B.A-B.A English ELIZABETHAN LITERATURE(Alagappa University - Directorate of Distance Education-2012)
Monday, 24 June 2013 12:31Jebaprincy
B.A. (English)/ B.A. (English) (Addl.) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2012.
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Write a note on The Black Death and the break-up of the feudal manor.
2. Write a note on The Spanish armada.
3. Describe the moral virtues in The Prologue to the Faerie Queen.
4. What idea does Sidney express in “The Nightingale”.
5. Why does God withhold rest from man in Herbert’s “The Pulley”.
6. Summarize Bacon’s views on truth.
7. Comment on the scene of exposition.
8. Describe Ralph’s plight on his return from the wars in France.
SECTION B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. The Elizabethan Age was an era of progress in every field of activity. Elucidate.
10. What does Thomas Nasha pray to God.
11. Describe the metaphysical conceit in Marvell’s “To his Coy Mistress”.
12. How does Robert Herrick glorify the joys and customs of country life in “Delight in Disorder”.
13. Critically comment on Bacon’s style.
14. Discuss Edward II as a tragedy.
15. Consider The Shoemaker’s Holiday as a citizen play
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