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Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) 2010 M.Ed Education MESE-058 al and Vocational Guidance and Counseling-(ember ) - Question Paper

Monday, 05 August 2013 06:50Web

No. of Printed Pages : 4    MESE-058

M.Ed. (MASTER OF EDUCATION) Term-End Examination December, 2010



Time : 3 hours    Maximum Weightage : 70%

Note : (i) All the questions are compulsory.

(ii) All questions carry equal weightage.

1.    Answer the following question in about 600 words :

Explain why guidance is considered to be a team approach ?


Discuss the characteristics of growth and development that takes place during late childhood. Explain the educational implications.

2.    Answer the following question in about 600 words :

Discuss the historical antecedents of guidance.


Describe the personality of an efficient counsellor.

3.    Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each :

(a)    Explain the term, 'authoritarian parents'.

(b)    Explain the need for guidance at the senior secondary level.

(c)    Discuss the importance of listening skills for counsellors.

(d)    Describe the concept of 'school social worker.

(e)    Discuss some common causes of stress.

(f)    Discuss how mental development takes place during early childhood ?

4.    Answer the following question in about 600 words :

Discuss a strategy you will develop for dealing with behavioural problems of children of your school.


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(i) ?79# WH 3ifa<mf ft

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1.    PinRrlRsId TPR 3tR WVm 600    :

RPfT 'SFt WW 4f TRTT IcU t, TW pr I


3rR    (late childhood) % TFT

3Rk fq=hi<H =h1 fq$Hai3Tf cb| -c)-c|| cblf*! I    Pifedisjf

'tf TW I

2.    PiHRrlRsfti nHTTC wm 600 ?Kf 3 :

(historical antecedents)


wrefcrm %    i

3. pFRpfllci if it /# tm jhhI % (3i wm

150 WZff)

(a)    * (HTiiqi< STflcich' (authoritarian parents) r)l; '(rHd cbiPslQ. I

(b)    rfiT TcR TR HlWn 3<|&imdl


(d)    ftHId41 Chl4chdl aqKtRUH

(e)    pf (stress) WIHM +RU|ft 4 +11 M. I

(f)    TIRte IHWWI % WW fJRT ftRT

wRmTt, =hirm

4. fF#ffeH WTTxR 600''fR :

chl4-l!Ri (strategy) "f    3TPT 3R

UiiMM    *Wft*PTC*n3if WPR

r % fc ft'tjRifl =it i

MESE-058    4


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