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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada 2010 B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering DBMS of --SET 2 - Question Paper

Thursday, 08 August 2013 10:50Web

Code No: V0523/R07 Set No. 2
II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and info
Time: three hours Max Marks: 80
ans any 5 ques.
All ques. carry equal marks

1. (a) Why would select a database system instead of simply storing data in oper-
ating system files ? When would it make sense not to use a database system?
(b) What is logical data independence and why is it important? [8+8]
2. (a) What is a relation? Differentiate ranging from relation schema and relation in-
stance. describe the terms unity and degree of relation. elaborate domain
(b) discuss new insertion, delation and updating of database is performed in the
relational algebra. [8+8]
3. discuss the subsequent [16]
(a) kinds of Join Operations.
(b) Set Operations
4. (a) discuss about four Nf? provide 1 example?
(b) discuss about five Nf? provide 1 example? [8+8]
5. (a) discuss how concurrency execution of transactions improves overall system
performance. [8]
(b) elaborate the transaction isolation Levels in SQL. [8]
6. (a) elaborate the merits & demerits of using fuzzy dumps for media recovery. [6]
(b) discuss the phases of ARIES Algorithm. [4]
(c) discuss three main properties of ARIES Algorithm [6]
7. discuss why the allocation of records to blocks affects database-system performance
significantly. [16]
8. elaborate the differences ranging from B-tree indices and B+
-tree indices. discuss in detail. [16]

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