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All India Management Association (AIMA) 2008 M.B.A Marketing Management Organizational Behaviour II 08 - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 11:50Web

Question Paper Organizational Behavior - I (MB1B1): October 2008

   Answer all 100 questions.

   Each question carries one mark.

1    <Answer

1    Managers perform ten different, highly interrelated roles, or sets of behaviors attributable to their jobs. A > manager when performing the role of a spokesperson

(a)    Receives wide variety of information and serves as nerve center of internal and external information of the organization

(b)    Transmits information received from outsiders or from other employees to members of the organization

(c)    Represents the organization during the interactions with outside parties

(d)    Maintains a network of outside contacts who provide favors and information

(e)    Transmits information about motivation and direction of employees through speeches.

2    <Answer

2. Ram is appointed as a project leader in TechnoSoft Ltd. He wants to adopt a leadership approach that > focuses on the employees readiness and willingness to perform as well as his ability to do what is expected. Rams choice of leadership theory will be

(a)    Fiedlers contingency model

(b)    Leader-member exchange theory

(c)    Life cycle model

(d)    Leadership-participation model

(e)    Path-goal theory.

3    <Answer

3 IBM made considerable efforts to stabilize its workforce and preserve their jobs. It reduced overtime and > freezed hiring. Moreover, it allowed job transfers and also offered early retirement incentives. Which of the following models of organizational behavior is IBM adopting?

(a)    The autocratic model

(b)    The collegial model

(c)    The supportive model

(d)    The custodial model

(e)    The cognitive model.

4.    The amount of difference between two social systems or the social systems of two different countries is <An>wer referred to as    

(a)    Cross-cultural re-entry

(b)    Cultural distance

(c)    Ethical dilemma

(d)    Guided imagery

(e)    Psychological contract.

5.    Bobby is a corporate manager who prefers rule-regulated, orderly, and unambiguous activities. He is dull <An>wer and a stubborn person. But is very efficient in work related activities and is practical in his approach. What type is Bobbys personality?

(a)    Artistic

(b)    Conventional

(c)    Realistic

(d)    Social

(e)    Enterprising.

6    <Answer

. A research analyst working for a company will experience equity or inequity when he compares his salary > with that of another research analyst working with him. The referent comparison used by the research analyst is known as











7    <Answer

7    IBM Canada has restructured its organization to enable employees who have contact with customers to be > more involved in the decision-making process. This change is aimed at improving organizational efficiency. IBM is trying to

(a)    Achieve a competitive advantage through people

(b)    Apply scientific principles

(c)    Engage in group decision-making

(d)    Achieve circular reasoning

(e)    Maintain competition records.

8    <Answer

8    Basic form of perceptual organization confirming that perceived objects are separated from their general > background by the perceiver is known as

(a)    Figure ground

(b)    Principle of contrast

(c)    Principle of intensity

(d)    Closure

(e)    Halo effect.

9    <Answer

9    People tend to develop some generalizations that are helpful in explaining and predicting what others will > do. Which of the following statements is not true regarding generalization of behavior?

(a)    Happy workers are productive workers

(b)    Everybody likes a challenging job

(c)    Individuals are most productive when the boss is friendly, reliable and unassuming

(d)    Money motivates everyone

(e)    People are more concerned about others salaries rather than their own.

10    <Answer

When George Buckley became CEO of Brunswick, a boating and sports-equipment conglomerate, the > company was operating like an industrial-age dinosaur. Buckley asked his 25,000 employees, Why not become the Toyota of boating?Five years after Buckley became the CEO, Brunswick is well on its way to reaching this goal. As one observer said, This old company is reinventing itself at the atomic level. What kind of a leader is Buckley?

(a)    Transactional

(b)    Transformational

(c)    Contingency

(d)    Autocratic

(e)    Delegative.

11    <Answer

Self refers to the personality of an individual as viewed by that person himself. Which of the following in > not likely to influence self-efficacy?

(a)    Being told you can do a task

(b)    Feeling comfortable about doing a task

(c)    Making a reward contingent on the desired behavior

(d)    Observing someone else doing a task

(e)    Performing a task successfully.

12    <Answer

12    Vroom proposed the expectancy theory of work motivation which is based on three variables. In this > context, instrumentality refers to

(a)    An individuals perception of the degree to which a first-level outcome would help in attaining the desired second-level outcome

(b)    The degree of rewards individuals receive for their work

(c)    The strength of individuals preference for a particular outcome

(d)    The level of liking or disliking the boss

(e)    The probability that performing a specific action would produce a first-level outcome.

13    <Answer

13 Which of the following statements is true regarding cognitive framework of organizational behavior?    >

(a)    Cognition precedes behavior and serves as an input for a persons thoughts, perception, problem solving and information processing

(b)    Cognitive focuses on observable behaviors rather than evasive mind

(c)    Cognitive framework deals with identifying latest trends in management

(d)    Cognitive framework concentrates on developing skills such as communications skills etc

(e)    Cognitive framework deals with continuously improving the organization.

14 Though individuals may observe the same thing, yet they may perceive it differently. Many factors operate to either shape or distort perception. These factors relate to the perceiver. In light of the above statement, identify the factor that does not influence perception?








Food habits



15. Organizational Behavior is defined as the understanding, prediction and management of human behavior in organizations. Keith Davis has brought out the importance of organizational behavior in the equation



(a)    Knowledge x Skill = Motivation

(b)    Attitude x Situation = Organizational performance

(c)    Ability x Motivation = Potential Human performance

(d)    Human performance x Resources = Ability

(e)    Knowledge x Skill = Attitude.



