the terms 'magnetic dip' and 'horizontal component of earth's

magnetic field'.

18.    State Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction.

19.    What are Fraunhoffer lines ? What is the type of spectrum of sunlight

observed during total solar eclipse ?

20.    What are coherent scattering and incoherent scattering ?

21.    Give any two properties of LASER.

22.    Mention two types of liquid crystals.


III. Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

23.    Derive the relation connecting u, v, n and R for refraction at a spherical surface concave towards a point object in denser medium, where the symbols have their usual meaning.

24.    Explain double refraction with a neat diagram. Distinguish between the ordinary ray and the extraordinary ray with specific reference to (i) the speed of light and (ii) the plane of polarisation.

IV.    Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 5 = 10

25.    What is meant by equivalent resistance ? Obtain an expression for the effective resistance of three resistors connected in series.

26.    Obtain an expression for the current in a series LCR circuit, with the appropriate phase diagram.

27.    Give Einstein's explanation of photoelectric effect.

V.    Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 5 = 10

28.    State the postulates of Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom.

29.    a) Define the following terms :

i)    Decay constant

ii)    Half-life of a radioactive element.

b) Assuming N = No e~Xt obtain an expression for half-life period of a radioactive element in terms of its decay constant.

30.    Distinguish between conductors, semiconductors and insulators on the basis of Band theory of solids.

VI.    Answer any three of the following questions :    3 x 5 = 15

31.    A parallel sided glass slab of thickness 0-25 m having refractive index of 1-524 is completely immersed in water of refractive index 1-333. A ray of light is incident on it at an angle of 40. Calculate the lateral shift produced.

32.    A point charge of 20 C is situated at a point O. A and B are

points 0-05 m and 0-15 m away from this charge. Find the potential at A and B. Also find the work done to move a point charge of 1-6 10-19 C from B to A.

33.    A galvanometer of resistance 50 D requires a current of 2 mA for full scale deflection. How do you convert it into

a)    an ammeter of range 0 - 3A and

b)    a voltmeter of range 0 - 5V ?

34.    Calculate the energy released in kilowatt-hour ( kWh ) when 0-2 kg of 92 U235 undergoes fission completely. Assume that the average energy

released per fission of 92 U235 nucleus is 200 MeV.

VII.    Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

35.    Describe an experiment to determine the refractive index of the material of a convex lens by finding its focal length by shift method and radius of curvature by Boy's method.

36.    Describe an experiment to determine the specific heat of a liquid using Joule's calorimeter.

VIII. Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

37. Verify the laws of combination of resistances using Ohm's law, from the following observations recorded in an experiment :

Given : R 1 = 2H and R 2 = 4H.

Resistances in series :



Voltmeter reading V in volts

Ammeter reading I in ampere







Resistances in parallel :



Voltmeter reading V in volts

Ammeter reading I in ampere







38. Calculate the reduction factor of the TG and find the value of BH at the place from the following data :

Radius of the coil r = 7-96 x 10-2 m No. of turns used in the coil n = 2.



Ammeter reading I in amp

Deflection in TG

0 1

0 2

0 3

0 4














IX. Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 10 = 10

39. a) In an experiment with a microscope, light of wavelength 4240A is used. The limit of resolution is found to be 3 x 10 -7 m. What is the semivertical angle ?    4

b)    What are matter waves ? Give the expression for de Broglie wavelength in terms of linear momentum of the particle. Give the principle of electron microscope.    4

c)    Name the devices working on the principle of self-induction and mutual induction.    2

40. a) In an atom, an electron encircles in a path of radius

centre of the orbit. Given the charge of electron to be

orbit.    4

b)    Derive the expression for energy stored in a charged capacitor. 4

c)    Mention the conditions for sustained interference pattern.    2


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You are here: PAPER Pre University Board 2010 P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology Physics - Question Paper