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Indian Institute of Technology Patna 2011 Diploma Mechanical Engineering BME-058 : POWER PLANT ENGINEERING, Term-End , e-. - Question Paper

Sunday, 03 February 2013 01:10Web

No. of Printed Pages : 4    BME-058~|




   Term-End Examination

   June, 2011


Time : 3 hours    Maximum Marks : 70

Note: Answer any seven questions. Assume if any data is missing. Use of scientific calculator is permitted.

1. (a) Describe briefly various sources of Energy 5 Production and discuss their merits and demerits.

(b) List out the advantages of liquid and gaseous 5 fuels.    .

2. (a) Give the layout of a modem steam power plant and explain it briefly.

(b) Describe the rankine cycle as applied to a system using super heated system. What is the utility of this cycle in the study of steam power plants ?

3.    (a) What is evaporator ? How are evaporators 5

classified ? Explain any one of them with neat sketch.

(b) The 5400 kg of steam is produced per hour 5 at a pressure of 7.5 bar in a boiler with feed water at 415C. The dryness fraction of steam at exit is 0.98. The amount of coal burnt per hour is 670 kg of calorific value 31000 kj/kg. Determine

(i)    Boiler efficiency

(ii)    Equivalent evaporation.

4.    (a) Explain with help of neat diagram the 5

construction and working of a nuclear power plant.

(b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages 5 of nuclear power plants as compared with conventional power plants.

5.    (a) Discuss the various factors to be considered 5

while selecting a site for nuclear power plant.

(b) What is "Boiling Water Reactor" ? How it 5 differs from "Pressurised Water reactor" ?

6.    (a) List out the advantages and disadvantages 5

of Diesel Power Plants.

(b) During the trial of a four stroke diesel engine, 5 the following observations were recorded Area of indicator diagram = 475 mm2 Length of indicator diagram = 62 mm Spring Index = 1.1 bar/mm Diameter of Piston = 100 mm Length of stroke = 150 mm Engine speed = 375 rpm Determine

(i)    Indicated mean effective pressure

(ii)    Indicated power

7.    (a) Explain the working of simple gas turbine 5

plant with help of neat diagram.

(b) List out the applications and limitations of 5 gas turbine power plants.

9.    (a) What safety measures need to be taken for 5

the safe operation of an Hydro - Electric Power Plant ?

(b) Enumerate and explain briefly various 5 methods used to calculate the depreciation cost.

10.    Write short notes on any two of the following : 5+5=10

(a)    Equivalent Evaporation

(b)    Super Heater

(c)    Condensing system

BME-058    4


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