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Pre University Board 2010 P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology Biology - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 06:10Web

Total No. of Questions : 42 ]    Code No. 36

Total No. of Printed Pages : 8 ]

June/July, 2010


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 90

( Kannada Version )

: i)    ribdo&d    &a&.

ii) n > 0r nbdo, d 3,n oXn>aed

- I

-    a

X> AS dJ,rtd,3od X>, odo d d odo OTX.d 0 3 0 : 5 x 1 = 5

ZJ <=t    ZJ    tr    *    & cn -o

1.    oiS 00ddeSo ?

2.    dd ad ( Solute potential ) dS dza.

3.    <05)4,ol ( Explant ) 0oddeSo ?

4.    ddoo300c,dd ( Extrastellar ) Oeo dr3 onoX@ odo dd}


5.    eodedS ( Solarization ) 0oddeo ?

-    b

X> AS d,n > 0, /d)3dd d, dodX 2 0od 5 dX6n> 0, 3 0 :    5 x 2 = 10


6.    XooXd/ ( Collenchyma ) otoo d /d)ddd s<D4    d0.

7.    , , otoo X)&0, dPedX d/ddod 0r ( Nutrient medium ) 3 /0,<o d eA,d d;doon d,3aX dort ( Components ) rt > Sb d<0.

8.    rodj a, &f aded X d ,rt > od deo ? /d)dd d& 0d do d d }n > Sb Xa.

9.    a.0.0. d)ddo/nodn d ,od /d)ddd    > So , 0.

10.    a<0Xo , , d;Qe&Xrt ( Gaseous phytohormone ) odo d d } Xa. d 0od , ,6rt> doe3rtod /d)dd d& 0d do d 0}drt > S

11.    2, 4, 5 - T a, 0 do3 d d d,doon.3 Sb, d <0.

_0    _0    Zs    )    Oi

-    c

X>A zdddd s<o4    dodX dadd 200 - 250

ddrt>0 doO :    4 x 5 = 20


12.    eoo ( Phloem ) d beXo oddBd d o &ab, n> o rtodob, ad Ob.

13.    , cp o dra ( Translation ) d o dBab. <d,e , oeo ,3 3o drad3 rtod    d o ad Ob.

cp    co    *    <=t

14.    d o d3 & o,q d0 d >eA,d d Xdrart > , o3,d d3A ad Ob.

esn    CO    f-\    oUk _0

15.    d ,dod;d <oo b,ed dr &d &< aro bd3 o doart ad Ob.

kZs    et eo        *    cp

16.    X, do-,jO0eXdrad e&d daado doO.

17.    a) yod ed Xe n >o ( Stem cells ) 0od de ?    2

b)    AUG o d,3,oXe d o d oO. do /d do,e wdo d o    d ? 2

'    ZJ    t    a)    co t    _o

c)    d d.o , o ed} o0 wd w ed Xe d3A ( Host cell ) d eA,d

'    oi    v    co    co    * 6

odo roeOzd o , Ob.    1

-    d

I.     X>A dn > 0 /d)d3dd oo drt Ob :    1 x 5 = 5

18.    EMP ddd es3d d;aazdot d oO.

19.     X> A d)nydra Xa :    5 x 1 = 5

a)    SCID deArt>o doe0od doe ,X, edraort> ,eo3aod    d .

oOk    _0

b)    aeOd aX njd dPdXood ,,6rt >o raA ood .

c)    do> n<d0CY dodd roA<ort>o 3 d o<o dod* doo<o Xdrtod .

d)*' wdo do daor 0odo Xd oo d .

'    (~J    CO t    0

e)    Xrdrt> RQ odo wAdod .

wjdo    )

II.     X>A /d)d3dd oo d, Ob :    1 x 5 = 5

20.    ,X 0> a,d> ,,.d eO d beXo mrtrt>o rtodobd odd3d

&5    >    OS    4    t

d o d oO.

