Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham 2007 B.C.A Computer Application Business Communication Standards - Question Paper
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 06:05Web
B.C.A. May 2007.
Business Communication Standards
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
ans any 5 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.
1. (a) What is meant by ‘‘Commercial Correspondence’’?
(b) What are the main purposes of a business letter?
2. (a) List out the general points to be remembered while writing a letter of enquiry.
(b) As a retailer, draft a letter to Rainbow India Private Ltd., Calcutta, placing an urgent order with them for certain goods needed for the forthcoming rainy season. Draw their attention to the need for prompt delivery.
3. (a) When are Status enquiries necessary?
(b) Write a letter to Messers. Mehra and Sons, Allahabad stating that you are unable to execute the order by the due date explaining your inconvenience and ask for a weeks time for the execution of order.
4. (a) List out the chief characteristics of a well drafted complaint letter.
(b) M/s. Govindan & Co., Salem did not pay the overdue accounts to M/s. Arunachalam & Co. of Chennai. Write a final warning letter to M/s. Govindan & Co., Salem to remit the sum within a fortnight.
5. (a) List out the contents of the application for situation.
(b) Write an application letter for the post of an accountant in a limited company, in Bangalore.
6. (a) Distinguish ranging from minutes and reports.
(b) Draft the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of ABC Company Limited, assuming that only ordinary business was conducted at the meeting.
7. (a) Define ‘‘Small Scale Industry’’.
(b) Explain the issues of Small Scale Industries in India.
8. (a) Write a letter for a manufacturing company, informing a selling agent of the decision of the company to terminate the agency.
(b) Explain the important principles of Insurance.
Earning: Approval pending. |