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Pre University Board 2010 P.U.C History - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 05:10Web

Total No. of Questions : 35 ]    Code No. 2 1

Total No. of Printed Pages : 8 ]

March, 2010


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 100

( Kannada Version )

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( English Version )

ii)    Blind students need to answer Q.No. 31 B instead of Map Q. No. 31 A in Part - D.

iii)    Answer the questions according to the instructions given for the questions.


I.    Answer the following questions in one sentence each :

10 x 1 = 10

1.    Who was the painter of Monalisa ?

2.    Which was the first ship to circumnavigate the world ?

3.    When did the Russian Revolution take place ?

4.    Who was the author of the work Mein Kampf ?

5.    Who is called the Gandhi of South Africa ?

6.    Who propagated the theory of Drain of Indias Wealth ?

7.    Who gave the message Go back to Vedas ?

8.    Who started the University of Mysore ?

9.    Which was the first village of Karnataka which declared independence ?

10.    Who built Vidhana Soudha at Bangalore ?


II.    Answer any ten of the following questions in two or three sentences each :

10 x 2 = 20

11.    Mention the plays written by William Shakespeare.

12.    Who was called the Navigator ? Why ?

13.    Why did Napoleon call himself The Child of Revolution ?

14.    Who was the ruler of Prussia at the time of the Unification of Germany ? Who was his Prime Minister ?

15.    What was the immediate cause of the First World War ?

16.    Name the two programmes of Gorbachev.

17.    Mention the Portuguese settlements in India.

18.    What is meant by the Ryotwari System ?

19.    When was the Brahmo Samaj founded and by whom ?

20.    Who was called Abinava Kalidasa ? Who was his patron ruler ?

21.    Who introduced Mysore Civil Service Examination and when ?

22.    When was Karnataka Provincial Congress Committee ( KPCC ) formed ? Who was its first President ?


III. Answer any six of the following questions in 15 to 20 lines each :

6 x 5 = 30

23.    Write a note on Counter Reformation.

24.    Describe the Reign of Terror in France.

25.    Mention the role played by India in the functions of the U.N.O.

26.    Explain the causes and the course of the battle of Buxar.

27.    Describe the Non-Cooperation Movement led by Mahatma Gandhi.

28.    Describe the part played by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in the struggle against untouchability.

29.    Write a note on the Fourth Anglo-Mysore war.

30.    What were the Judicial Reforms of Lord Bowring ?


IV. 31. Answer the following question as indicated :    5 + 5 = 10

A)    Mark on the outline map provided, the location of the following historical places. Add explanatory note for each in two sentences.

a) Calcutta    b) Chowri-Chowra

c) Meerut    d) Chittagong

e) Plassey.


Mark on the outline map provided, the locations of the following historical places. Add explanatory note for each in two sentences :

a) Ankola    b) Belgaum

c) Calicut    d) Kittur

e) Srirangapattana.


B)    Answer the following question in 30 to 40 lines :

1 x 10 = 10

Describe briefly administrative reforms and the conquest of Napoleon Bonaparte.


Explain the achievements of Sir M. Visveswaraiah.


V. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 lines each :    2 x 10 = 20

32.    Describe the causes and results of American War of Independence.


State briefly the stages in the Unification of Italy.

33.    Give an account of the causes of the First War of Indian Independence of 1857.


Explain the role of Indian National Congress in the Unification of Karnataka.


5 x 1 = 5

VI. 34. Arrange the following in chronological order :

a)    Establishment of Hindustani Seva Dal.

b)    Partition of Bengal.

c)    Battle of Plassey.

d)    Revolt of Kittur Rani Chennamma.

e)    Home Rule League Movement.

35. Answer the following question in 15 to 20 lines :

1 x 5 = 5

Describe the role of Lenin in the Russian Revolution.


Write a short note on Bhagat Singh.


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