B.A-B.A Public Administration COMPUTERS AND DATA PROCESSING (Alagappa University - Directorate of Distance Education-2012)
Friday, 21 June 2013 11:22Jebaprincy
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (5 × 10 = 50 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Describe the basic components of a digital computer.
2. What is Decision Table? Explain with an example.
3. Explain the importance of master file and transaction file.
4. Explain the production planning and control application.
5. What are the reports to be generated for management of stores and explain them?
6. Describe the different types of data processing system.
7. Explain the need of auxiliary storage device and describe the functions of any two devices.
8. Describe the different techniques of file organisation.
PART B — (20 × 1 = 20 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
9. (a) Fill in the blanks:
(i) Keyboard is an ————–––––– device.
(ii) MICR stands for ————––––––
(iii) ————–––––– is a program, which acts as a mediator between the user and the hardware.
(iv) Transmission of data into meaningful information is called ————––––––.
(v) ————–––––– file contains permanent records.
(b) Match the following:
(i) Digital computer (1) All the users have the same priority.
(ii) Magnetic core (2) Processed data memory
(iii) Time-sharing (3) Operates by counting system
(iv) Information (4) Raw facts
(v) Data (5) Non-volatile
(c) Say True or False:
(i) Laptop is also known as notebook.
(ii) Auxiliary memory stores information about BIOS.
(iii) The OS that allows only one program to run at a time is real time.
(iv) Sequential file is simple and economical.
(v) A system flowchart shows the entire data flow throughout a data processing system.
(d) Choose the correct answer:
(i) CPU stands for
(1) Central Protection Unit
(2) Central Processing Unit
(3) Central Power Unit
(4) Control Processing Unit
(ii) The secondary storage device that follows the sequential mode of access.
(1) Optical disk (2) Magnetic Disk
(3) Magnetic Tape (4) Magnetic Drum
(iii) The graphical representation of an algorithm is called
(1) Decision Table (2) Flow chart
(3) Decision Tree (4) MIS
(iv) Which of the following is not a type of internet connection?
(1) ISDN (2) Dialup
(3) Leased line (4) ISP
(v) BPO refers to
(1) Out sourcing (2) Assignment
(3) Contract (4) Electronic lease
PART C — (5 × 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
10. Describe the features of real time processing.
11. Describe the steps in data processing.
12. What are the operations involved in file maintenance? Explain.
13. Describe the various reporting techniques.
14. What are the inputs for the payroll application? Explain them.
15. Explain the need of online processing.
16. Write about Top-down programming technique.
17. Draw the flow chart to find the sum of even numbers upto 100.
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