Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) 2006 B.A Social Work BSWE002 Intervention with Individuals and Groups - Question Paper
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IGNOU BSWE002 Social Work Intervention with Individuals and Groups December 2006
Bachelor in Social Work (BSW)
Term-End exam
BSWE002: Social Work Intervention with Individuals and Groups
Time: three hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: (i) Attempt all the 5 ques..
(ii) All the 3 ques. carry equal maks.
(iii) ans to ques. one and two should not exceed 500 words
December 2006
1. define a few of the major issues faced by individuals in the family. discuss how social work interventions with individuals in the family setting can be done. (20)
"Globalization is widening the gap ranging from the rich and the poor " explain
2. describe group work and briefly define the theories underlying group work practice. (20)
"Fundamental Rights are the political and civil rights meant for all the citizens". discuss.
3. ans any 2 of the subsequent ques. in about 250 words every
(i) elaborate the principles of social case work? Briefly explain. (10)
(ii) discuss in brief what you understand by group logistics. (10)
(iii) define a few of the major social defence programmes in India. (10)
(iv) "Capitalism and Socialism are 2 kinds of economic systems." explain. (10)
(v) elaborate the roles of a social worker in extending legal assistance to women in need? (10)
(vi) discuss briefly the meaning of health and health care. (10)
4. ans any 4 of the subsequent ques. in about 150 words each:
(i) elaborate the basic assumptions of social case work? (5)
(ii) Distinguish ranging from transference and counter-transference. (5)
(iii) elaborate the benefits of groups in meeting individual's fulfilment of needs? (5)
(iv) What do you understand by remedial model of social group work? (5)
(v) elaborate a few of the major causes of human issues ? (5)
(vi) Briefly define the qualities of a case work interviewer. (5)
5. Write short notes on any 5 of the subsequent in about 100 words each:
(i) Establishing rapport (4)
(ii) Social action groups (4)
(iii) Skills essential for a social group worker (4)
(iv) Gandhian approach to the study of social issues. (4)
(v) Substance abuse (4)
(vi) Political sub-system (4)
(viil Social issues due to cultural factors
(viii) Concept of mixed economic system (4)
Earning: Approval pending. |