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Pre University Board 2010 P.U.C Sociology - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 06:05Web

Total No. of Questions : 42 ]    Code No. 28

Total No. of Printed Pages : 7 ]

June/July, 2010


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 100

( Kannada Version )

I.    Jea oo srar    J0ft :    10 x 1 = 10 1.    zjnadoo a,e do $ft.

2.     r 0r boJ da%eo do>a rodo 0, eaoJo ?

3. J - 0o deo ?

4. 05j on 00 0r 0 oft do zdo ?

5. 0ort sadJ o. r o aea.

6. naort > 0r {aeoJ 0-<rt >oo dd do zdo ?

7. adJ /}ad& oo 0j {a> , o o , 0ft.

8. ded wood 0odeo ?

9.    X3r&Xd odo d,< {33or ,O&.

10.    woaeXdra dOXqoo dOodddo /do ?

II.    X>A /d)3dd 0o drtrt S3 0ddo    dodo d3X6rt>0Y S :

10 X 2 = 20

11.    d on d ad3 0oddeo ?

12.    d3 II rto3dd do ,dod rndS d0 dod &3oAeo d AerXdrad o 3$.

*    co    t

13.    d323 3.eXdra 0odeo ?

ti 6

14.    {33o d3.Z ,oo, aea.

6 6 <=i

15.    d 05j d on d n > ci/djd3d d& 0ddo , do,rt> o doO.

16.    Xo&ood 0d do dd n>o </d)d) ?

17.    do>3 , 2 SeXdra 0o deo ?


18.    .d.a.&. ( I.R.D.P. ) o 0ddo d e2 n > o doO.

v    '    CO    Ot

19.    3J3dd rd o aea.

20.    y3aorXdo , oZ ,o0 Xododod 0d do X,n3OXrt > o , O&.

2    6    co    a)    <=t

21.    , 3d d 3 0o deo ?


22.    n3,aoera doSo n d , dood3ort >  doa , oo d o 3$.

y    -o    4 <=t

III.    X> A /d)3d d s<o4 d, S 3 15 dX6n> 0 SO :    4 x 5 = 20

23.    od> dord S s3z2rrt > o ad O&.

24.    d rar doSo {33rt >  doa d .33.,n > o d oO.

_o    6 6

25.    wdoad ddJd &eod o , do,,rt>o >$ e&.

*    *    co o'    6    =t, co

26.     O&j {3n > ,d/d , o,6rt> 0r ador.

27.    nea, ndo o3osrt> J,eo ?

28.    {eo orood <d,rart>3 w}rt>o a e&.

ZJ    oOk    co    t co

iv. x> a /)Sa4    j 15 dn > , jo : 4 x 5 = 20

29.    ad d do&ood 3 Od J r n ydrad 0n > 0 ad 0&.

* 0    CO    t

30.    edd rad do eXrt > o a e&.

li 6    t co

31.    d3< yaord , do, ,o yd rart > o ad 0&.

6    ot

32.    dedrt > y<d d aoY eod d/ d o ador.

33.    ddeo ndort > /)d do odran > o ad 0&.

34.    , o,aJ3oddra 0o deo ? d drd dJn > r a4,e&&.

V. x>    d 0dO $rt J 3 30 OTdn > y JO :    2 x 10 = 20

35.    ad d do&ood rtorad,rart > o ad o&.

_0    oOk    i.

36.    ,veodo d&Seo, ward, idd, aq JoJ,q XeJjrtS d/ad

'ey    7    r 7    7    ,-g,    oOk _>    co

,3d n > o a e&.

*    {,    CO

37. aJad aad} o<), , 0Ja o , aoo 5ad >aj ?

38. ad eo ,    oed , o,ao dad n > o adorft.

VI. X> /)a d& 0do    J da 15 rod/ > 0 JOft :    2 x 5 = 10

39. , ,ad}a woe> n> o doOJo doO.

40. caeo add Jd &6 doeao n > o adorft.

41. {ao ca&aeo daJ, o a e&ft.

_>    ot    CO

42. dz d do/>o 0odeo ? d,doon dz d do4rt > o ft.

( English Version )

I.    Answer the following questions in one full sentence each :    10 x 1 = 10

1.    Mention any one of the ancient names of our nation.

2.    Which year was observed as International Women's Year ?

3.    What is Taravad ?

4.    Who introduced the concept of 'Scheduled Tribe' ?

5.    Give the meaning of 'Gender discrimination'.

6.    Who called 'villages', the rat-holes of casteism ?

7.    Name any one of the scheduled caste groups of India.

8.    What is 'Lok Ayuktas' ?

9.    Name any one of the dominant caste of Karnataka.

10.    Who introduced the concept of 'Modernisation' ?

II.    Answer any ten of the following questions in two or three sentences each :

10 x 2 = 20

11.    What is Endogamy ?

12.    Mention Guha's classification of racial groups in India.

13.    What is Westernisation ?

14.    Define caste.

15.    Write any two problems of scheduled tribes.

16.    What are the two types of family ?

17.    What is empowerment of women ?

18.    Write two objectives of I.R.D.P.

19.    Give the meaning of corruption.

20.    Name two industries in which child labourers are found in large number.

21.    What is Sati system ?

22.    Mention the relationship between rural and urban community.

III.    Answer any four of the following in 15 sentences each :    4 x 5 = 20

23.    Describe the Philosophy and Ideals of Hindu Religion.

24.    Write the differences between Varna & Caste.

25.    Examine the five problems of women in modern India.

26.    Analyse the social problems of scheduled castes.

27.    Explain the role of Gram Panchayat in rural development.

28.    Examine the changes in the traditional characteristics of caste.

IV.    Answer any four of the following in 15 sentences each :    4 x 5 = 20

29.    Explain the factors contributed to the changes in joint family.

30.    Examine the five criticisms of westernisation.

31.    Explain the causes for the problem of child labour.

32.    Analyse the status of women during the Vedic period.

33.    Describe any five characteristics of Indian villages.

34.    What is Sanskritisation ? Examine its preconditions.

V.    Answer any two of the following questions in 30 sentences each :

2 x 10 = 20

35.    Explain the characteristics of Joint Family.

36.    Examine the achievements of women in the fields of Politics, Economics, Bureaucracy, Science & Technology.

37.    What are the recommendations of Santhanam Committee for the prevention of corruption ?

38.    Analyse the impact of Buddhist culture on Indian society.

VI.    Answer any two of the following in 15 sentences each :    2 x 5 = 10

39.    Write a short note on social reform movements.

40.    Analyse the essential elements of National Integration.

41.    Examine the political role of caste.

42.    What are Human rights ? Mention the main Human rights.

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