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Pre University Board 2009 P.U.C History - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 04:05Web

Code No. 21

[ Total No. of Printed Pages : 8

Total No. of Questions : 35 ]

March, 2009


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]

[ Max. Marks : 100

( Kannada Version )

: i)    ddo    ,Od/A do>a,od)do. ii)    B0    dd dR ,oZw 31 - adSrt dd/rdo d,4,rt>o ddoAd.

iii)    ddo ,>rt$rtzdod>A JOb.

>ri - A

I. d>A d4,rt$rt ddodd, odo dd dro> odo d>d.d JOb : y ct y    6    4    & c? -d

10 X 1 = 10

1)    yxoedoo Jdrdo d/d>rt ddabdoddo ?

2)    d>aord ,dd}<do OTdodo d/do ?

3)    doeOy , odood , 0,d d,ddo ddo d/do ?

4)    dena nd S.oJ d OJ# 0odo dedddo d/do ?

n v

5)    aSedJ &dra d/drt JJo ?

6)    d    dJr d/do ?

7)    dao ,d.L. ( W.H.O. ) do a, Ob.

CO    V    *    oi    _0

8)    >d Jd od dda d/dd>ftJo ?

9)    1857 d d on (do yd d drtd ddr (d/do ?

CO CO    V

10)    aedo worte-dodo doodad r drt$bd dpddo ,Ob.

- B

II.     X> Ad)rt> </d)ad tyirtrt ty3oX@ 0do tyn> da 0do dad.rt> O :    10 X 2 = 20

6    CO    _D

11)    Kdorao, aord ,ad}oo artda 0do X,,, dor dort>o ,0n). andaoo ? d) /d)d) ?

12)    e, e tyar 0odeo ?

13)    asedd ra 'do tya    ,0&.

14)    ,3vXro Kdora aSeddraX, d/a <oo rt> ,do 3$.

S'    U    Cp    ot

15)    dro 53>o3o, 0do tyd\rt>o (/>d)d) ?

16)    drare ae3# 0o deo ?

17)    a>d d rt>o. ,O&.

'        CO    ti

18)    1757 0o 1857 dddrt do a>d {aOrt o $&doao ty3rt>

*    y    4    co    *    c?

/d)d) ?

19)    wor , d/&do /do ,a &do doo 0 ?

c    cp    -o co

20)    3ed,naaort>:o </d aart> dod >od$ ddo ?

21)    ted orttyra tyo 0do ddadort 3$.

22)    zd ddr d ,a, tyOJ ,a ty<zo J ? > </do ,a &do ?

ct    >    > cp    c    cp

>rt - C

III.     X> dn> , /d)ad w    ty3doX@ 15-20 ,acort>< d do0 : 6 x 5 = 30

23)    tydoed 0odeo ? X@ ty,eddda yadrart>eo ?

24)    tydo iz <oo 0}adort>o adO.

25)    ai,,o, <o eirt> do J ortrt>oJ 3$.

&5 cp    co    >    ct

26)    1857 d a>d3eo tydo aao; ,onao tyOraadort 3$.

27)    da{a daode " dajddd ed    doO.

28)    sl oa</ >od$bR doOo doO.

29)    ertcaa,od, oedddd tyad adO.

30)    ao,e wort <oo    doO.

6    co    e)    cp    r\

- D

IV. 31)     X>A    JO :    5 + 5 =10

A)    aort    rodJd     X>A >X ,>rt>y rtocb,

*    0            co    cp    t    

d,<ao , > 0do ro<rt> doO :

->    cp    r\    6    co


'    CO


c)    oS


e) oXaeo


B)    aort Xa.d     X>A >X ,>rt>y rtocb,

*    eJ            co    cp    oi    

d,<ao , > 0do ro>X.rt>S doO :

->    cp    r\    6    co

a)    -aoedJ

b)    D,ado

d)    ,acb

e)    n>TOO

o anrrtnsfi

C)     X>A 30 OO 40 ,ort>0 Jd doO : 1 x 10 = 10

'    ZJ    co    _o

dirtaeX    yadrart> />d)d) ? O.


n>dJ sra,JoJ, aeo    nxaed    XoOJo

   cd        CO    &        y    ct

a,eb aSz <bb ys>drart>b d3b Orasbrt>b, $ft.


