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Pre University Board 2010 P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology Biology - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 05:20Web

Total No. of Questions : 42 ]    Code No. 36

Total No. of Printed Pages : 8 ]

March, 2010


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]

[ Max. Marks : 90

( Kannada Version )

: i) rt36ad    rtodob    &ab.

ii) {drt n > 0r rtodo, 3, oirt>aed edrtoS)S<,-

- I (,,.33,)

- a

X> ft &Art$n dododo d Sd odo Sdi.d 0 3 Ob :5 x 1 = 5

ZJ {,    ZJ    tr    *    & CO -0

1.    ,,v0b,r ( Plasmolysis ) SdZdab.

2.    {ddj a, &f ade in >oddeo ?

3.    R.Q. 0odeo ?

4.    aid> , , . ydod d> Frt > o ( Vascular bundle ) aX doo d> F

6    I v    i$

( Closed vascular bundle ) 0;y3d d ?

'    '    t _D

5.    d , ( Golden rice ) 3/OXO0 d efibd e0 eSXeSSo

{,    U V    CO    *    t

( Host cell ) Ob.

- b

x> d,> 0Y </S)ddd    dodi 2 Oo 5 Sdirt > 0

3 Ob :

5 x 2 = 10

6.    3 $ , oXe3 /S)ddd ot<o <i\n > 0r d d/a.

7.    d,id ra ( Transcription ) do3o, rfoSdd S 0 ( Translation ) SdZdab.

8.    , ondi ddd xd/d ( Storage parenchyma ) d be$Xo 3jS 0 d do

{dn n > 0r nodob.

4 t

9.    {ddj a, &f o /S)dd co@ do 3n> 0r doO.

10.    > ( Auxins ) /S)dd d<o@ soed a,/3vi &d3jn> o ,b.

11.    { > S 00r Sd6Zd6ab. dn e, ( Log phase ) 0o de ?

- c

x>h /dddd S<04    dodd darfd 200 - 250

ddrt>0 diO :    4 X 5 = 20


12.    . Xe0i0Y ( E.coli ) <>65'-L>dd3S*' ( Lac-Operon ) dOd<jii 3, , 3

ad O&.

13.    d d f3 otoo n > /dddd rtora <d\prt > r d d/a.

14.    d0, d;d es3wd add} ii diO.

o3    cp    <={,

15.    add eaei d,353irt > ( Monoclonal antibodies ) 3 /O53 ad3 d ad O&.

co    ZJ    '    *    t

16.    ,*\ ( Yeast ) di3 3,y wdi d OT,,eO/rt> ( Lactic acid bacteria )

6 eJ    co    &eJ

J.,/WW OUU->U. UWUWJ /03;d3ii

,diivnd0 idirtoadi /o3,d3 ii adO.

&    CO    y    Gi

17. a.0.0. d>i 3o3,d3 i ( DNA fingerprinting technique ) /d)3d )c6 irt>ot d iO.

- d

I.     d>A djRn>0Y /d)d oo d, 3_oO :    1 x 5 = 5

18.    eddF    d3,0, ( Steward's starch hydrolysis ) rodR adO.

19.     x>Ad)nn sdra da :

a)    odi a.0.0. ddd/raia0CY aaiod ( Adenine ) ,ai ( Thymine )    rtodaiod ( Guanine ) ;,lert> ( Cytosine ) od3d) /dn< ode wAdi3_od .

b)    dldrti <d) O e l66j ( Gene taxi ) 0odi dd ii3d .

c)    , d did/ ( Sclerenchyma ) ono2d0 d3 d ,.13

'    c@    a)v    j    >    co    co & &

( Plasmodesmata ) did)<.,.

d)    roa/O/rt i jdid aJ53ii0CY didiiid)a<Y.

e)    d<d) O rai n>o 0iid dd e &e>i3 d .

'        rc>    -e

wjdo    )

II.     d>A /d)ddd oo d, 3O :    1 x 5 = 5

20.    a,d> ,,.d 0> sodd d edi mrtrt>i rtodid 3;di d iO.

oS    6    ca    4    ot    ot

21.    n3_w3on 2, d 5r ( Ganong's respiroscope ) dert d i "srt rt > i

rtodid 3,d , 3 ad o&.

- ii (    )

-    e

X>h d&rtgrt dSodd), odo tid dda odo dad.d0 J Oft : 5 x 1 = 5

ZJ <=i    ZJ    tr    *    & co    _o

22.     n Oeddra 0odde ?

23.    J $ dadJoo dazaft.

24.    ftodedj' ( Cri du chat syndrome ) d oiartoJd ?

25.    yatiF,' dde,o ( Corpus callosum ) 0oddeo ?

26.    ft$,*rt yadradad naeO/do ,Oft.

-    f

d>A >  /d)add dn 2 Ood 5 dad6rt>0Y JOft :

5 x 2 = 10

27.    A ddd rtooti) doJo O ddd rtoo& ti,Sdrt>0 ( Antigens ) doJo ti,Syaort > o ( Antibodies ) ti d/S.

28.    wdo, do> 0od de ? d d /d)ad d& 0dzO ti O}adort > o ,ft.

29.    dododoe d /d)add &dco@ <d\rart> o ti d/S.

30.    eftrt ( Cyanosis ) /d)add 0d%O yadrart > o d oO.

31.    aeO , od d\} 0o de ? dd /d)add 0dzO aa n > o ,ft.

32.    ae tiPd oo ( Fertilization membrane ) ert oiartoJd ? dd do Jdeo?

