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Pre University Board 2010 P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths

Monday, 04 February 2013 04:50Web

Code No. 34

Total No. of Questions : 39 ]

Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 ]

March, 2010


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 90

( Kannada Version )

: i)

ii)    - A, B, C do3o D 0> drto, ad>,aFrt>

'    *    77    -0    CO y c c    o*

3 O,edo.


iii)    - A dx4 odd, odo 0dd03 10 odrt>,    - B


dxR 0dd@ 2 0dd03 20 0dn>0, )ri odd, 5 0drt>03 40 odrt> )ri - D (o D . art 10

U    *    CO    1    *

odn d 2 and d,4 odd, 5 odn>o3 10 ondod.

2        CO y C*    TfT    -0

iv) rt 36adod, oddd    do3 ,aoeddrart>o doO.

- A

0> 10 dx4,rt>2) 3 O&. co y    ct _o

: i) ii)

dxrtn odo ddd dd od dd 3drt>o doedo. d, dJ, odo odado3d.    10 x 1 = 10

y y ot    -e

1. Zn 2 +    </d add yoeo rtorado 3eO,3d ?

2. aedd* 3oA    <o aed} arfd, </d ,ed aed}

wrtodao dpe do. ,O&.

3. o Xooodoo X,rado O,d3rt 600C dSo d<00d d3,a<oaX

co aO    ot, cp    rs    co

3/o<o ,aoeXdrad0 wdoO.

4.    oo &&X ado,rt,do pH = 1 dod a,dra 25C dSo eaArf.

6 ~y ot ~    ZJ    co    rococo

w &o6n 0o ?

5.    oo aoo sad rto}>oX 2. d ao ?

6. X,da (daa</) aedo dort$,o dXdo d<>eA,oddo. sadra Xa.

7. X>A ,aoeXdra oJ. S ( B ) o0. ,Oft.

CO    >    sJ ci '    '    c

8. d8)* da    wdoO.

9.    0 sart >o woXdaA dortd dXdedoOs* dOadod ,Oft.

10.    CH 3 N CH 3 d IUPAC ,d0R WdoO.



- B

: i) </>d)add 0o    jOft. ii) dodo    0ddo oXrt>oct oadoJo.

10 X 2 = 20

11. doXo.rOs* wX,,ra* dd}rt ,ooaftd 0* dezaX.oo aft. 0*

6    co6    oOkct    co6

X\o , a<oaod doXorOs* wX0 dX&rod odo aad0 ,ft.

12.    ,oo d/ortJoR odo roSdraoan adOb.

13.    d,< ,<305 wdd) ,ea<oo Xed do Jo dPiboo dXdoel d>rt> aoradoart ert droJd ? ,aoeXdra Xa.

14.    sd r j&Xe,? d Jd doO.

15.    odo raod {aoeo d/ortJoR Je0,o esd arort>o $b.

16.    dea' dfi<, 0oddeo ? odo 0}<o dea' d?i,d doJ,deo ?

6    rs    6    oi

17.    S N 1 do Jo S N 2 3// a,rt> doa </d)ddd 0ddo dsrto Xa.

18.    25C od d,oaX 3,<o<d 5ddooX 3 dd}<do 100 kJ wAdd,

co    ZS     o o    co

de Jdd w d,oaX 3,<o<d ,dob 3 b o3oXdo X, 3.

co    cp cp    u

19.    bebodj Xed dX Xed doo doO. w ;,Xd,dod dodo

,dooe ,oZ6 0do ?

20.    ,odrar ,oZ6o2r dzpb.    do Jo &dd ,odrar ,oZ6rt>o .ad ?

21.    i) od)tj) wa Jd ,deX\ Xo a<ddodo ad&b.

ii) wdr ddra 0oddeo ?