16 Ms. Susan is the manager in the marketing department of Watch Corporation. She is successful in persuading others to work. She has no problem delegating some of her responsibilities to her sub-ordinates when her workload is too great, even if that means giving up control over a project. Once she delegates a task, she doesnt watch over their shoulders. Which personality characteristic does this demonstrate?






Openness to experience




Risk taking.

17    William Ouchi proposed Theory Z as an integrative model of organizational behavior. William Ouchi believed that in order to match the quality and productivity of Japanese firms, the American companies have to modify their management styles. Which of the following changes in human resource management of American companies is not recommended by William Ouchi?



(a)    They should offer more secure and better career prospects

(b)    They should involve employees in decision making process

(c)    They should emphasize team spirit and recognize individuals contribution to team

(d)    Managers and their subordinates should have mutual respect for each other

(e)    They should deploy employees on short-term basis.



18    Ms. Dhathri works in sales department of Hewlett-Packard. She set a moderate goal of increasing sales by 5 percent but doesnt feel comfortable delegating much of the work. She frequently thinks about work at home. Ms. Dhathri has a high need for

(a)    Power

(b)    Achievement

(c)    Affiliation

(d)    Security

(e)    Status.


19    The Hawthorne experiments were the first systematic attempt to undertake serious research into the workplace. The series of experiments involved in development of Hawthorne studies is/are

I.    Pavlovs experiment.

II.    The illumination experiment.

III.    Relay assembly room experiment.

IV.    Bank wiring observation room experiment.

(a)    Only (I) above

(b)    Both (I) and (II) above

(c)    Both (I) and (IV) above

(d)    (I), (II) and (III) above

(e)    (II), (III) and (IV) above.

20    Researchers identified different independent dimensions along which an individuals leadership behavior could be studied. When a person puts pressure on his/her sub-ordinates to meet deadlines and maintain certain standards of performance, he/she is said to be scoring high on

(a)    Delegation dimension

(b)    Initiating structure

(c)    Autocratic dimension

(d)    Consideration dimension

(e)    Charismatic dimension.



21    Mr. Jayesh is working as a Road Transport Office (RTO) consultant. He is known for his friendly, cooperative and understanding nature. But he does not like his colleague Mr. Mahesh, because he takes bribes. Which component of the Jayeshs attitude reflects in this situation?

(a)    Socialistic

(b)    Behavioral

(c)    Cognitive

(d)    Conventional

(e)    Affective.



22    Several disciplines have contributed to the study of human relations and organizational behavior. Which of the following statements is true regarding anthropology?

(a)    It is a scientific study of the nature and development of society

(b)    It is the study of mankind, especially of its origin, development, customs and beliefs

(c)    It is the study of individual and group behavior within a particular political environment

(d)    It is a study that is blend of psychology and sociology that focuses on influence of people on one another

(e)    It is a social science that helps explain, measure and remodel human behavior.



23. Which of the following statements are true regarding the underlying principles of quality circles?

I.    The supervisors should be trained in facilitation skills.

II.    Quality circles would be used only for addressing problems of a short-term nature.

III.    Continuous support from top management is essential for the success of quality circles.

IV.    Quality circles are involuntary groups of people who come together to generate ideas.

(a)    Both (I) and (II) above

(b)    Both (I) and (III) above

(c)    Both (II) and (III) above

(d)    (I), (II) and (III) above

(e)    (II), (III) and (IV) above.



24    Theory Y recommends empowerment of employees for improving work performance. This was later termed as job enrichment by Frederick Herzberg. Job enrichment refers to

(a)    The vertical expansion of jobs

(b)    Authority to take a decision within ones area of operations without having to get anyones approval

(c)    Redesigning of jobs

(d)    Manager exercising control on job

(e)    Bringing about radical change in the definition of business and its role.


25    Mr. David, an employee in a fashion designing firm came out with a new textile design for customers. The design became popular in the market, therefore the other employees simply modified and added more colors and changed shapes to it and released it into the market later. According to the grouping principle of perceptual organization, the employees referred in the example used the principle of











26 Ms. Suma has determined that her subordinate has high willingness to perform, but has low ability. According to the Hersey and Blanchard situational leadership model, she should use which of the following leadership styles?











27 Which of the following statements is/are true regarding human relations?



I.    Human relations deal with the interaction of people in a work situation that helps to generate team spirit.

II.    Human relations bring about an integration of individual and organizational goals.

III.    Human relations is the result of the unique blend of the related disciplines-psychology, sociology and anthropology.

(a)    Only (I) above

(b)    Only (II) above

(c)    Both (I) and (II) above

(d)    Both (II) and (III) above

(e)    All (I), (II) and (III) above.



28. Which of the following traits refers to the extent to which a person is responsible and achievement oriented and limits the number of goals set for himself, devote his time and energy to those goals and often succeed in achieving his goals?




Openness to experience






Emotional stability.

29    Emily likes challenges. She has a desire to perform well and is hard working, persisting until her goal is achieved. She started her own business. But as the business grew and required organization, Emily lost control over the business. Emily is



I.    High in achievement motive.

II.    Low in achievement motive.

III.    Low in power motive.

IV.    High in power motive.

(a)    Only (I) above

(b)    Only (II) above

(c)    Only (III) above

(d)    Both (I) and (III) above

(e)    Both (II) and (IV) above.



30    The social science that helps explain, measure and remodel human behavior is known as

(a)    Psychology

(b)    Social psychology

(c)    Industrial psychology

(d)    Sociology

(e)    Economics.

