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North Maharashtra University 2008 B.Sc Information Technology FY (IT) 1 - Question Paper

Monday, 04 February 2013 01:40Web

FYBSC (IT) Paper 1



What is HTML?

a)Hyper Text Marking Language b) Hyper Text Machine Language c)Hyper Text Middle Language d)Hyper Text Markup Language

1.    In email address_character is essential

a) _ b) % c)@ d) *

2.    LAN stand for_

a) Local Area Network b) Linear Area Network c) Link Area Network d) None of these

3.    MAN stand for_

a)Main Area Network b) Middle Area Network c)Metropolitan Area Network d) Mix Area Network

4.    WAN stand for_

a) Wide Area Network b) Web Area Network c) World Area Network d) Width Area Network

5.    FTP Stands for--------

a) Field Transfer Protocol b)File Transfer Protocol c) Fix Transfer Protocol d) Flexible Transfer Protocol

9.    Which tag is used to create a list that displays items with bullets?

a) <OL> b)<UL> c)<list> d)<DL>

10.    Write a code for making text area?

a) <textarea> b) <input =textarea> c) <input type =textbox> d) <input type =text area>

11.    Marquee tag has following attributes a)behaviour b)direction c)position d)both a and b

12.    For largest level of heading which tag is used? a) <h1> b) <h6> c) <heading> d) <head>

13.    To group sentences in paragraph which tag is used?

a) <para> b) <p> c) <b> d) <br>

14. The language used to develop web page is_

a) HTML b) HTTP c) Brower d)Protocol

15.    Font tag has following attribute

a) type b) face c) value d) caption

16.    Java Script is_side scripting language

a) Server b)Client c)Server & Client d) None of these

17.    API stands for

a)Application Programming Interface b) Application Programming Index c) Applet Programming Interface d)None of these

18.    For handling user interaction_side scripting is useful

a) Server b)Client c)Server & Client d) None of these

19 ._Scripting is used for data entry validation

a) Client side b) Server side c) Client side & Server side d) None of these

20 ._event occurs when the user clicks on a link or a form element

a) focus b) load c) change d) click

21.    JAD stands for

a) Joint Application Development b) Joint Application Difference c) Joint Application Demo d) None of these

22.    Primary aspects of Web design are content, Technology, economics &_

a) visuals b) site c) person d) graphics

23.    Form tag has 2 attributes

a) action & method b) form & action c) method & form d) all of these

24 ._button send the current information held in each field of the form to the web

server for further processing.

a)submit b) reset c) normal d) all of these

25.    Java script is scripting language introduce by a) IE b) Microsoft c) Netscape d) SunJava

26.    In table row is created by

a) <tr> b) <th> c) <ta> d) None of these

27 ._tag is used for document header a) <title> b) <head> c) <html> d) <body>

28.    For inline images_tag is used in an HTML document

a) <input> b) <map> c) <img> d) None of these

29 ._are used to create imaginary sections of browser screen.

a) form b) frame c) input d) select

30 ._value of method attribute send information to the server.

a)POST b)GET c)form d)none of these

31 ._provides the middleware between www server & external databases & information


a) Perl b) CGI c) Java Script d) None of these

32 ._tag is used with <option> tag to give list of items.

a) <input> b) <frame> c)<select> d) a and b

33 ._element is used to check one element at a time.

a) Radio b) Menu c) List d)Checkbox

34.    The word internet stands for_

a) Internation Network b) Internal Network c) Intermediate Network d) none of these

35 ._is used to set background image at web page.

a)<body background> b) <body bg ground> c)body back> d) None of these

36 ._is used to create a new paragraph

a)<form> b) <img> c) <P> d) <marque>

37 ._is the text on clicking of which other web pages are opened

a) Markup b) Hypertext c) Link d) None of these

38 ._tag is used to format the text matter

a) <format> b) <font >c)<form> d) <frame>

39_tag is used to link a web page.

a) <a> b) <b> c) <td> d) <tr>

40.    ______tag is used to display web pages information such as URL, authors name etc.

a) <address> b) <pre> c) <em> d) <frame>

41.    _____tag is used to create a caption on top or below the table.

a) <table> b) <caption> c) <align> d) <border>

42.    We can add an_tag for inline frames.

a) <iframe> b) <framedset> c)<framename> d)<map>

43 ._tag defines client-side image map.

a) <map> b)<img> c) <align> d)<iframe>

44 ._tag defines an active area in the associated image map.

