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Madras University (UnOM) 2006 B.Com Corporate Secretaryship English - II - Question Paper

Monday, 12 August 2013 06:40Web

(n) You both ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You ought to be punished.
(i) Who are to be ashamed of ?
(ii) What were they trying to do?

(o) You are typical sir, of the sentiments of modern Christianity. You illustrate the deepest feelings in the heart of every man.
(i) Who exhibits the sentiments?
(ii) What, according to the speaker, is modern Christianity?

2. learn the subsequent passage and ans the ques. provided beneath in about 60 words: [Marks 4]

When we grumble, we are told that all our miseries are our own doing because we have the vote. When we say 'what good is the vote'? we are told that we have the Factory Acts, and the Wages Boards, and free education, and the New Deal, and the dole; and what more could any reasonable man ask for? We are reminded that the rich are taxed a quarter - a 3rd - or even a half and more of their incomes; but the poor are never reminded that they have to pay that much of their wages as rent in addition, to having to work twice as long everyday as they would need if they were free.

Comment on the explanation provided when the voters grumble.

3. learn the subsequent passage in Group A and Group B. select either Group A or Group B and ans the ques. provided beneath in about 60 words : [1 x four = Marks 4]


(a) To beguile the time
Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye,
Your hand, your tongue : look like the innocent flower,
But be the serpent under 't. He that's coming
Must be given for; and you shall put
This night's great business into my dispatch;
Which shall to all our nights and days to come
provide solely sovereign sway and masterdom.
Comment on Lady Macbeth's expectations.


(b) What did you expect? You told them our gallant fellows is falling down at the rate of thousand a day in the big push. Dying for Little Pifflington, you says. Come and take their places, you says. That ain't the way to recruit.

Comment on Clerk's ridicule of Augustus.

4. Write an essay on any 1 of the subsequent in about 250 words: [Marks 15]

(a) What do you learn from Joad's estimate of Gandhi?
(b) How does Huxley show that life can be worth living?

5. Write an essay on any 1 of the subsequent in about 250 words. select either Group A or Group B : [Marks 15]

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