21.    a) yn d d raren aq3 dert d0 ed ra, ojdod , ,6rt> d rar oo

( Pigments ) rt >  , Ob.    2

b)    Xodo odortoaX 3> d od d3d ;d o ab, n > or rtodob. 2

c)    Xero3j Xed d;en d do derfo ?    1

- ii (    )

-    e

X>h &rtgrt ti,SoddA odo tid dro odo ro3d.d 0 :5 x 1 = 5

ZJ <=t    ZJ    tr    *    & CO -0

22.    oort ad<jrt >0 ( Alleles ) 0oddeo ?

23.    d,d00<nro3d dodo & </d)0 ?

24.    XjdJ5 ( Chyme )

25.    3,,Xed dod 530F, oo d&d ( Functional unit ) d0 ,0&.

d    co    4        v    /    

26.    ,3 ad ti,ed n >od deo ?

cp    Jx 4

-    F

X>A    /d)3dd tinn 2 Ood 5 rod 0 :

5 x 2 = 10

27.    doO aa d do rtootirt > dod ti,S& d doo ti,S53ort > o ti d/a.

28.    ed dad<0 /d)3d0d do 3 n > 0r S$.

29.    do> aedo X00y d/dod /d)3dd& 0d do ort > o , 0&.

30.    doO ti 00 deeO wdod ( HCl ) /d)3dd 0ddo

ti; > 0r S$.

31.    053)0 ( Spermiogenesis ) 0oddo ? $)DO0y d 00d /d)3d d

0d do d 3d } n > 0r d o0.


32.    , d <dj (0d0d@d) 530Frt > 0r d 0O.

-    G

X>A /d)3dd s<o4 tiLn ti/Sodd dadd 200 - 250 ti d n >  d o0 :    4 x 5 = 20


33.    o) dAerdd ra aodo ( Law of independent assortment ) d 0 odo 3e0 3 d} oan ad o&.

34.    doN , d d$ 0oddeo ? do , odd\} 0 ed 3,X@ ,oopd /d)3dd

S3, a3 n > o ad o&.

6 <=i

35.    do> J    3,ooo d0.

36.    a) Bode,! ( B-lymphocytes ) rt> dsjdo do0Jo ,o3\d,dsfl d0. 2

b)    odoysd adedd ( Active immunity ) doJo a&o adedd ( Passive immunity ) rt> do /d)dsdd 0ddo d,wJ3,w,rt>o do0.    2

c)    o&ooss ( Interferons ) 0odde ?    1

37.    UosJd dododdra ( Negative feedback ) /odJ 0odde ? dood,w

ddo0Y-o , d@do d,d/rado aoo,,o0Y od)Jo do Jo doedeedd > dsJd o d 0&.

38.    &dsoo ( Placenta ) do dZa. &dsoo /d)dsdd ssco

ysorrt > o d 0&.


- h

I.     d> A d, > n /d)dsd d& oo d, J0 :    1 x 5 = 5

39.    d Oro0o ( Spinal cord ) drae$do sod dsd Jd o &a&, srt n > o rtodo, d 0&.

40.    a) ae0 ysd/ ( Cyanosis ) dd dr ddo, 0ddo ysdra da.    2

b)    rtdr aooJra 0odde ? & aooJ,rad0c.3 , 0,d /d)dsdd 0d do ,j0<{e(o{ n,d) s n> o , 0&.    2

c)    dosoa.,5* ( Holandric ) ert > odde ?    1

djdo    d/ )

II.     d> A /d)dsd d& oo d, J0 :    1 x 5 = 5

41.    nso 30d ( Graafian follicle ) srt rt > o rtodod soddsd Jd o d do, d 0&.

42. a) deeo oo do Jo d)do oo 0> n > do /d)dsdd 0ddo

d sJvd d .js.,n > o d o0.    2

& 6 6 <=t

b)    dsoo , oed onso d ( Areolar connective tissue ) Jd o

a, sn n > o ndo.    2

7 4

c)    dpe<@do ( Volkmann's ) s> rt >0 00 dododo Jd ?    1

( English Version )

i)    Draw diagrams wherever necessary.

ii)    Unlabelled diagrams will not carry any marks.