31    Which of the following statements is/are true regarding suggestion programs?

I.    Suggestion programs are another form of employee participation.

II.    Suggestion programs provide many useful ideas but they ensure participation only to a limited extent.

III.    Suggestion programs facilitate group problem solving and teamwork.

(a)    Only (I) above

(b)    Only (II) above

(c)    Both (I) and (II) above

(d)    Both (I) and (III) above

(e)    All (I), (II) and (III) above.

32 Mr. Daniel sets ambitious deadlines for himself and works under continuous time pressures and he constantly experiences a high level of stress. He is believed to be ambitious and achievement oriented. But sometimes, ends up doing a hasty job that lacks quality. Even though he is the manager, he is not innovative with his decisions and at times makes poor decisions. Thus, Mr. Daniel has the characteristics





Type A personality




Type B personality



33    Employees of LG Polymers willingly started doing overtime during the busy season. This is because, employees who worked overtime the previous year during the busy season, got increments in their salaries in the appraisal that followed. This is known as



(a)    Associative learning

(b)    Perceptive learning

(c)    Conditioned learning

(d)    Instrumental learning

(e)    Motivate learning.



34    The Porter-Lawler model was developed by Lyman W. Porter and Edward E. Lawler III. Which of the following is not a variable in the Porter-Lawler model?











35    Perceptual selectivity depends on external attention factors and internal set factors. Which of the following is not an external attention factor?



(a)    Motion

(b)    Contrast

(c)    Reputation

(d)    Novelty

(e)    Intensity.



36    Human behavior can be understood better if one is able to comprehend the role played by the internal and external factors in influencing behavior. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding personality vs. environment factors?

I.    Personality is not a result of the generic factors alone.

II.    People behave in different ways depending on the situation.

III.    Only personality traits, not the situational factors, have an impact on human behavior.

(a)    Only (I) above

(b)    Only (II) above

(c)    Both (I) and (II) above

(d)    Both (II) and (III) above

(e)    All (I), (II) and (III) above.


37    A multicultural organization possesses a set of core cultural values. Which of the following organizations allow the domination of one group over others in the workforce on the basis of certain criteria like age, gender, education or race?

(a)    Club organization

(b)    Exclusionary organization

(c)    Compliance organization

(d)    Redefining organization

(e)    Affirmative action organization.

38    Ronald wants to make up his career in a reputed organization as an important employee, because he seeks an identity for himself. In this process, he keeps switching between various jobs in search of the right one and as a result, he is unstable in his career and is less productive. In which stage of the career development is Ronald, according to Hall?

(a)    Adolescence stage

(b)    Exploration stage

(c)    Maintenance stage

(d)    Establishment stage

(e)    Maturity stage.



39    Theories of motivation are based on cognitive psychology. Other emerging theories in recent times are control theory and agency theory. Which of the following statements describes the control theory?

I.    Control is a cognitive phenomenon.

II.    It focuses on the control function, which is an integral part of the management process.

III.    Control is a coercive power.

(a)    Only (I) above

(b)    Only (II) above

(c)    Both (I) and (II) above

(d)    Both (II) and (III) above

(e)    All (I), (II) and (III) above.



40    Mentoring programs help the employees to manage diversity in the organizations. Which of the following statements is not true regarding a mentor?


Acts as a coach


Acts as a protege


Acts as a role model


Acts as a sponsor


Offers emotional support.

41    Bill Scott, Head of Product Development at Syntax Corporation, was put in charge of a high profile project that would determine the companys future. Bill led a team of 250 engineering, marketing and manufacturing professionals for two years. This resulted in the unveiling of a family of new internet phones. Unfortunately, these new products were a miserable failure in the market. In fact, the internet phone project turned out so badly that Bills reputation at Syntax was irreparably damaged. No matter what he did, everyone in the company seemed to question his credibility based on the failure of the internet phone project. This is an example of a(n)



(a)    Attribution

(b)    Perceptual context

(c)    Stereotyping

(d)    Perceptual defense

(e)    Halo effect.



42    Two    people may share a 40-hour-per-week job, with one working mornings and the other working afternoons. This flexible work arrangement is an example of

(a)    Flexible work hours

(b)    Job sharing

(c)    Compressed work week

(d)    Telecommuting

(e)    Reengineering.


43> Jack Jackson of Quality Carpets has been seriously considering a career change. However after much contemplation, Jack has concluded that the stress and emotional aspects of leaving the firm would surpass any gains he would acquire at a new organization. Jack is experiencing

(a)    Social commitment

(b)    Affective commitment

(c)    Coercive commitment

(d)    Normative commitment

(e)    Continuance commitment.

44    <Answer

44. Which one of the following needs is the government trying to fulfill by presenting gallantry awards to the > defense personnel who have excelled in their duties risking their lives?











45. Many organizations are increasingly becoming multicultural organizations. One of the stages of > development of multicultural organization is compliance organization. Which of the following statements best describes a compliance organization?

(a)    An organization hiring workforce on basis of criteria such as age, gender, education, religion or race

(b)    Hiring and promoting women and minorities but offering limited role in organizational activities

(c)    Hiring and promoting women and minorities to show their token presence and not with intent of developing a true multicultural organization

(d)    Supports the development of women, minorities, older workers physically disabled persons and other groups

(e)    Understands the significance of employing diverse workforce and strengthen visionary planning and problem solving.

46    <Answer

46    The first step of the Organizational Behavior Modification (O.B. Mod) process involves identifying the > critical behaviors which have a significant impact on the individuals performance, and therefore, on the organizations performance. In order to identify critical behaviors for O.B. Mod, which of the following questions need to have an affirmative answer?

