Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) 2002 B.A History EHI-5 : INDIA : MID-18th CENTURY TO MID-19th CENTURY - Question Paper
Thursday, 25 July 2013 09:00Web
Term-End exam
June, 2002
Time: three hours
Maximum Marks: 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : ans any 5 ques. in around 600 words every. All ques. carry equal marks.
1. explain the process through which the Sikh state emerged in the 18 th century Was it theocratic in character ? (20)
2. What do you understand by 'De-industrialization ' ? discuss the impact of the European trade on Indian industry. (20)
3. Why did the Awadh rulers fail to maintain their sovereignty ? what is the significance of the treaty of 1801 ? (20)
4. explain the salient features of different land revenue settlements introduced by the British in India. (20)
5. Write short notes on any 2 of the subsequent :
(About 300 words each) (10+10)
(i) Battle of Plassey
(ii) Mercantilism
(iii) Industrial Revolution
(iv) 3rd Carnatic War
6. explain the development of English education in India. What were the advantages and disadvantages of the colonial system of education ? (20)
7. discuss the different forms of social discrimation in India. How did the different disprivileged groups react to this ? (20)
8. What were th major problems taken up by the reformers in 19th century India ? Did the reform movements promote nationalism ? (20)
9. What were the ideas that influenced the british administrative reforms in India ? What was the British interest in administrative reforms ? (20)
10. Write short notes on any 2 of the subsequent : (10+10)
(About 300 words each)
(i) Mapilla Uprisings
(ii) Significance of the Revolt of 1857
(iii) Orientalism
(iv) development of Indian languages
(v) Romanticism in literature
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