Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) 2006 B.A Social Work BSWE001 Introduction to - Question Paper
Saturday, 27 July 2013 12:05Web
IGNOU BSWE001 Introduction to Social Work December 2006
Bachelor in Social Work (BSW)
Term-End exam
BSWE001: Introduction to Social Work
Time: three hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: (i) Attempt all the 5 ques..
(ii) All the 3 ques. carry equal maks.
(iii) ans to ques. one and two should not exceed 500 words
December 2006
1. define social work as a profession. Briefly trace the history of social work education. (20)
What do you understand by social work values ? explain in brief a few of the important social work values you are familiar with.
2. Is code of ethics in social work important ? define in brief the proposed code of ethics for social workers in India (20)
Briefly identify the provisions for Social Welfare in the 10th 5 Year Plan
3. Anwer any top of the subsequent ques. in about 250 words each:
(i) describe and distinguish ranging from the concepts of "Community" and "Associations". (10)
(ii) explain briefly the modifications taking place in caste as a outcome of modernization (10)
(iii) What is the role of environment in personality development? explain. (10)
(iv) define in brief "Child Psychology" (10)
4. ans any 4 of the subsequent ques. in about 150 words every
(i) elaborate the characteristics and impact of public opinion? (5)
(ii) What do you underitand by moulding of personality? (5)
(iii) define in brief the functionality of a family. (5)
(iv) Distinguish ranging from primary groups and secondary groups (5)
(v) explain briefly the scope of social work. (5)
(vi) Dfferentiate ranging from 'Charity' and 'Shramdan (5)
5. Write short notes on any fiue of the 100 words every :
(i) COS movement (4)
(ii) Principle of confidentiality in social work (4)
(iii) Family as an agent for social control (4)
(iv) Single parent families (4)
(v) Plurality of culture (4)
(vi) Primary agencies of socialization (4)
(vii) Propaganda (4)
(viii) DSM IV classification system of mental disorders (4)
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