I.    What type of behavior is desirable in employees?

II.    Can the behavior be directly measured?

III.    How can these behaviors be reinforced?

IV.    Does it affect the performance outcome?

V.    When should these reinforcements be offered?

(a)    Both (I) and (III) above

(b)    Both (II) and (IV) above

(c)    (I), (III) and (V) above

(d)    (II), (III) and (V) above

(e)    All (I), (II), (III), (IV) and (V) above.

47    <Answer

4/. Ms. Sharon Winner is the manager for Realities, Inc. in Los Angeles. She discusses problems with > subordinates and seeks their suggestions before making a decision. Sharon Winners leadership style is referred to as

(a)    Directive

(b)    Supportive

(c)    Participative

(d)    Achievement-oriented

(e)    Delegative.

48    <Answer

48. Alternative work schedules provide dual-career families the flexibility to balance work and family > demands. Flextime is one among the alternative work schedule arrangements. Which of the following is not true regarding flextime?

(a)    It gives more autonomy to employees with respect to their work timings

(b)    Employees have to work only during business timings

(c)    It gives them the freedom to work in accordance with their lifestyles

(d)    Employees can work at anytime irrespective of the business timings

(e)    The employees of the organization have to work for a minimum period of eight hours daily.

49 A union leader developed a negative attitude towards management due to the fact that sometime in the past, management had tried to manipulate workers by making false promises. Because of that experience, the union leader may regard anything said by the management as a means to manipulate the workers. Irrespective of the reality at a given point in time, he tries to interpret any action or promise of management on the basis of standards of reference set by himself. This refers to which of the following functions of attitude?

(a)    The defensive function

(b)    The cooptation function

(c)    The knowledge function

(d)    The coercion function

(e)    The perception function.



Legislation and lawsuits in many countries especially in USA prohibit discrimination of employees. It emphasizes organization to provide equal opportunity for all employees. This attitude is mainly responsible for emergence of

(a)    Informal organization

(b)    Diversity in organizations

(c)    Two-way communication process

(d)    Informal groups

(e)    Industrial democracy.



51 When the President of Leapfrog, a company that makes educational toys, says, Our company is simply experiencing a little slump in profitability and revenue, to a reporter, he is engaged in

(a)    Encoding the message

(b)    Transmitting the message

(c)    Using the information

(d)    Decoding the message

(e)    Giving feedback.



52. Psychologists are not in agreement as to how to classify various human motives. However, most psychologists agree that some motives are learned while others are not learned, but instead have a physiological basis. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding general motives?

I.    A motive is considered to be a general motive if it is not learned, and not based on physiological needs.

II.    General motives induce an individual to reduce the tension within him/her.

III.    Hunger, thirst, sleep etc. are some of the general motives.

(a)    Only (I) above

(b)    Only (II) above

(c)    Both (I) and (III) above

(d)    Both (II) and (III) above

(e)    All (I), (II) and (III) above.


53 A salesman himself may believe that the products of his company are of inferior quality, but is under conflict because he has to promote the products by convincing people that his companys products are of superior quality. In this situation, he is under


Person-situation interaction




Locus of control




Emotional dissonance.

54    Communication is vital for the functioning of organizations. Which of the following is/are not true with respect to interactive communication?

I.    The interactive communication constitutes formal channels of communication and has a central role to play in organizations.

II.    The interactive process has many behavioral implications.

III.    In interactive communication, the flow of information is confined to a specific path.

IV.    In interactive communication, the flow of information takes place spontaneously among people, irrespective of their levels.

(a)    Only (I) above

(b)    Only (II) above

(c)    Only (III) above

(d)    Both (I) and (III) above

(e)    Both (II) and (IV) above.



55    During music class, Latha enthusiastically sings aloud with her class, but the teacher comments, Latha, please... you sound like an owl in a torture chamber. Latha turns bright red. The next week she feels ill when it is time to go to music class again. Feeling anxiety at the prospect of going to music class is an example of

(a)    Unconditioned stimulus

(b)    Classical conditioning

(c)    Cognitive learning

(d)    Social learning

(e)    Unconditioned response.



56    There are many types of programs relating to the participation of employees in an organization. Which method of participation is operating by consensus and reflects many ideas of Theory Z?

(a)    Industrial democracy

(b)    Socio-technical teams

(c)    Involvement teams

(d)    Consultative management

(e)    Middle-management committees.



57    Phani is a systems analyst. His work involves discovering, analyzing and solving problems. According to Hollands typology of personality, Phani is most likely to be













58 Various participative programs usually result in favorable outcomes both for the employees as well as the organization. Which of the following does not come under the favorable outcomes for the employees?











Less stress.

59 Which of the following is defined by Vrooms expectancy theory, as the degree to which an individual believes that working at a particular level will generate a desired outcome?

(a)    Attractiveness

(b)    Performance-reward linkage

(c)    Effort-performance linkage

(d)    Reward-individual goal linkage

(e)    Motivator.

60* The marketing department has just sent a four-page report to the engineering department concerning plans for a new product launch that will take place in the next two months. This is an example of which of the following forms of communication?











61 According to the grouping principle of perceptual organization, an individual tends to group several stimuli together into a recognizable pattern. According to which of the following principles, a person may sometimes perceive a whole, where it does not exist while sometimes, a person may not be able to perceive a whole although one exists?















62 In which stage of Halls career stage model, the individual evaluates his/her life and career and tries to convince himself that he/she made the right decisions in his/her life?













