All India Management Association (AIMA) 2007 M.B.A Business Administration MAT Entrance Test : Some for Practice - Question Paper
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This year also the AIMA MAT tradition continue, there were 5 parts every containing 40 ques.. These 200 questions, to be solved in a time span of 150 minutes. No sectional time limits were mentioned. While there was one mark allotted for every accurate answer, no quantification was done for negative marking. Thus, while solving the paper students had to concentrate more on accuracy.
Total Number of ques. 200 Objective kind ques..
Language Comprehension 40
Mathematical Aptitude 40
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning 40
Data Analysis and Sufficiency 40
Indian and Global Environment 40
200 Total
Detailed Analysis
In the subsequent pages we have given a few of the true test ques. with their solutions for your reference.
The part comprises of 40 ques. on studying Comprehension and English Usage. There were 4 passages of avg. 600 words and 3 to 4 ques. were asked on every passage. 5 ques. were every on Critical Reasoning, Sentence Correction and Para Jumbling. While 5 ques. were based on a new kind in which 3 phrases marked A, B and C were provided and 2 of these 3 phrases had the identical meaning, the students have to obtain which were they. 5 ques. were on Dictionary Definitions of words GROUND, MIX, STEEP, LAST and DRUM. The bird’s eye view of the part is as follows
studying Comprehension
The cheap products of China and their impact on
Passage I 4
Indian markets (Approx. 860 words)
Eating habits of sugar and their effects on human
Passage II four Easy to
health (Approx. 520 words)
i Moderate
Passage II I Environmentally distructive tourism (Approx. 330 3
Passage IV E-governance (Approx. 710 words) 4
English Usage
Critical Reasoning five Easy
Sentence Correction five Moderate
identical Meaning five Moderate
Para Jumbling five Moderate
Dictionary Definition eight Easy
In the Mathematical Aptitude part there were ques. on Arithmetic topics like Numbers, Ratio and Proportion, Mixtures, Work and Time, Percentage, Area and quantities etc. a few ques. were also based on Trigonometry and Permutation and Combination. The detail break-up of the ques. of this part is shown in the subsequent table. We have recalled a few of the ques. which are as follows
41. On a road 3 traffic lights change after 48, 72, 108 seconds. If all the 3 lights modifications simultaneously on 8:20:00 pm,
then at what time the lights will again change simultaneously?
(1) eight : 27 : 12 (2) eight : 25 : 14 (3) eight : 30 : 00 (4) eight : 29 : 30
42.If avg. age of a class (including boys and girls) is 15.8. If the avg. age of boys is 16.4 and the avg. age of girls is 15.4 , then the number of boys and girls in the class is
43.Rajan got married eight years ago. His previous age is 6/5 times his age at the time of his wedding. Rajan’s sister was 10 years younger to him at the time of his wedding. The age of Rajan’s sister is
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