a) <img src> b) <area> c) <map> d) <align>

45.    Java was develop by_

a) Java Applet b) Microsoft c) Sun Microsystem d) Tally

46.    To change the table border size_attribute is used

a) cell padding b) cell spacing c) Border d) colspan

47.    The_element replicates asterisk for any keystroke.

a) password b) radio c) text d) checkbox

48 ._is the only property of string object.

a) Len b) Max c) Length d) Min

49.    A_is a sequence of zero or more characters that are enclosed by double() or

single() quotes

a) var b) string c) variant d) byte

50 ._operator calculates the remainder by dividing two integers.

a) / b) rem c) A d) %

51.    Which java script operator calculates the remainder by dividing two integers

52.    Which tag is used to create a list that displays items with bullets [1]

53.    Which are JavaScript object that are capable of storing a sequence of values

54.    What is the default direction of marquee tag [1]

55.    for largest level of heading [1]

56.    The Language used to develop web page [1]

57.    The Most commonly use name of default page of website [1]

58.    The item of unordered list are preceded with ?[1]

59.    How to make an email link [1]

60.    how to open a link in new browser window [1]

61.    Which tag is used to insert line brake in HTML code [1]

62.    Which tag is used for smallest heading [1]

63.    which tag is used to left align the content is table cell[1]

64.    Which tag is used to make numbered list [1]

65.    Which tag is used to create checkbox [1]

66.    Which tag is used to create background sound [1]

67.    Which tag is used to create backgroung image [1]

68.    Which tag is used to create droup-down list [1]

69.    Which tag is used to list the items in the form of 1,2,3...? [1]

70.    What is Internet ? [1]

71.    HTML Stands for? [1]

72.    www Stands for what? [1]

73.    Which is the first tag of HTML program [1]

74.    Which attribute of <option> element is used to select the default option from list [1]

75.    Which tag is used to bold the text [1]

76.    Which tag is used to Italic the text [1]

77.    Which tag is used to Underline the text [1]

78.    Which tag is used to Strikethrough the text [1]

79.    Which tag is used to center the text [1]

80.    which tag is used to subscript the text ? [1]

81.    which tag is used to superscript the text ? [1]