Answer the following questions in one word or in one sentence each :

1.    What are introns ?

2.    Define solute potential.

3.    What is explant ?

4.    Give an example for extrastellar secondary meristem.

5.    What is solarization ?


Answer any five of the following in 2 to 5 sentences each :    5 x 2 = 10

6.    Write any four functions of collenchyma tissue.

7.    Write the major chemical components of plant tissue culture nutrient medium.

8.    What are antitransparents ? Give any two examples.

9.    Name any four enzymes involved in DNA replication.

10.    Give an example for gaseous phytohormone. Mention any two of its effects on plants.

11.    Expand the abbreviation 2, 4, 5 - T and write its importance.


Answer any four of the following in about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable :    4 x 5 = 20

12.    With a neat labelled diagram describe V.S. of phloem.

13.    Define translation. Explain the process of translation in protein synthesis.

14.    Briefly explain the tools used in genetic engineering.

15.    Describe Steward's starch hydrolysis theory of stomatal movement.

16.    Write the schematic representation of non-cyclic photophosphorylation.

17.    a) What are stem cells ? List any two applications of stem cells.    2

b)    Write the anticodon of AUG and name the amino acid coded by this.


c)    Name a bacterium used as host cell in the synthesis of golden rice. 1


I. Answer any one of the following :    1 x 5 = 5

18.    Write the schematic representation of EMP pathway.

19.    Give reasons for the following :    5 x 1 = 5

a)    SCID patients suffer from recurrent microbial infection

b)    Overmanuring without water causes wilting and death of plants

c)    It is difficult to open and close wooden doors during rainy season.

d)    Abscissic acid is known as dormin.

e)    RQ value of carbohydrates is one.

( Questions only from the Practical syllabus )

II. Answer any one of the following :    1 x 5 = 5

20.    Sketch and label T.S. of a typical young dicot root showing anatomical details.

21.    a) Name the plant pigments separated in paper chromatography

experiment.    2

b)    Sketch and label Kuhne's fermentation tube.    2

c)    What is the significance of cobalt chloride experiment ?    1


Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each : 5 x 1 = 5


What are alleles ?


Which is the major greenhouse gas ?


Define chyme.


Name the functional unit of lungs.


What are endemic species ?


Answer any five of the following in about 2 to 5 sentences each :

5 x 2 = 10

27.    List the antigens and antibodies of different blood groups in man.

28.    Mention any two benefits of biodiversity.

29.    Name two techniques of rain water harvesting.

30.    Write any two roles of HCl in human digestion.

31.    What is spermiogenesis ? Write any two changes that occur during the process.

32.    Write the functions of cerebellum.


Answer any four of the following in about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable :    4 x 5 = 20

33.    Explain the 'law of independent assortment' with a classical example.

34.    What is soil erosion ? Explain any four biological methods of soil


35.    Explain the physiology of urine formation.

36.    a) Give a brief note on the role of B-lymphocytes.    2

b)    Mention any two differences between active immunity and passive immunity.    2

c)    What are interferons ?    1

37.    What is negative feedback mechanism ? Explain the role of liver and

pancreas in controlling blood sugar level.

38.    Define placenta. Explain any four functions of placenta.


I.    Answer any one of the following :    1 x 5 = 5

39.    With a neat labelled diagram, explain T.S. of spinal cord.

40.    a) Give the meaning and two causes of cyanosis.    2

b)    What is contraception ? Name two types of sterilization methods of birth control.    2

c)    What are holandric genes ?    1

( Questions only from the Practical syllabus )

II.    Answer any one of the following :    1 x 5 = 5

41.    With a neat labelled diagram describe the structure of Graafian follicle.

42.    a) Write any two structural differences between striated and

cardiac muscle fibres.    2

b)    Sketch and label the structure of areolar connective tissue. 2

c)    Where do you find Volkmann's canal ?    1


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