National Institute of Technology 2006 B.Tech Chemical Engineering ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Elective) CY 205; Quiz Test - II (09-09-) - Question Paper
Sunday, 03 February 2013 10:45Web
Chemistry Department III Sem. B.Tech. (Chem. Engg)
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Elective) CY 205; Quiz Test - II (09-09-2006)
Time: 1/2 hr. Max. Marks: 20
What is diazotization reaction ? provide its mechanism.
How would you convert aniline to 1,3,5- tribromobenzene ?
What is Borsch's reagent ? What is its use ? How is it synthesized ?
elaborate heterocyclic compounds ? How are they classified ? discuss with examples
discuss the mechanism of nitration of thiophene. '
provide reasons for the following:
(i) Coupling of benzene diazonium salt takes place only with aromatic compounds containing
group like OH, NH2. (ii) Coupling of phenol is carried out in a weakly alkaline medium while that with anilines in
weakly acidic solution.
provide reasons: (i) Thiophene is more aromatic in nature than furan. (ii) Pyrrole is acidic but
not furan.
How are the subsequent compounds prepared ?
(1)2-Formyl pyrrole (2) Furan-2-sulphonic acid (3)Thiophene-2-carboxylic acid (4)THF
provide any 2 methods of synthesis of furan.
10. Give reasons for the following:
(i) Pyrrole has higher boiling point than thiophene (ii) Pyrrole is not basic even though it contains NH group.
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