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K L University 2008 B.E Industrial Production & Engineering advanced C language supplymentary - Question Paper

Sunday, 03 February 2013 03:25Web

ans all units

All ques. carry equal marks

Unit 1

1) What are relational and logical operators in C? provide examples
2) What is the basic form of a function?
Differentiate call by value and call by reference with examples.

1) Explain various variable data kinds in C declaration and examples.
2) What is recursion? Write a recursive program to reverse a provided integer.

Unit 2

1) Write a program to illustrate the use of pointers in arithmetic operations
2) Write a program using pointers that imitates the usage of standard C function strlen ( )
1) Write a program and discuss how to pass an entire array to a function using pointers
2) Write a program to determine the larger of 2 integers: use a function that returns a pointer to the larger integer.
Unit 3
1) Explain any 3 various ways to initialize structure elements
2) Distinguish ranging from a structure and union. Who do you declare a union. discuss a self referential structure
1) Distinguish ranging from arrays of structures and arrays with in structures with examples
2) Write a program that passes the address of a structure variable to a function and let the function print the data
Unit 4
1) What is dynamic memory allocation. discuss the memory management functions calloc ( ) and recalloc ( )
2) Write a program to create a linked list of integers and print out the list

1) Write a function insert a provided item before a specified node known as key node in a linked list
2) Write functions to transverse a circular list and print the elements in the list
Unit 5
1) What is a file? discuss any 5 basic operations on file
2) Write a program that prints the ASCII value of every character in a file
1) What is a macro? discuss the 3 various kinds of macro substitution
2) Write a program that reads a file and count how many characters, blank spaces, tabs, and new lines are current in it.

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