North Maharashtra University 2008 B.E Computer Engineering Jalgaon, S.E,Computer - Question Paper
I am uploading a ques. paper of Analog Electronics of S.E(computer)2008
Analog l.lfitrunld (New)
P Pfcgci : 4
Tim# : Three Hoan
M M.A. 100
Instructions to Cnrulktrttrs
1. Do not write anything or. quotum p*jm except Seat No
2. Answer any two question Irom each unit All unit* are compulsory
3. Assume suitable data if nereuarv
4 Draw diagrams wherevet nereMary.
5 Figures to right indicate full mark*
6 Us* non programmable calculator only
I. a) State the Nortons theorem Find the Nortons equivalent of
following circuit to find the current through 10 ohm mtstanc# 10
10 ohm |
b) Find the current in S ohm mittor in the circuit shown in fig 2
using Th*v#rJn' th*of*m
' Wl
) Explain wb< are da) and practical current am) vofekgr *ot,rc# Find th value of V, and V2 u*ing KVL lot the circuit hown m fig 3
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a) A w*td4) source j( tnfeciuil fs&*nc 600 ohm dnvw C C
1 I 2Mfc>afwn. w 2*10 4.ft* * 60, H* 2S> V
Calculate Af. fit. Rq. *vS 1
D) Fot high fw|i*ecy * mod<H oI BIT
h* * 6 kilo ohm, * 224, /, - ImA ft ~WMIU Cbf !2pf CrttcuUi* t>rw high fteq * mcxid for Bit, 10
c) Draw th CE-CE ciacAtkr RC n*fWI tw mge nmplifwt nh voltage divider biasing and 1st M*g* ha# %, yrtfcypaxt amf t*wi stag* hm %t by pm*. Drtwt Hr** tor Air d 1$
<NI! Ill 1 >* .nw, .... K* 4 ***-*., ' v* vr,Vn, |
b} VM1 thoil *><2 tw <k)u> nn.tii>9 erf mpisfwr and e&in
Now ttw BVV tv< ampitfwt tan b* ckuUi*d from th mifc < 1 10
cl A wwp>iwwiiv puth ptsB ampWx-T fo* <at\seof coupled kvad nt - lOdHffi. *uppty *# 24 VWl find P3, JoOach
fA , ,%ml % n 10
Wh*i th# ol
K>pkg* of mw>Vtv* faetSmb I) W tmfmlAnc# i* H) CMP mip#dam*
Ul) VAadas* tv? Cummt gAtn
v) BW
b) th voltage divider biasing method fot JFFT mit* the
equation to find operating points t * fpg, Vgg, Vqsq
p Oraw th# circuit diag for Hartley osriaWatot and explain th* working Find th* freq If (.j * 15ml f. C 50 pf' Lj * 3mH
5 #j Draw th# cutuft dn*g lor transistor shunt regulafcx and explain fh<> wtttktnq of tt (tod the O P voltage If Vm 20V ISO ohm, Vz 6V and RL lOOohm transMtoi u*d is G
W Wth the help of block diag explain the working o# switch mode pown supply
U whether regulator citcuit *ho%tm In ftg S ts low. voyage
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