B.A-B.A English MODERN AND POST MODERN LITERATURE(Alagappa University - Directorate of Distance Education-2012)
Monday, 24 June 2013 02:22Jebaprincy
B.A. (English)/B.A. (English) (Addl. degree) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2012.
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE of the following questions.
1. How does W.B. Yeats Pray to God for his daughter to be?
2. Trace the symbolism discussed by J.S. Eliot in Journey of the Magi.
3. Is Snowball suitable for a leader?
4. Why does Nora want to go to job?
5. Why is Mrs. Dalloway very much proudful?
6. Trace the alliteration found in Animal Farm.
7. Discuss the element magic realism found in Midnight's children.
8. How far is Prof. Minott committed to his profession?
PART B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR of the following questions.
9. Write a critical appreciation of ‘‘Death of a Naturalist’’.
10. Why does Yeats want God to make his second appearance?
11. Is Nora an emancipated woman? Give reasons.
12. Trace the elements of modernism found in Waiting for Godot.
13. How does Virginia woolf depict Mrs. Dalloway?
14. Justify the title Midnight’s Children.
15. How does George orwell Satirise human society through Animal Farm.
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