82.    IIS is used with which operating system [1]

83.    WEFT stand for ? [1]

84.    The <title> tag is present inside which tag[1]

85.    Which attribute is used to change the table border [1]

86.    For inline image which tag is used in HTML document [1]

87.    Which tag is used to create imaginary section of web browser [1]

88.    JPEG stands for [1]

89.    GIF Stands for [1]

90.    Which application of Java used with web page [1]

91.    What is PWS [1]

92.    What is CGI [1]

93.    What is Webpage ? [1]

94.    Which tag is used to create multiline textbox [1]

95.    The word internet stands for what [1]

96.    Which the text on clicking of which other web page are open [1]

97.    Explain the syntax of Anchor tag[1]

98.    The table caption is set by using which tag [1]

99.    To preformatted the text which tag is used [1]

100.    Which tag is used to play background sound when page is loaded [1]

101.    Which tag is used to embed Java applet on web page [1]

102.    To create inline frame which tag is used [1]

103.    Which tag is used to define area of image map[1]


1.    What is Software Crisis?

2.    What is E-Commerce?

3.    Discuss the problem definition phase in Basic Waterfall Process Model.

4.    Discuss the Requirement Analysis & Specification phase in Basic Waterfall Process Model.

5.    Discuss the importance of Design phase in Basic Waterfall Process Model.

6.    Discuss the Implementation phase in Basic Waterfall Process Model.

7.    Discuss the Testing & maintenance phase in Basic Waterfall Process Model.

8.    What is the main difference between Basic Waterfall Model and Modified Waterfall model of Web Development

9.    List the different phases of Joint Application development model

10.    What is the core concept behind Joint Application development model

11.    What is the purpose of Brainstorming session?

12.    Explain any two sections of Site Plan

13.    What is site structure diagram

14.    List primary four aspect of web design

15.    Web site should respect GUI principals where appropriate Comment.

16.    Sites always have bugs, so test your site well Comment

17.    What is Dynamic site?

18.    List any four site structures

19.    List any four types of linear sites

20.    Explain Grid site type

21.    List any four site types

22.    What is Navigation?

23.    What is Landmark?

24.    Explain the advantage of Top Navigation

25.    Explain the advantage of Bottom Navigation

26.    Explain the advantage of Left Navigation

27.    Explain the advantage of Right Navigation

28.    Explain the advantage of Center Navigation, and when to use center navigation

29.    Placement of Navigation should be consistent within a page layout Comment

30.    List any two problems occurs using frame

31.    What is Bookmark?

32.    What is a web page?

33.    Try to make important items such as primary navigation in the first screen Comment

34.    List and explain any two page types

35.    What is Entrance Page?

36.    What is Splash Page?

37.    What is Home Page?

38.    What is Content Page?

39.    What is FAQ Page?

40.    What is Legal Page?

41.    What is Privacy Page?

42.    What is Task Specific Page?

43.    What is Contact Page?

44.    What is Exit Page?

45.    Which is the best place to place navigation element as your opinion why

46.    What is FAQ?

47.    What is importance of Web design process models

48.    Explain Community sites

49.    Explain the probable contents of Personal site

50.    Explain structure of Entertainment site?

51.    What is meant by HTML [2]

52.    What is TAG , Explain in Details [2]

53.    What is the use of <FONT> tag explain it with attributes [2]

54.    What is the purpose of creating hyperlink [2]

55.    Explain <EMBADE> tag. [2]

56.    What is Applet? [2]

57.    Explain PARAM Tag[2]

58.    what is exit page [2]

59.    What is CSS ? [2]

60.    What is java Script [2]

61.    Explain break statement in java script [2]

62.    Explain continue statement in java script [2]

63.    Explain Document object in JavaScript with its properties and methods[2]

64.    Explain History object in JavaScript with its properties and methods [2]

65.    Explain Form object in JavaScript with its properties and methods [2]

66.    Explain Image object in JavaScript with its properties and methods [2]

67.    Explain Area object in JavaScript with its properties and methods [2]

68.    Explain Navigation object in JavaScript with its properties and methods [2]

69.    What is string? [2]

70.    what is web browser?[2]

71.    why html is used?[2]

72.    explain heading tag in html[2]

73.    explain anchor tag with example[2]

74.    explain <img> tag with ex.[2]

75.    explain pair and unpaired tag in html[2]

76.    explain <br> and <hr> tag with its attribute[2]

77.    explain <a> tag in html with its attribute[2]

78.    How do you put message in web browser status bar ? [2]



2.    What are the Advantages of HTML [4]

3.    What are Disadvantages of HTML [4]

4.    Explain the Structure of HTML Program [4]

5.    Explain the Basic Elements of HTML [4]

6.    Explain the Procedure to prepare & view HTML document. [4]

7.    Explain Following HTML tags [4]

a.    <P>

b.    <BR>

c.    <HR>

d.    <PRE>

8.    How Special characters are represented in HTML [4]

9.    Explain any four Text formatting tags in HTML [4]

10.    What are the list? How they are created? [4]

11.    What is Hyperlink? How they are created? [4]

12.    Explain the steps to create Image as Hyperlink[4]

13.    What is <IMG> tag? What are the attributes that can be used with <IMG> tag.[4]

14.    What is <TABLE> tag what are the attributes that can be used with table tag[4]

15.    Explain the Use of Following Tags in HTML [4]

a.    Caption

b.    TR

c.    TD

d.    TH

21    What do you mean by FRAME ? How these can be created in web page. [4]

22    Explain the <FRAME>, <FRAMESET> tags. [4]

23    Explain <MAP> tag & different shapes used in image map with suitable example. [4]

24    What is Internet? List different uses of Internet [4]

25    Explain the features of Internet[4]

26    Explain the structure of HTML Program [4]

27    What is web site? [4]

28    What is computer network & explain its types [4]

29    What is Web browser? Explain Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator [4]

30    Write a steps to create email account [4]

31    List the steps to send an email [4]

32    List the steps to send email with attachment [4]

33    List steps to read email [4]

34    What are the advantage of Email over Traditional mail system [4]

35    Explain Newsgroups in details. [4]

36    What is web design? [4]

37    Draw a net diagram for web design pyramid [4]

38    Explain the waterfall model for web design [4]

39    Explain joint application development model for web design [4]

40    Explain brain storming [4]

41    What is importance of site testing? [4]

42    List the different types of sites [4]

43    Write a short note on different site structures [4]

44    Explain in brief site organization model [4]

45    Differentiate Deep Vs shallow sites [4]

46    Explain different linear site structure [4]

47    Describe placing Navigations[4]

48    What is navigation ? [4]

49    What is importance of Scrolling in navigation element [4]

50    what is frame [4]