-    g

X>A /d)add s<o4 tinrt Sodd dadd 200 - 250 ti d n > 0 d oO :    4 x 5 = 20


33.    ddpod ona<d d /XiJra' ,anaya 3,ooo ad Oft.

34.     arf ( Nephron ) soddad nart n > o ndoSftd Jd o d oO.

35.    dood a, odd , oddrad o ( Dihybrid cross ) ,d a d} oart ad Oft.

36.    eraFaoo doerfeeddd ara/ > tiaJrt > o ad Oft.

37.    d/dd do ( Narcotic drugs ) 0odde ?    aad adrt>o d d/a, dod d)@ odo d 0}dod o ,53b.

38.    a) ede{rt boo dzab.    1

b)    do&od d d<onrt >ooirtod)d d@ /d)dd &dco@ ysdrart > o d d/a. 2

c)    oe.d n $ r aded d a 0odde ? d d 0ti&O ad n >  ,b.    2

- h

I.     d> A drt > 0y /d)ddoo d, epb :    1 x 5 = 5

39.    odejo 3,ooo    d;apzoan ( Schematic representation ) adOb.

40.    a) dae, d,edrt> dodqo rtn odo d3d} ,&e d doO. 2

b)    L{e d ddd dido ti/d)dd- &h<o@ d 0} dort > o dj d/a.    2

c)    jsad d,ed n > Or dzab.    1

wjd}do >- d/ )

II.     d> A /d)d d& oo d, epb :    1 x 5 = 5

41.    , ra ddo$ d bedo, rnrt rt >o rtodobd oddad e;do d o0.

ro    ca    7 4    <=t    ~s <i

42. a) ddjO    Q bedo ( V.S. of blastula ) rtrt>o

rtodobd , oddid e,d o d o0.    2

b)    dod) dddrart >o doo dddrart > dod6 dod /d)dd nco@ de n > 0r d d/a.    2

c)    dean ed de n >o ( Leydig cells ) (adod ?    1

( English Version )

Instructions :

i)    Draw diagrams wherever necessary.

ii)    Unlabelled diagrams do not get any marks.


Answer the following questions in one word or in one sentence each :

5 x 1 = 5

1.    Define plasmolysis.

2.    What are anti-transpirants ?

3.    What is R.Q. ?

4.    Why is vascular bundle of monocot stem called closed vascular bundle ?

5.    Name the host cell used in the production of golden rice.


Answer any five of the following in 2 to 5 sentences each :    5 x 2 = 10

6.    List any four characteristics of genetic code.

7.    Define transcription and translation.

8.    Sketch and label T. S. of storage parenchyma.

9.    Write any four significances of transpiration.

10.    Mention any four physiological roles of Auxins.

11.    Define growth. What is log phase ?


Answer any four of the following in about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable :    4 x 5 = 20

12.    Explain Lac-Operon concept in E.coli with diagram.

13.    List any five characteristics of meristem.

14.    Write the schematic representation of Calvins cycle.

15.    Explain the method of production of monoclonal antibodies.

16.    Describe the mechanism of fermentation in presence of yeast and lactic

acid bacteria.

17.    Write any five applications of DNA fingerprinting technique.


I.    Answer any one of the following :    1 x 5 = 5

18.    Explain Stewards starch hydrolysis theory.

19.    Give reasons for the following :

a)    The ratio of adenine to thymine and guanine to cytosine is always unity in a DNA molecule.

b)    Plasmids are often called gene taxi.

c)    There is no plasmodesmata in sclerenchyma tissue.

d)    Bacteria do not survive in highly salted pickles.

e)    Sometimes, there is premature fall of fruits.

( Questions only from the Practical Syllabus )

II.    Answer any one of the following :    1 x 5 = 5

20.    Draw a neat labelled diagram of T.S. of young dicot stem.

21.    Describe Ganongs respiroscope experiment with labelled diagram.


Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each :

5 x 1 = 5

22.    What is urbanization ?

23.    Define genetic diversity.

24.    Why is cri du chat syndrome caused ?

25.    What is corpus callosum ?

26.    Name the causative bacterium for syphilis.


Answer any five of the following in about 2 to 5 sentences each :

5 x 2 = 10

27.    List the antigens and antibodies of A blood group and O blood group.

28.    What is acid rain ? Mention any two effects of it.

29.    List any four symptoms of diabetes mellitus.

30.    Write any two causes for cyanosis.

31.    What is conservation of water ? Mention two methods of it.

32.    How is fertilization membrane formed ? What is its significance ?


Answer any four of the following in about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable :    4 x 5 = 20

33.    Explain the process of transportation of { EMBED Equation.3 } by blood.

34.    Draw a neat labelled diagram of nephron.

35.    Explain Mendels dihybrid cross with suitable example.

36.    Explain the role of pancreatic enzymes in digestion.

37.    What are narcotic drugs ? List their different types with one effect for each.

Code No. 36    { PAGE }

38. a) Define homozygous condition.    1

b)    List any four causes for renal calculi.    2

c)    What is terminal method of contraception ? Mention two types of it.    2


I.    Answer any one of the following :    1 x 5 = 5

39.    Explain the process of oogenesis with schematic representation.

40.    a) Write a note on concept of sacred species with an example. 2

b)    List any four effects of ozone layer depletion.    2

c)    Define endemic species.    1

( Questions only from the Practical Syllabus )

II.    Answer any one of the following :    1 x 5 = 5

41.    Draw a neat labelled diagram of T.S. of small intestine.

42.    a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of V.S. of blastula of frog.    2

b)    List any four differences between red blood corpuscles and white blood corpuscles.    2

c)    Where are Leydig cells present ?    1


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