CO    0

32) 3e0(d ,srt>b $ft.

c3    c3    cp    >    cR

33) s>d3    Ort&    4)0Ort d ds>F&d

<db n>b, aOft.

cp    R


1924 O0 1947 ddA dssF&d<, so >b$<d xbb aOft.

*    ot

mri - F

VI. X>A rt>bJ 5s>sbXdb0 dbO

5 x 1 = 5

*    ot    ->    CO

34) a) ,5sd >b$

sd 3X@ d wrtd



d) e)

"sd    5)0),* <d, ,s <

*    co    s)    y    oOi    cp

2psd 4)b , SzO ,0MSjb

nso 5s>ort,

35) X>A iS 15-20 ro>4rt>0, 3Oft

1 x 5 = 5

CO    0

dsrd ,3,3o3j ,ons),d ,ort> osbra    aOft.

cd y9\    ZS    co    v1    rs    -> R


dsrd asedd ra >b$<dS ,s>3. O> sd dbO3b aOft.

CO    cR    6    _D    y

( English Version )

ii)    Instead of Map work, an alternative question of Question No. 31 is given for the blind students.

iii)    Answer the questions according to the instructions given for the questions.


I.    Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each :

10 x 1 = 10

1.    When did the Turks capture Constantinople ?

2.    Who was the leader of the religious reformation ?

3.    Who was the first President of U.S.A. ?

4.    Pen is mightier than sword. Who made this statement ?

5.    When was Germany unified ?

6.    Who wrote Das Kapital ?

7.    Expand W.H.O.

8.    Which was the Capital of the French in India ?

9.    Who was the Mughal emperor on the eve of the Revolt of 1857 ?

10.    Name the Treaty concluded after the second Anglo-Mysore war.


II.    Answer any ten of the following questions in two words or two sentences each :    10 x 2 = 20

11.    Name the two sects of Christianity divided due to the religious reformation in Germany.

12.    What is Boston Tea Party ?

13.    Name any two Architects of the Unification of Italy.

14.    Name the wars fought by Bismarck for the Unification of Germany.

15.    Name the two parties of the Russian Revolution.

16.    What was the Apartheid or Racial Discrimination ?

17.    Name the Dutch settlements in India.

18.    Which were the Land Revenue Policies introduced by British from 1757 to 1857 ?

19.    Who founded Arya Samaj and where ?

20.    Which were the programmes of extremists ?

21.    Mention any two terms of the Treaty of Srirangapatnam.

22.    Who founded the Kannada Sahitya Parishad and when ?


III. Answer any six of the following questions in 15 to 20 lines each :

6 x 5 = 30

23.    What is Renaissance ? What were the causes for Renaissance movement ?

24.    What are the results of the First World War ?

25.    What are the aims and organs of United Nations Organisation ?

26.    Explain briefly the results of the First War of Indian Independence in 1857.

27.    Write a brief note on the life of Raja Rammohan Roy.

28.    Write about the Quit India movement.

29.    Explain the role of Dr. Ambedkar to remove untouchability.

30.    Write about the Fourth Anglo-Mysore war.


5 + 5 = 10

Mark the locations of the following historical places on the outline map provided and write about the places in two sentences each :


a.) Plassey c) Dandi e) Ankola.

b) Buxar d) Kittur


B) Mark the locations of the following historical places on the outline map provided and write about the places in two sentences each :

a) Meerut

b) Mysore d) Isur

c) Jallianwala Bag e) Belgaum.


C) Answer the following question in 30 - 40 lines each :

1 x 10 = 10

What were the causes for the geographical discoveries ?


Describe the role of Mahatma Gandhi in the National Movement. PART - E

Answer the following questions in 30 - 40 lines each :    2 x 10 = 20

32. Explain the achievements of Napoleon.


What were the causes and results of the Second World War ?

33. Explain the struggle between French and English in the Karnatic wars for the Supremacy in India.


Explain briefly the Freedom Movement in Karnataka from 1924 to 1947.


VI. 34. Arrange the following in chronological order :    5 x 1 = 5

a)    Non-Co-operation Movement

b)    Arrival of British in India

c)    Establishment of Indian National Congress

d)    First war of Indian Independence

e)    Belgaum Congress Session.

35. Answer the following in 15 to 20 lines :    1 x 5 = 5

Explain the role of Sangolli Rayanna in the Freedom Movement of Karnataka.


What role did Kannada Sahitya Parishad play in the unification movement of Karnataka ?


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