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M.D-M.D Dravya Guna 2nd Year Paper III - Prayog Vigyan (Kerala University of Health Sciences-2014)

Monday, 27 October 2014 10:22Nitha

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      Final Year PG Ayurveda Degree Supplementary Examinations – 
                                                            February 2014 
                                                         (Dravyaguna Vigyan)                                                        

                                                   Paper III - Prayog Vigyan 

Time : 3 hrs                                                                         Max marks : 100 

• Answer all questions 

Essay (20) 

1. Discuss the concept of bhaishajya sevena kala (Time of drug administration)

Short essays (8x10=80)

2. Explain pharmacovigilance in ayurveda.

3. List four amayika prayogas of VATA (ficus bengalensis)

4. List four drugs and its application methods for the treatment of athisara

5. Describe four indications of guduchi with divergent anupanas.

6. Discuss ruthu harithaki.

7. Describe the role of bioethics in clinical research.

8. Vardhamana pippali prayoga – Explain in detail about the method and indications

9. List four amayika prayogas for maricam


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