63 A student arrives late to class everyday. Dr. Bharath begins to draw attention to this by pausing each day when the student arrives and saying Glad you could join us Mr. Sudhif. After three such instances Mr. Sudhir began arriving to class on time and Dr. Bharath made no public remarks directed at Sudhir. What method of reinforcement was used here?




Positive reinforcement


Negative reinforcement







64 Employees, who are actively involved in lateral communication, have access to large amounts of information outside their department, which they filter and communicate to others. What are these employees referred to as?




Boundary Spanners






Risk takers


Wedge drivers.

65 The sum total of ways in which an individual interacts with people and reacts to situations is known as











66 Grapevine provides information on the unwritten rules of the organization and important management decisions. Which of the following is not true with respect to grapevine?

(a)    It is beyond the control of management

(b)    Managers generally use the grapevine as a source of information

(c)    It is mostly used by employees to serve their personal and social interests

(d)    Managers use grapevine as a filter and feedback mechanism to eliminate rumors in the organization

(e)    It is considered more reliable and believable than other formal communication channels.

67 Many people see an accident, but the police cannot get one picture of what caused the accident. What is this process called?




Halo effect


Glass ceiling effect





68    The personality attributes help predict the behavior of individuals in organizations. The first attribute is concerned with ones perception of the locus of control in a persons life. In this regard, which of the following statements is/are false?



I.    Individuals with external locus of control (externals) are highly achievement-oriented and search extensively for the required information before making a decision.

II.    Individuals with internal locus of control (internals) are better suited for jobs involving routine and structured tasks.

III.    Internals are the individuals who believe that they control what happens to them.

(a)    Only (I) above

(b)    Only (II) above

(c)    Only (III) above

(d)    Both (I) and (II) above

(e)    Both (II) and (III) above.



69    One of the effective ways of upward communication is through a person who is to receive and respond to enquires, complaints, requests for policy clarification or allegations of injustice by employees. Such position was initially created in Scandinavia and later followed by Universities and government organizations in U.S.A and other countries. Such a person is referred to as a/an

(a)    Receiver

(b)    Ombudsperson

(c)    Supervisor

(d)    Leader

(e)    Manager.



70* The classical and operant conditioning processes help us understand how people acquire patterns of behavior. In this context, which of the following statements are false?

I.    Classical conditioning finds greater application in human learning than operant conditioning.

II.    In classical conditioning, it is the environmental event following the behavior that determines the strength and frequency of the behavior.

III.    In operant conditioning, the reward is given only when the organism gives the correct response.

IV.    Many managers base their behavioral strategies on the operant theory to motivate their employees and teach them desirable behaviors.

(a)    Both (I) and (II) above

(b)    Both (I) and (III) above

(c)    Both (II) and (IV) above

(d)    Both (III) and (IV) above

(e)    All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.


71 George Garrett of Holshow Insurance frequently speaks of his personal friendship with the State Insurance Commissioner when he attends organizational meetings. George is demonstrating which direct attempt at shaping others perceptions?

(a)    Figure-ground

(b)    Defensive impression

(c)    Impression motivation

(d)    Stereotyping

(e)    Impression construction.

72    The major advantage of which of the following participation programs is that ideas are carefully scrutinized before they are presented to the top management?

(a)    Self-managing teams

(b)    Multiple management

(c)    Consultative management

(d)    Suggestion programs

(e)    Programs emphasizing quality.



73    According to leadership - participation model, which of the following leadership styles is adopted by a leader who obtains relevant information from subordinates and then attempts to find the solution to the problem, but does not reveal the problem or seek the advice of subordinates in finding a solution or



making a decision?


Autocratic I


Autocratic II


Consultive I


Consultive II


Group II.

74    Which of the following traits refers to the extent to which a person subjugates his/her interests for the sake of the group and gives importance to maintaining harmony and do not insist that others agree with what he/she says or follow his/her suggestions?

(a)    Agreeableness

(b)    Openness to experience

(c)    Conscientiousness

(d)    Extraversion

(e)    Emotional stability.



75    Motorola is an organization that had downsized and flattened its structure. It is having hundreds of departments and sub-divisions. So it had adopted project and matrix organizational designs. In order to achieve organizational goals, all the departments should act in a coordinated manner. Which of the following types of communication should Motorola adopt?

(a)    Upward communication

(b)    Downward communication

(c)    Horizontal communication

(d)    Lateral communication

(e)    Vertical communication.



76    Claude had an unpleasant experience during his last visit to Dallas, Texas. He was approached by two men with strong Texas accent who wielded a sharp knife, roughed him up, cracked a rib, and stole all his money. Ever since Claude was mugged, he has taken an instant dislike to anyone who speaks with Texas slang. Claudes negative attitude is most probably a result of

(a)    Classical conditioning

(b)    Operant conditioning

(c)    Cognitive dissonance

(d)    Halo effect

(e)    Stereotyping.


77    Rob perceives Sandy to be receiving reinforcement for a behavior. Rob imitates Sandys behavior in order to increase the probability that he also will be reinforced. This is an example of

(a)    Classical conditioning

(b)    Vicarious processes

(c)    Operant conditioning

(d)    Cognitive dissonance

(e)    Self-reinforcement.

78 A number of obstacles may restrict the receivers understanding of a message. These interruptions act as barriers to communication. Which of the following is not a barrier to effective communication?


Selective perception


Attitude questionnaires




Information overload



79    According to the managerial grid, managers who score high on concern for people and low on concern for production demonstrate which of the following leadership styles?



(a)    Impoverished management

(b)    Country club management

(c)    Authority-compliance

(d)    Team management

(e)    Middle of the road management.