51    Write a short note on web page size and margins [4]

52    list the different types of web pages [4]

53    write your own opinion on the representation of entrance page [4]

54    What is meant by script / Write the difference between server side script and client side script? [4]

55    List any two situations when to use server side script and to use client side script [4]

56    What are events ? explain events used in JavaScript [4]

57    What is object? How object is created in Java Script [4]

58    How to write function in Java Script ? [4]

59    What is meant by control structure? Explain if .. ..else statement in java script [4]

60    Write a short note on Data Validation[4]

61    Explain various data types used in Java Script [4]

62    What are variables list rules for variable declaration ? [4]

63    Explain for loop structure in java script with example[4]

64    What are the java script Dialog box? [4]

65    Explain input tag and write the form elements used in java script [4]

66    What is Method, Properties and Object ? [4]

67    Explain Array object in JavaScript with its properties and methods [4]

68    Explain Date object in JavaScript with its properties and methods [4]

69    Explain Math object in JavaScript with its properties and methods [4]

70    Explain String object in JavaScript with its properties and methods [4]

71    Explain how to create User defined object in Java Script [4]

72    What is field level validation [4]

73    Explain the history of Java script [4]

74    List the advantages of html[4]

75    Explain formatting tag in html[4]

76    Explain form tag[4]

77    Explain table tag[4]

78    Explain list tag[4]

79    Explain frame tag [4]

80    Explain frameset tag [4]

81    Explain image map[4]

82    Explain area tag in html[4

83    Explain general structure of html[4]

84    Explain <body> tag with its all attribute[4]

85    Explain steps of creating html program[4]

86    Explain <marquee> tag in html with its attribute[4]

87    Write a simple java Script for displaying Hello World on the screen [4]

88    Write a java script to calculate the area of the triangle [4]

89    Write a Java Script to calculate the average of three numbers [4]

90    Write a java script to demonstrate the background color [4]

91    Write a java script for finding the greater number between two numbers [4]

92    Write a Java Script for detecting mouse click event [4]

93    Write a java script to demonstrate of checkbox and radio buttons [4]

94    Write a Java Script for detecting focus event [4]

95    Write a Java Script for detecting onblur event [4]

96    Write a Java Script for on change event [4]

97    Write a Java Script for on select event [4]

98    Write a Java Script for on load event [4]

99    Write a Java Script for on unload event [4]

100    Write a Java Script for on mouse move event [4]

101    Write a Java Script for on error event [4]

102    Explain conditional operators [4]

103    Explain for loop in java script with example [4]

104    Explain relational operators [4]

105    Explain arithmetic operators [4]

106    Explain logical operators [4]

107    Which are different page types [4]

108    What is mean by entrance page & exit page?

109    Which are disadvantages of frame?

110    Which are advantages of frame?

111    What is good web design?

112    Explain web site evaluation.

113    Explain while loop in java script with example

114    Explain if-else statement in java script with example.

115    Explain any four text level tags?

116.    Write a java script to demonstrate use of with keyword.

117.    Write a java script to demonstrate use of this keyword.

118.    Write a java script to demonstrate use of new keyword.

119.    Write advantage of function in java script

120.    Explain the syntax of function in java script with example

121.    Explain any two properties of array object with suitable example

122.    Explain any two properties of date object with suitable example

123.    Explain any two properties of math object with suitable example

124.    Explain any two properties of string object with suitable example

125.    Explain any two properties of window object with suitable example

126.    Explain any two properties of document object with suitable example

127.    Explain any two properties of history object with suitable example

128.    Explain any two properties of form object with suitable example

129.    Explain any two methods of array object with suitable example

130.    Explain any two methods of date object with suitable example

131.    Explain any two methods of math object with suitable example

132.    Explain any two methods of string object with suitable example

133.    Explain any two methods of window object with suitable example

134.    Explain any two methods of document object with suitable example

135.    Explain any two methods of history object with suitable example

136.    Explain any two methods of form object with suitable example

137.    Write a program to demonstrate the use of until loop

138.    List the sections of site plan.

139.    Explain web development process model with neat diagram

140.    Explain the importance of java script

141.    Explain any two validation function in java script

142.    Explain parseint function in java script

143.    Explain parsefloat function in java script

144.    Explain basic linear site structure with suitable diagram.

145.    Explain linear with alternative site structure with suitable diagram.

