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Pre University Board 2010 P.U.C Sociology - exam paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 05:45Web

Total No. of Questions : 42 ]    Code No. 28

Total No. of Printed Pages : 7 ]

March, 2010


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]

[ Max. Marks : 100

( Kannada Version )

I.    33    4340, 3P& :

10 X 1 = 10

33 Z>00    0r DD. ora* e,* oa/ 00 4),X40r 4 d /d ? {3> 4 o3o 0oe ? drd0Y ,3&,3 /4)34> otii %o$4 4 n rrt > wert4 Dr , Dft. Xeo &&oo 0oe ? 33 4)4j 40 40>3    0r , Dft. 4/ 4 &@rt>o 0oe ?








8.    0,.0,*. ( SGSY ) Oo0 aOb.

9.    dd .eddra 0odde ?

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10.    ddr&dd h deydOooddo ,Ob.

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II. X>h O/d)ddd _o drtrt 3dd 0ddo 'd dodo ddd6rt><), 3,0b :

10 X 2 = 20

1 1. d)ed3ddd 0Od0 ?

12.    ,OOb O/d)ddd 0%2 ,dd/d r3rt>dd)d) ?

13.    {dd3 O/d)ddd 0tf%b waddbn > 0r , ob.

14.    d3dr O/d)dd d 0%2 aedaydd n > 0r $b.

15.    dd eOo bjeOod &o3 , o ,odd }<o {dd 3 , ydrd d,noadod

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O/d)dd 0(32 d, d3&d d,dort > 0 $b.

16.    Sort 3dd3 do6 0odde ?

17.    {{d/a d .d , 0od de ?

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18.    , o,_bj3doddrad {b d/dodftdod oO/d)ddd 02 adod3d

edrt > o b.


19.    {djdd do 3 d n j<o {dd 3 , ydd d) dnoadod oO/d)ddd 02 d, d3, d ddort> o b.

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20.    ,dd/d ddJ 0odde ?

21.    {dd 3 d {od d&o { d 0/d)dd d 02 {ined d <Oort > o , Ob.

22.    dod@> dddrad o ,da,<o doaOoodod O/d)ddd 02 o3 od%eOo , o, n > o , Ob.

cp    t

III. X>h ti/d)dadd <o4 drtrt ja 15 dad6rt>? JO :    4 x 5 = 20

23.    dad Jd daaord dadJtio adO.

24.    dd yaad ptio {a3 d6dtiod ti/d)dadd doad }n > 0r d Obe.

25.    dad J d wOdart > ti/d)dadd 3 , do,6rt > 0r d Obe.

26.    &$do do&ood doe d,ad ie0dod sa,aJ&d d,dort>ad)d) ?

27.    dod ,ya dad J d d &etiod ,a d/ d o ad0&.

4 6    4    n q o'    cp    ot

28.    d;ajadd ti/d)dadd d Oadort> 0r d Obe.

iv. x> a ti/d)dad d s3o4 dn j 15 dadn > ? jo : 4 x 5 = 20

29.    d,< {a3tio ardd oS n > 0r ad 0&.

30.    ad d do&ood d,yadrt > o ad o&.

4 _o    ZJ    <=t

31.    ,vetiod oJ & ,dad } tio ,ad/d wode< n >o d &&d daJ,d o

'ey    0    4    CO    -><={,

d Obe.

32.    dood wertd doon6 bdadrt >ad)d) ?

33.    wdoaeddrad yadrart > o ad 0&.

4 <=t

34.    na,do doJOo n d , doodatiort >  doa ti/d)dadd 03 dja, n > o rtodo3.

V.    /d)dadd    tea 30 daX6rt>0Y tOft :    2 X 10 = 20

35.    adeo ,d/d doe dast , o,aoo ieOdod d,addo adOft.

36.    md td 0 >adX Xo&ood , od o0 dod d ead }n > o aS e&ft.

*    CO    * 0    CO    0    cl    CO

37.    woaX rndt d0 ftneodo 0doO, eyaAdod , do,.rt> o rft.

*    *    co o'    6 =t

38.    ,ad r&aX ed d0 art ,ad r&aX ,eda d <od0 a,add

co    co    O eJ

d } n > o d O5e0ft.


VI.    X> A /d)ad d& 0do $rt t ea 15 daXrt > 0 tOft :    2 x 5 = 10

39.    d/d Xo@n > doon. <X\prt>ad)d) ?

40.    rndt d0 aa.d ot adod.ert , do, ,o d, doO.

*    co    t>    >    >    n

41.    ad t d 0 na,aoera > d n a3Xosdod /d)ad d&

e&n >ad)d) ?

42.    adeo , d/&d doe d/&3 t otqa d d O}adode ?

4    ~s o?>

( English Version )

I.    Answer the following questions in one full sentence each :    10 x 1 = 10

1.    Write any one of the ancient names of India.

2.    Who wrote the book Caste and Race in India ?

3.    What is Caste Panchayat ?

4.    Name any one of the Backward Class Commissions in Karnataka.

5.    What is Nuclear Family ?

6.    Name the first Women University of India.

7.    What are Human Rights ?

8.    Expand SGSY.

9.    What is westernisation ?

10.    Who is Lokayukta of Karnataka at present ?

II.    Answer any ten of the following in two to three sentences each :

10 x 2 = 20

11.    What is Regionalism ?

12.    Mention any two social disabilities of untouchables.

13.    Name any two tribes of India.

14.    Mention any two special powers of Karta.

15.    Mention any two legislative measures undertaken by Indian Government to improve the status of women.

16.    What is gender discrimination ?

17.    What is Jajmani system ?

18.    Mention any two critical comments about the concept of Sanskritisation.

19.    Name any two legislative measures of Government of India to prevent corruption.

20.    What is social heterogeneity ?

21.    Mention any two Geographical zones of the Tribes in India.

22.    Mention any two International Institutions working for the Welfare of Children.

III.    Answer any four of the following in 15 sentences each :    4 x 5 = 20

23.    Explain the religious diversity of India.

24.    Examine five changes in Caste system during British period.

25.    Examine any five problems of Tribes in India.

26.    What are the legislative measures influencing joint family ?

27.    Explain the status of women during Medieval India.

28.    Examine any five impacts of corruption.

IV.    Answer any four of the following in 15 sentences each :    4 x 5 = 20

29.    Explain the criteria to determine dominant caste.

30.    Explain the types of joint family.

31.    Examine the role of Social Reform Movements in improving the status of women.

32.    What are the main recommendations of the Mandal Commission ?

33.    Explain the causes of modernisation.

34.    Point out any five differences between Rural and Urban Communities.

V.    Answer any two of the following in 30 sentences each :    2 x 10 = 20

35.    Explain the impacts of Western Culture on Indian Society.

36.    Analyse the structural changes in Joint family in India.

37.    Discuss the problems confronting the women in Modern India.

38.    Examine the nature of corruption in public life and public service.

VI.    Answer any two of the following in 15 sentences each :    2 x 5 = 10

39.    What are the main features of Human Rights ?

40.    Write a note on the problem of Educated Unemployment.

41.    Give an account of any five rural development programmes in India.

42.    What is the impact of Information Technology on Indian Society ?

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