80    Ms. Kavita notices that Leila, her subordinate, is habitually rude to suppliers. By not involving Leila in an interesting new assignment, Kavita is using the technique of

(a)    Positive reinforcement

(b)    Punishment

(c)    Negative reinforcement

(d)    Rational persuasion

(e)    Extinction.



81    Which of the following is/are the personality determinant(s)?












Only (I) above


Both (I) and (II) above


Both (I) and (IV) above


(I), (II) and (III) above


(II), (III) and (IV) above.

82 Participative technique is one of the decision-making methods for making upward communication effective in an organization. In this context, which of the following is not a participative technique?




Suggestion boxes


Junior boards


Quality circles


Informal involvement of employees


Club organization.

83    Which of the following refers to a pattern of behavior that may be relatively stable or unstable and shows whether a person behaves similarly in a similar situation or if a particular behavior is just an infrequent occurrence?

(a)    Valence

(b)    Expectancy

(c)    Consensus

(d)    Distinctiveness

(e)    Consistency.

84    An expatriate manager evaluates other cultures on the basis of how similar they are to his/her own culture. Then such manager finds difficulties to adapt to a culture different from his own. Such a tendency is referred to as




Culture shock


Cultural distance





g-    <Answer

85    A psychological process that involves subconsciously screening out large blocks of information that > threaten the persons beliefs and values is called

(a)    Figure ground

(b)    Perceptual grouping

(c)    Perceptual constancy

(d)    Perceptual defense

(e)    Perceptual context.

86    <Answer

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding nonverbal communication?    >

I.    Nonverbal communication is also known as silent language.

II.    The most common form of nonverbal communication is the use of body language.

III.    Cultural norms affect nonverbal communication.

(a)    Only (I) above

(b)    Only (II) above

(c)    Only (III) above

(d)    Both (II) and (III) above

(e)    All (I), (II) and (III) above.

87    <Answer

87    Content theories of motivation emphasize specific human needs whereas process theories of motivation > focus on

(a)    Understanding the thought or cognitive processes that take place within the individuals mind that act to affect behavior

(b)    Factors within a person that energize behavior

(c)    The need for acceptance, association, and communication of the individual

(d)    The drive to excel, accomplish challenging tasks, and achieve a standard of excellence

(e)    The individuals ability to control his life and aspects associated with his job.

88    <Answer

88    Nordstrom is a premier upscale fashion retailer with stores in 23 states around the country. When new > Nordstrom employees receive their orientation materials, they are given a card with the company rules that states, "Rule #1: Use your good judgment in all situations. There will be no additional rules." Instead of outlining pages and pages of regulations, Nordstrom believes that employees must be granted the autonomy to make their own decisions and respond to customers' needs as they see fit. This autonomy allows that special interaction between salesperson and customer to develop. Based on Hofstedes cultural dimensions, under which of the following dimensions is Nordstrom operating?

(a)    High uncertainty avoidance

(b)    High power distance

(c)    Low uncertainty avoidance

(d)    Low power distance

(e)    High collectivism.

8Q    <Answer

89    Which of the following is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience? >

(a)    Learning

(b)    Selectivity

(c)    Personality

(d)    Consensus

(e)    Group think.

90    <Answer

Which sub-process is the most important cognitive aspect of perception and is affected by the > psychological processes of an individual?











91    <Answer

91 Which of the following theories states that different needs can emerge simultaneously and people can > move backward and forward through the needs continuum as circumstances change?

(a)    McClellands needs theory

(b)    Maslows theory

(c)    Alderfers ERG theory

(d)    Herzbergs two-factor theory

(e)    Vrooms expectancy theory.

92. When a team leader rewards high performers, reprimands or otherwise punishes low performers, and <Answer motivates his/her subordinates by reinforcing desired behaviors and extinguishing or punishing undesired > ones, he/she is said to be

(a)    Achievement-oriented

(b)    Transactional

(c)    Supportive

(d)    Transformational

(e)    Autocratic.

93 When Trans World Airlines (TWA) gives the gate attendant the authority to decide which passengers will be given a free ticket for volunteering to give up their seat for a flight that has been overbooked, is an example of


(a)    Participation

(b)    Facilitation

(c)    Employee education

(d)    Reinforcement

(e)    Empowerment.


94.    Janice and Fran are founders and co-owners of JanFran Jewelry Designs. Their jewelry business generates approximately $20 million per year from designing, constructing, and selling high-end costume jewelry. The firm employs 10 designers and 190 craftspeople. Although both earn millions, Janice and Fran operate their business from open cubicles in the corner of the construction floor. Neither has a secretary. They are on a first-name basis with all their employees. Indeed, both are rather uncomfortable if they are addressed by a formal title. At 2%, employee turnover is far below the industry average. Employees appreciate the extent to which their ideas and suggestions are taken seriously. Based on the information presented here, Janice and Fran are working in which of the following environment?

(a)    High power distance

(b)    Low uncertainty avoidance

(c)    High uncertainty avoidance

(d)    High collectivism

(e)    Low power distance.


95.    Almost every weekend, Jen goes to all the parties she hears about. Once there, she goes around introducing herself and asking for contact details from those she meets. The next day, she spends hours talking on the phone to the new friends shes made, telling them about herself such as her future goal of becoming a wedding coordinator; in this occupation she can meet new people and always be aware of whos marrying who. Which motive would Jen score highly on?

(a)    Achievement motivation

(b)    Status motivation

(c)    Power motivation

(d)    Affiliation motivation

(e)    Affection motivation.

96.    According to which of the following principles, the perception of elements like size, shape, color, brightness and location of an object remains constant and does not change from one individual to another?