22.    M 1 | M 1 + || M 2 + | M 2 do od    Xed oJd. Xe d y d <dod drXe 3,<o doJo Xe doO.

- C

I. X>Ad)rt> </d)d) 0-o    JO& :    2 x 5 = 10

23. a)    ' aao dea/drfoo ert Jaoddo ?    3

b)    oXo a<ododR oo rod}oart adO.    2

24. a) ,oeX o ftOTpJdo defift, Xodeao    ,oXdra

d Jo {>aoe(o wsaddo, adO.    3

_D    c

b) rod,e doJo d aao S,ed a<n> aoSdR nood en dJ.eS, d ?    2

y t -o

25. a) deeo oX@ dss*' a< tood Jdoart adO. 3 b) nora* (,o<Ar) 0oddeo ? adoeo noraM odo 3d} Xa.    2

II. X> Ad)n>, /d)d dodo drtrt JO :    3x5=15

26. a) oea ,deS 3//JoJd adO.    3

b) lranodderfo ?


c) 36de-wd@eort>oR wd@e"    o&od/dod 3,<o<o , aoeXdrado aron>oan doO.    1

27.    a) Xe ,>3 0oddeb ? ,,Xiedole?<0 Xe ,>3dx dX, a3. 2

e) co    co    u

b)    des5" wd d3 dey wd,rt> ,adeX\ w,e3 <o, sadra X&:j d0.    2

c)    d d o 0ode ?    1

28.    a) X> A ddad}rt>y ert d/dd 0od ,oeXdradoart


d 0 :

i)    a-dde    wSd saars* wdd ,eSoo <d ra d3 wdsad oradaA

ii)    3leo ddesar wA    4 b) d8)en> djio6 XeXdra 0odde ? 1

29.    a) X> A dn> 0 dert 3(d/0,d ?

i)    eo0 oaao

ii)    saarSj5 wdbd0 wdes? | Sod    4

b) od nXe," raid 5 draad rtood doad 0odo 3e0,co odo da,a<diaX 3/id Xa.    1

III. X> Adrt>, <d/>ddadd dodo dnn 30 :    3x5=15

30.    a) 5d && X .add n d do3 5a2rad0 oddad 3,d

dX d0.    3

b) 4 wodeo*n> do63ool 20 aod ,3 ,0/1 ddrad dboX aoart 0dDj ,3b end}rt>3od ?

(,3 ,d/ dd6oa& = 3286)    2

31.    a) odo dddo 3//drtr 3/o<oo 20% dooA(oo 5    ,Xodo

JrtdoXoddo- 3/o<oo 60% dooA(oo 0do    ,do<o

JrtdoXoddo 0odo X@ 3.    3

b) ddj{ed* 0oddeo ? odo roddo Xa.    2

32.    a) L," dJeXJ aao odo d,3<oaX Soo 3)/drtFdo

Xodoa<ood add adOft.    2

b)    A ,aoeXdrad o doO. An" aoeXdrad ddieAft odo 3/o<o 3)/ dJoo ert ,dodo ?    2

c)     a," ddoD 0oddeo ?    1

33.    a) ,)dz, </o dO}>do doJ aSeJ> rtora JJ,rt>o deAft

6    -c    cp d    <=i

0dd e rtooa d,3,ao eo"rt> Ooaxo adOft.    3

.> 6 co    6    ->    ot,

b) d,z>,aft :

i) d d"&),dra Jd

ii) dy {<X    2

34. a) dddo 3/drtr S/oo dert aojoXd eXdrad adjaft.    3

b) 25C y aeO wa Jdd) 238 ao.aoe. dd&ddd, 100 ns,o j&Xe, (raoJX = 342) odo aeO<, XdAftdrt oinod wa d Xoo, X, 3.    2

_0    tr

- D

D 1

1 X 10 = 10

35. a) i) Sc 3 + (d dd/raD ,0Z6 = 21)    dDD

Cr 3 + (ddd/raD ,0Z6 = 24) , d)rt>0 /d /n ra d dDD. aX?    2



b) XyqO d00a>0d SdOD dJ/SDdldD n ?

c) i) pH = 5-7 dod 0dD 3&,.XdD 3</0,Dddrt ,esD0 blei*

do3D bs* wdo n> ,dd3 >> dSd X0dDSD0.

_0    CO    <yJ 0    c

(b5* wdd K a = 18 X 10 - 5 )


ii) 00le&SR ddZdpb.


