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Madras University (UnOM) 2006 B.C.A Computer Application object oriented programming using C ++ - Question Paper

Monday, 12 August 2013 04:10Web

PART A - (10 x three = 30 marks)

ans any TEN ques..

All ques. carry equal marks.

every ans should not exceed 50 words.

1. Compare structured and object oriented

programming paradigms.

2. elaborate the programming paradigms currently

available? discuss their features with programming

languages supporting them.

3. What is a software crisis? Justify the need for a

new programming paradigm.

4.What is inline function? provide an example.

5.What are. friend functions? What is its features?

6. What is the difference ranging from static binding and

late binding?

7.What is inheritance? Write its kinds.

8.What is polymorphism? Write its features.

9.Compare constructors and destructor..

10.What are streams?

11.What are generic classes?

12. elaborate exceptions? What is the importance of


PART B - (5 x six = 30 marks)

ans any 5 ques..

All ques. carry equal marks.

every ans should not exceed 200 words.

13. explain the merits and demerits of object-oriented


14. elaborate escape sequences? Write a program to

output messages in double quotes.

15. elaborate the differences ranging from passing

parameters by value and by pointers? provide suitable


16. elaborate virtual destructors? How do they differ

from normal destructors? provide suitable illustrations.

17. discuss the different methods of performing

formated stream I/O operation.

18. Write a program to demonstrate the catching of all


19. discuss the different file stream classes needed for

file manipulations.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

ans any 4 ques..

All ques. carry equal marks.

every ans should not exceed 500 words.

20. Write a program to multiple 2 matrices of

various orders.

21. elaborate recursive functions? Write a program to

obtain ncr and npr values.

22. Write a program for finding the smallest and

largest in a list of N numbers. Accept the value of N at

runtime and allocate the necessary amount of storage

for storing numbers.

23. Create a class, which keeps track of the number of

its instances use static data members, constructors, and

destructor to maintain updated info about

active objects.

24. elaborate the various forms of inheritance

supported in C++? discuss them with an example.

25. (a) elaborate the differences ranging from sequential

and random files?

(b) elaborate the differences ranging from ASCll and

binary files?

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