(a)    Programmed decisions

(b)    Proximity

(c)    Similarity

(d)    Perceptual constancy

(e)    Perceptual selectivity.

97 Which of the following statements are true about the underlying principles of Total quality management (TQM)?

I.    TQM tries to find better ways of managing different business processes, and not just departments and functions.

II.    TQM uses reliable data and information.

III.    TQM aims not only at achieving the financial goals of the company, but also at making the company a socially responsible entity.

IV.    Few selected employees should be involved in efforts to find better ways.

(a)    Both (I) and (II) above

(b)    Both (I) and (III) above

(c)    Both (II) and (III) above

(d)    (I), (II) and (III) above

(e)    (II), (III) and (IV) above.



98.    Which of the following is/are not the hypothesis of path-goal theory?

I.    Achievement-oriented leadership will increase followers expectancies that will lead to high performance when tasks are ambiguously structured.

II.    Directive leadership will lead to higher employee satisfaction when there is substantive conflict within a work group.

III.    Followers with an external locus of control will be more satisfied with a participative style.

(a)    Only (I) above

(b)    Only (II) above

(c)    Only (III) above

(d)    Both (I) and (II) above

(e)    Both (II) and (III) above.



99.    The process by which skilled personnel from advanced nations provide training in requisite skills to the local workforce, who, in turn train other employees, is known as





Training multiplier effect


Job rotation


Process consultation



100 George is an accounting supervisor in Procter & Gamble. In a staff meeting, his manager asked George to

give explanation for the lower operational efficiency of his department. He replied that if there is new computer equipment in accounts department, the efficiency will be much better. Finally the manager agreed to install new computer equipment in that department. George felt proud and happy. This is an example of

(a)    Maslows motivational theory

(b)    Herzbergs two-factor theory of motivation

(c)    Alderfers ERG theory of motivation

(d)    Vrooms expectancy theory of motivation

(e)    Equity theory.


Suggested Answers Organizational Behavior - I (MB1B1): October 2008



C Spokesperson: Represents the organization during the interactions with outside parties.

Monitor: Receives wide variety of information and serves as nerve center of internal and external information of the organization.

Disseminator: Transmits information received from outsiders or from other employees to members of the organization.

Liaison: Maintains a network of outside contacts who provide favors and information.




C According to the situational leadership or Life cycle model, the maturity level of the subordinate plays a major role in influencing the leadership style of the superior. The ability of an individual to carry out a particular task and the extent to which he is motivated to perform the task constitutes the maturity of an individual.

So leaders have to adopt different leadership styles to deal with different subordinates.

D The custodial model of OB takes into consideration the security needs of employees. A custodial environment gives a psychological reassurance of economic rewards and benefits.

B The amount of difference between two social systems or the social systems of two different countries is referred as cultural distance.

The return of the employees to their home country after working in a foreign country for a long period of time.

In some cases employees may be encouraged by managers to gain business by any means. Such employees often face ethical dilemmas.

One of the effective tools in enhancing creativity among decision makers in organizations.

Unwritten agreement that defines the conditions of each employees psychological involvement with the system.





B The characteristics of conventional type personality include conforming, efficient, practical, unimaginative and inflexible. Conventionals prefer rule-regulated, orderly and unambiguous activities.

B The employee compares his experiences in the present position with the experiences of those holding a similar position in the same organization. The referent comparison is known as self-inside.

A IBM is giving a chance to employees who have close contacts with customers in decision making process because, they can know about what the customers expect from the company. So it can implement its plans through customer focusing. So IBM is trying to achieve a competitive advantage through people.

A Figure ground principle simply means that perceived objects stand out as separable from their general background and perceiver perceptually organize incoming stimuli receiving maximum attention.

Principle of contrast: Stimuli receiving maximum attention.

Principle of intensity: Intensity of stimulus affects perception.

Closure: Perception as a whole and filling up any gaps.

Halo effect: Drawing general impression, basing on single characteristic.


E People are not concerned about others salaries, instead people are more concerned about their own salaries than of others. Options (a), (b), (c) and (d) are true about generalizing behavior concept.

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10.    B Transformational leaders inspire their followers by communicating to them the

high expectations the organization has of them and assure them of their capacity to meet those expectations.

11.    C Self-efficacy refers to a persons perception of his ability to cope with different

situations as they arise. The role of self-efficacy is vital in helping an individual cope with tough jobs, making a career choice, learn and achieve something and adapt to new technology.

12.    A Instrumentality refers to an individuals perception of the degree to which a first-

level outcome would help in attaining the desired second-level outcome.

Valence refers to the strength of individuals preference for a particular outcome. Expectancy refers to the probability that performing a specific action would produce a first-level outcome.

13.    A Cognition precedes behavior and serves as an input for a persons thoughts,

perception, problem solving and information processing.

14.    D Food habits dont influence the perceptions of an individual whereas the other

factors will certainly influence the perceptions of individuals.

15.    C Davis has brought out the importance of organizational behavior in the equation:

Ability x Motivation = Potential Human performance.

16.    D Machiavellianism refers to the degree to which an individual is practical in his

approach, maintains an emotional distance from others, and believes that ends justify the means. They do not need to be persuaded to work but instead are able to successfully persuade others.

17.    E Short-term employment is more common in American companies. Therefore to

match the quality and productivity of Japanese firms William Ouchi recommended American companies to offer more secure and better career prospects. Hence option (e) is the answer.

18.    B The achievement motive is a persons desire to perform excellently or to handle

complex or competitive situations successfully.