36. a) i) d,< ,<05* wdd) dPidb00 edDSa dert dr,D3 d 00d ,SoeXdrad0art Sd0b.    2


ii) db|i*S0d XraddD dODddrt deft&d dXdSo ,0b. 1

0 eaD,* SdD,a,{d, Se&sd bdd 03d 0ddD ,ed3rt>So

CO    c3 1 &    cp    >    <=l

0d 0es* raoSS S. ,>d03d rt>d dsds* deddSdod

de*ds*S ,dbdra* 3/ddSd ,0eXdrad0Qrt Sd0b. 2

n 0 5dd*n >D ?


b) i) ii)

c) i)



ii) Sd0d) 25C diD 0125 wdd, 001 M bs* wdD,

ddjdrad pH S X0dDSD0.




V. X> Ad)rt> </>d)dadd    jOft :    2x5=10

37. a) ftiaadaaod p-edeftiaadd o denaood, J</O,od aa do adOft.    3

b) 3e!e,*rt >0 Xodoaood odo dOeX Xa. dOeX ,deo ?    2

38.    dPiaftoo d a*,djei* doJo dPiaft<oo <>d,)ra*rt> dodra aoo,

3,</dertd doed dSo dOraadodo JeO,od d/ertd adOft. 5

39.    odo dftaoe&o* na)drad,dod d,* deaoo ,/!* <drad aa&oo 5d dPiaftoo dXdoei* da,d rad o defift Xodoaood ada do adOft. dd, dood da,aoaX aoo ,aoeXdrado Xa. 5

( English Version )

ii)    Parts A, B, C and D are common to all the candidates.

iii)    Part A carries 10 marks. Each question carries one mark. Part B carries 20 marks. Each question carries two marks.

Part C carries 40 marks. Each question carries five marks. In Part D D 1 carries 10 marks and D 2 carries 10 marks. Each question of D 2 carries five marks.

iv)    Write balanced chemical equations and draw diagrams wherever necessary.


Note : i) Answer all the 10 questions.

ii) Questions have to be answered in one word or in one sentence each. Each question carries one mark.

10 x 1 = 10

1.    What type of magnetic behaviour is shown by Zn 2 + ion ?

2.    Name the noble gas which is not adsorbed by coconut shell charcoal in Dewars charcoal adsorption method.

3.    Write the equation for the chemical reaction taking place at 600C in the extraction of iron by blast furnace.

4.    The hydrogen electrode is dipped in a solution of pH = 1 at 25C. What is the potential of the electrode ?

5.    Temperature coefficient of a reaction is 2. What does it mean ?

6.    Alum is used in the clarification of the muddy water. Give reason.

7.    Name the end product ( B ) of the following reaction :

( CH 3 COO , 2 Ca dlstillati" - A N 2 - B

8.    Write the structural formula of proline.

9.    Name an electromeric effect which involves partial displacement of electrons.

10.    Give the IUPAC name of

CH 3 N CH 3


CH 3


Note : i) Answer any ten questions.

ii) Each question carries two marks.    10 x 2 = 20

11.    Draw Ellingham diagram for the formation of mercuric oxide. With the help of Ellingham diagram, suggest a method for the reduction of mercuric oxide.

12.    Explain linkage isomerism with an example.

13.    How does concentrated sulphuric acid react with a mixture of sodium chloride and potassium dichromate crystals ? Give the equation.

14.    Write Haworths structure for sucrose.

15.    Mention the conditions for a molecule to show geometrical isomerism.

16.    Define iodine value. What is the significance of iodine value of an oil ?

17.    Give any two differences between S N 1 and S N 2 mechanisms.

18.    The standard free energy change of a chemical reaction is 100 kJ at 25C. Calculate the equilibrium constant of the chemical reaction at the same temperature.

19.    Sketch the unit cell structure of caesium chloride. What is the coordination number of each ion in the crystal ?

20.    Define the term Gold number. What are the Gold numbers of gelatin and starch ?

21.    i) State Raoults law of relative lowering of vapour pressure. ii) What is an ideal solution ?

22.    A galvanic cell is represented as M 1 | M 1 + || M 2 + | M 2 .

Write the half-cell reactions and cell reaction for the above cell.


