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M.C.A-M.C.A 3rd Sem IT 33-303 : OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Thursday, 09 October 2014 09:01Nitha

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - III) Examination, 2013


(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours                                                                                                             Max. Marks : 70

Note : 1)   Q. 1 is compulsory.

2)   Solve any six from Q. 2 to Q. 8.

3)   Figures to right indicate full marks.

4)   Make suitable assumption wherever necessary.

1. Explain output of the following program

a) # include <iostream.h>

class some



~ some( )


cont <<"some's destructor"<<end l;



void main( )


some s;

s.~some( );


b) # include <iostream.h>

class base


int arr[10];


class b1 : public base { }; class b2 : public base { };

class derived : public b1, public b2 { };

int main( )



getchar( );

return 0;


c) # include <iostream.h>

class base


public :

virtual void foo( )


cout <<"base class function is called\n";


~base( )


cout <<"base class destructor is called\n";



class derived: public base



void foo( )


cout<<"derived class function is called\n";


~derived( )


cout<<"\n derived class destructor is called\n";



void main( )


base*bp = new derived;

bp® foo( );

delete bp;


d) #include<iostream.h>

class nameless



nameless( )


cout<<"constructor called\n";


~nameless( )


cout<<"destructor called\n";



void main( )


nameless( );

nameless obji;


e) #include<iostream.h>

void execute (int 4x, int y = 200)


int temp = x+y;


int(y! = 200)

cout <<temp<<x<<y<<endl;


void main( )


int a = 50, b = 20;



execute(a, b);



2. Answer any five :                      (2×5=10)

a) What is need of copy constructor ?

b) What is difference between early and late binding ?

c) What is need of default arguments ? How are they defined ?

d) What is this pointer ?

e) Can we use same function name for a member function and non member

function of the class in the same program file ? If yes, how are they

distinguished ? If no, give reasons.

f) What is downcasting ?

3. Design classes Rupee and Dollar such that they support the following statements

Rupee r1, r2;

Dollar d1, d2;

d1 = r2; // converts Rupee to Dollar

r2 = d2; // converts Dollar to Rupee

Note : 1 Dollar = 50 Rs.

4. Write a program for generic Queue class with two member functions, insert and

delete. Use the array to implement the queue.

5. a) Explain what is virtual and pure virtual function ?

b) What are virtual base classes ? Explain need of virtual base class in building

class hierarchy.

6. a) Explain three different types of containers.

b) What is RTTI ? Suggest some cases where we need to use RTTI ?

7. a) Write a program to read text file and count number of characters in it.

b) Explain the roles of seekg( ), seekp( ), tellg( ) and tellp( ) functions in the

process of random access in a binary file.

8. Write short notes (any two) :                      (2×5=10)

a) Dynamic memory management in C++

b) Rethrow( ) in Exception handling

c) Explicit constructor ?






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You are here: PAPER M.C.A-M.C.A 3rd Sem IT 33-303 : OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++(University of Pune, Pune-2013)