Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham 2007 B.C.A Computer Application Unix Programming - Question Paper
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 06:15Web
B.C.A. May 2007.
Unix Programming
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
ans any 5 ques..
1. Explain Vi editor with 3 kinds of mode in details. (20)
2. (a) Explain date command with any 5 choices. (10)
(b) Explain Is command and sleep command with examples. (10)
3. (a) Discuss splitting of a file with suitable choices. (12)
(b) Discuss the cate statements with examples. (8)
4. (a) Write a UNIX shell programming to print odd and even number upto 100.(10)
(b) Discuss the kinds of looping statements with examples. (10)
5. (a) Discuss the different kinds of C operators. (15)
(b) Write a C program to test the character kind. (5)
6. (a) Discuss about Nested IF.... ELSE statement. (12)
(b) Explain Goto statement. (8)
7. (a) Explain any 4 string handling functions with examples. (12)
(b) Discuss the Form of C functions. (8)
8. (a) Explain 2 dimensional array with an example. (10)
(b) Discuss input and output operations on files. (10)
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