I.    Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 5 = 10

23.    a) How is ammonia manufactured by Habers process ?    3 b) Explain with an example Nernsts distribution law. 2

24.    a) With the help of valence bond theory, explain the hybridisation

and geometrical shape of cuprammonium ion.    3

b) How is a mixture of noble gases isolated from air by Ramsay and Rayleigh method ?    2

25.    a) Explain, with a diagram, electron gas theory of metallic bond. 3 b) What is a ligand ? Give an example of a bidentate ligand.    2

II.    Answer any three of the following questions :    3 x 5 = 15

26.    a) Explain the mechanism of sulphonation of benzene.    3

b)    What are triglycerides ?    1

c)    Write chemical equation with conditions for the formation of alkane nitriles from haloalkanes.    1

27.    a) What is angle strain ? Calculate the angle strain in cyclopentane.


b)    Giving reason, explain the relative acidity of ethanoic acid and methanoic acid.    2

c)    What is a peptide bond ?    1

28.    a) Explain with equations how to convert

i)    aldehyde containing no a-hydrogen to a mixture of sodium salt of the carboxylic acid and alcohol

ii)    ketone into hydrocarbon.    4 b) What is denaturation of proteins ? 1

29.    a.) How are the following prepared ?

i)    Ethanol from methanol

ii)    Carboxylic acid from alkane nitrile.    4

b) Give a chemical reaction to show that a molecule of glucose contains five hydroxyl groups.    1

III. Answer any three of the following questions :    3 x 5 = 15

30.    a) With a neat diagram, explain the construction and working of

standard hydrogen electrode.    3

b) Calculate the mass of zinc metal deposited from zinc sulphate solution by passing a current of 4 amperes for 20 minutes.

( Equivalent mass of zinc = 32-86 )    2

31.    a) A first order reaction takes 5 seconds for 20% completion.

Calculate the time required for 60% completion of the reaction.


b) What is peptization ? Give one example.    2

32.    a.) Explain Ostwalds isolation method for the determination of the

order of a reaction.    2

b)    Write Gibbs equation. How do you predict the feasibility of a reaction using Gibbs equation ?    2

c)    What are Lewis bases ?    1

33.    a.) Explain the application of common ion effect and principles of

solubility product in the precipitation of second group basic radicals.    3

b) Define :

i)    Osmotic pressure

ii)    Space lattice.    2

34.    a) Derive an expression for the velocity constant of a first order

reaction.    3

b) Calculate the lowering of vapour pressure caused by addition of 100 g of sucrose ( molecular mass = 342 ) to 1 kg of water if the vapour pressure of water at 25C is 23-8 mm of mercury. 2

PART - D D 1

1 x 10 = 10

35. a) i) Among Sc 3 + ( Atomic number = 21 )


Cr 3 + ( Atomic number = 24 ) , which ion is coloured and

why ?


ii) Write the electronic configuration of oxygen molecule. 1

b) How is phenol isolated from coal tar ?


c) i) What is the ratio of concentration of sodium acetate to acetic acid while preparing a buffer solution of pH = 5-7 ?




K of acetic acid is 1-8 x 10 5

ii) Define the term entropy.


36. a) i) Explain with equation how concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with potassium bromide.    2

ii) Name the flux used in the extraction of iron from haematite.    1

b)    i) Explain with equation of Hoffmanns bromamide reaction. 2

ii) How many n electrons are present in the delocalised electron cloud in a benzene molecule ?    1

c)    i) Write any two merits of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic

dissociation.    2

ii) Calculate the pH of a 0-01 M solution of acetic acid if the degree of dissociation at 25C is 0-125.    2

V. Answer any two of the following :    2 x 5 = 10

37.    a.) Explain the laboratory method of preparation of

p-bromoacetanilide from acetanilide.    3

b) Give a test to detect ketoses. What is the name of the test ? 2

38.    Describe an experiment to show the effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction between potassium persulphate and potassium iodide.


39.    Describe the experiment to determine the mass of ferrous ammonium sulphate crystals present in one dm 3 of its solution by using standard potassium dichromate solution. Give the equation for the reaction involved.    5


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