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M.B.A-M.B.A 1st Year 07DMB 15- CORPORATE COMMUNICATION.(Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-2013)

Friday, 28 March 2014 06:06Nitha

                  MBA DEGREE EXAMINATION,

                              MAY 2013

                   Q.P.CODE: [07DMB 15]

                             FIRST YEAR:




Answer any FIVE out of Eight questions.


All questions carry equal marks  (5 * 20 = 100)


1. Communication is the life blood of an organization. Elaborate the statement with suitable examples.


2. Explain why communicating clearly across cultures is important to business.


3. Briefly explain the process of intra and inter personal communication.


4. What is a Report? What are the different types of Reports?


5. Briefly explain the various functions and phases of financial communication. 


6. Tables, flow charts organization charts etc are the visual aids which can make the report more effective. Discuss.


7. Today no executive can survive without learning the art of making presentations. Do you agree? Why?


8. State suggestions regarding appearance and dress for interviews.

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