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Pre University Board 2009 P.U.C Political Science - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 03:55Web

Code No. 29

[ Total No. of Printed Pages : 7

Total No. of Questions : 40 ]

March, 2009


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]

[ Max. Marks : 100

( Kannada Version )

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( English Version )

Note : i) Answer all questions.

ii)    Figures in the margin indicate full marks.

iii)    Write correct question numbers for your answers.

I.    Answer the following questions in one sentence each :    10 x 1 = 10

1.    Where was Kautilya born ?

2.    Who is called as the Father of Modern Communism ?

3.    What is the meaning of minimal state ?

4.    Expand E.V.M.

5.    What is direct election ?

6.    What type of party system prevails in India ?

7.    Which is known as the fourth organ of government ?

8.    Expand N.A.M.

9.    Name the organisation established for the maintenance of international peace.

10.    How many permanent members are there in Security Council of UNO ?

II.    Answer any ten of the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences each :

10 x 2 = 20

11.    What is polity ?

12.    What is guardian class ?

13.    What is Human Rights ?

14.    Write the meaning of privatisation.

15.    What is Re-election ?

16.    Write the meaning of coalition government.

17.    Mention any two advantages of the voters identity card.

18.    Which are the three mandatory disclosures to be made by the candidates in elections ?

19.    What is defection ?

20.    Write the meaning of pressure group.

21.    Why is civil service called as the permanent executive ?

22.    What is secular state ?

III. Answer any eight of the following questions in 15 to 20 sentences each :

8 x 5 = 40

23.    Explain the qualities of king in the view of Kautilya.

24.    Briefly explain the techniques of Satyagraha.

25.    Explain J.S. Mills the concept of Liberty.

26.    Write about the importances of Liberalism.

27.    Explain the role of family and educational institutions in moulding public opinion.

28.    Mention the features of civil service.

29.    Write about the importance of public opinion.

30.    What are the functions of S.P.S.C. ?

31.    What are the steps to be taken to eradicate terrorism ?

32.    Explain the powers and functions of Lokayukta.

33.    Explain any five principles of Indian foreign policy.

34.    Explain the aims and objectives of SAARC.

IV.    Answer any two of the following questions in 30 to 40 sentences each :

2 x 10 = 20

35.    Explain Platos concept of the ideal state.

36.    Explain the featurs of communism.

37.    Explain the role and responsibilities of opposition parties in democracy.

38.    How is illiteracy harmful for the success of democracy ?

V.    Answer any two of the following questions in 15 to 20 sentences each :

2 x 5 = 10

39.    Write about the strength ( achievement ) of UNO.


Explain the importance of Human Rights.

40.    Multi-party system is the main reason for instable government in India. Discuss.


Write about the National integration.

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