146.    Explain linear with option site structure with suitable diagram.

147.    Explain linear with side trips site structure with suitable diagram.

148.    Explain grid site structure with suitable diagram.

149.    Explain difference between narrow tree and wide tree with suitable diagram.

150.    Explain grid site structure with suitable diagram

151.    Explain full mesh site structure with suitable diagram

152.    Explain mixed form site structure with suitable diagram

153.    Explain grid site structure with suitable diagram

154.    Explain commercial web site.

155.    Differentiate LAN with MAN

156.    Differentiate LAN and WAN

157.    How internet works?

158.    How to create email account?

159.    Write a step to search information about cricket using search engine.

160.    What is messenger? Steps to send the message.

161.    Describe home page and slash page.

162.    List the data types in java script with suitable example

163.    Explain different attributes of script tag.

164.    Explain different attributes of form tag.

165.    Differentiate between get and post method of form tag.

166.    Explain different attributes of frameset tag

167.    Explain different attributes of image tag

168.    Explain different attributes of table tag

169.    Explain different attributes of anchor tag

170.    Explain different attributes of list tag

171.    Write the difference between internal link and external link

172.    Differentiate intranet and extranet.

173.    Generate following series using for loop 4,8,12,16.. .40 using java script

174.    Generate following series using while loop 3,6,9,12,...30 using java script

175.    Generate following series using until loop 2,5,8,.. .20 using java script

176.    Write a program to print sum of odd numbers between 1 to 100 using for loop

177.    Write a program to print sum of even numbers between 1 to 100 using for loop

178.    Write a program to print sum of odd numbers between 1 to 50 using while loop

179.    Differentiate intranet and public sites

180.    Differentiate extranet and public sites

181.    Write advantages of email.

182.    Write advantages of messenger services

183.    Write educational applications of internet

184.    Discuss different commercial applications of internet

185.    Write a java script to validate phone number in java script

186.    Write a java script to validate date of birth in java script

187.    Explain join and sort methods of array object in java script

188.    Explain day, weekday, month , year properties of date object in java script

189.    Explain Ceil and floor method of math object in java script with suitable example

190.    Explain length and concate method of string object in java script with suitable example

191.    Explain alert method of window object in java script with suitable example

192.    Explain write and bgcolor property of document object

193.    Explain back and forward property of history object in java script with suitable example

194.    Explain location object in java script

195.    Explain any two validation function in java script

196.    Explain task specific pages and contact pages

197.    Explain print specific pages and restricted printing pages

198.    Explain the structure of java script program

199.    Explain navigation specific pages

200.    Write a java script program to calculate simple interest .


16.    Explain features of HTML [6]

17.    What is meant by FORM? What are essential steps while designing the idle form?[6]

18.    Explain following tags used to construct web form: [6]

a.    FORM

b.    INPUT

c.    SELECT

19.    What is FORM? Give different object of form with tags[6]

20.    What is Web server? Explain the features of WEB Server [6]

21.    List the applications of Internet [6]

22.    Explain in brief the history of internet. [6]

23.    What is Search Engine. Write a steps to search using [6]

24.    How we design a good web site? List the criterion to define a better web. [6]

25.    Write a java script to validate an email address [6]

26.    write a java script to validate phone number [6]

27.    Write a script to demonstrate the use of Date object [6]

28.    Write a script to display sum of first 10 numbers [6]

14.    124 write a program for generating a list as,[6]

i.    1 Pen

ii.    2 Pencils

iii.    3 Rubbers

15.    write a code for following table[6]















19.    generate html page for our own biodata(use all formatting tag)[6]

20.    generate college admission form using html form tag[6]

21.    create html application for demo of <img> tag [6]

22.    Write a java script to manipulate array [6]

23.    Write a java script for Blinking text on the screen [6]

24.    Write a java script for calculating the bill [6]

25.    Write a java Script for counting Odd, even and prime numbers from 1 to 100 [6]

26.    Write a java script to find factorial of given number [6]

27.    Write a java script program to generate Fibonacci series using do while loop[6]

28.    Write a Java Script using for loop for displaying sum of first 150 numbers [6]

29.    If a=10 and b=20 write a java script to swapping of these two numbers. [6]

30.    Write a java script which will greet according to the current timing [6]

31.    Write a java script for simple form processing [6]



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You are here: PAPER North Maharashtra University 2008 B.Sc Information Technology FY (IT) 1 - Question Paper