19.    E The Illumination experiment, relay assembly room experiment and bank wiring

observation room experiment are the series of experiments involved in development of Hawthorne studies.

20.    B Researchers identified different independent dimensions along which an

individuals leadership behavior could be studied. They are - initiating structure and consideration.

Initiating structure: The people who score high on this dimension will put pressure on their subordinates to meet deadlines and maintain certain standards of performance.

21.    E Attitudes consist of three components - cognitive, affective and behavioral. The

cognitive component indicates the opinions, values or beliefs of an individual about something. The affective component represents the feelings of a person towards something. The behavioral component of a person indicates the intention of a person to behave in a particular way.

22.    B Anthropology: It is the study of mankind, especially of its origin, development,

customs and beliefs.

23.    D Quality circles are voluntary groups of people trained in statistical techniques and

problem-solving skills who come together to generate ideas to improve the quality of work and productivity of organization. This concept was first proposed by W. Edwards Deming in Japan.

Job enrichment by Frederick Herzberg refers to Vertical expansion of jobs.

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28.    C Conscientiousness refers to the extent to which a person is responsible and

achievement oriented and limits the number of goals set for himself, devote his time and energy to those goals and often succeed in achieving the goals.

29.    D Emily has the desire to handle complex or competitive situations successfully like

starting up her own business. So she is high in achievement motive. But she doesnt have characteristics of a leader and political aspects of organization which are the characteristics of power motive. So she is low in power motive.

30.    A Psychology is a social science that helps explain, measure and remodel human


31.    C Statements (I) and (II) are true.

Suggestion Programs are another form of employee participation.

Suggestion Programs provide many useful ideas but they ensure participation only to a limited extent.

Suggestion Programs do not facilitate group problem solving and teamwork.

32.    B Type A individuals set ambitious deadlines for themselves and work under

continuous time pressure. These individuals constantly experience moderate to high levels of stress. They tend to rely on past experience to solve problems and do not feel the need to be innovative in developing solutions to new problems. They make poor decisions.

33.    D If an individual observes that responding in a particular way to a particular

stimulus is rewarding, he will tend to behave similarly in the future as well. This type of learning is called instrumental learning.

34.    B The important variables in Porter-Lawler model model are effort, performance,

rewards and satisfaction.

36.    C Statements I and II are true.

I.    Personality is not a result of the generic factors alone. To some extent, an individual can learn and adopt the desired personality.

II.    People behave in different ways depending on the situation.

III.    Both personality traits and the situational factors have an impact on human behavior.

37.    B Exclusionary organization allows the domination of one group over others in the

workforce on the basis of certain criteria like age, gender, education or race. Such organizations practice exclusionary hiring and other forms of discrimination. These organizations violate the law.

38.    B According to Hall, in the exploration stage, the individual seeks an identity for

himself, attempts to understand himself and his personality, and tries out various roles in his career. At this stage, the employee is relatively unstable in his career and less productive as he keeps switching between various jobs in search of the right one.

39.    C Statements (I) and (II) describe the control theory. Statement (III) is incorrect since

coercive power is based on fear.

25.    D Continuity principle states that a person tends to perceive the extension of a

stimulus. Continuity has a major impact on the systems design of an organizational structure.

26.    B If an employee is low in ability but high in willingness to perform, the manager

has to use selling style of leadership.

C Except reputation all others options are the external attention factors.

All three statements are true about Human relations.

B Mentor acts as a coach and as a role model. He offers emotional support and as a sponsor, a mentor intervenes on behalf of the protege.

E The halo effect: At times, people draw a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic, such as intelligence, sociability, aggressiveness, etc.

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B Job sharing allows two or more people to share a traditional forty-hour-a-week job.


43.    E Continuance commitment is influenced by the costs that could accrue to the

employee if he leaves the organization.

Affective commitment is concerned with the employees emotional attachment and involvement with the organization.

Normative commitment refers to the extent to which an employee feels obligated to continue in the organization.

44.    D Gallantry awards are given to fulfill esteem needs. These awards are recognition

for the extra-ordinary performance. So, option (d) is the correct answer.

45.    C Hiring and promoting women and minorities to show their token presence and not

with intent of developing a true multicultural organization.

46.    B In order to identify critical behaviors for O.B. Mod, the following questions need

to have an affirmative answer:

Can the behavior be directly measured?

Does it affect the performance outcome?

47.    C Participative leadership: The leader discusses problems with subordinates and

seeks their suggestions before making a decision.

Directive: The leader clearly tells his subordinates what is expected from them, gives them work schedules and instructs them on how to do the task.

Supportive: The leader attempts to address the needs and problems of his subordinates.

Achievement-oriented: The leader attempts to develop his subordinates by giving them challenging tasks and higher responsibilities, and encouraging them to perform at their best.

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48.    D Flextime: It gives more autonomy to employees with respect to their work timings.

Employees have to work only during business timings. It gives them the freedom to work in accordance with their lifestyles. The employees of the organization have to work for a minimum period of eight hours daily, anytime within the office hours.

49.    C The knowledge function: Attitudes provide a standard of reference which allows

people to understand and explain their environment.

50.    B Emphasizing organization to provide equal opportunity for all employees is mainly

responsible for emergence of Diversity in organizations.

51.    B Transmitting the message: It involves the transmission of the message using an

appropriate medium of communication such as memo, phone call or personal interaction.

52.    A Only statement (I) is true about general motives.

A motive is considered to be a general motive if it is not learned, but is also not based on physiological needs.

General motives stimulate tension within the individual.

Hunger, thirst, sleep etc are primary motives.

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Emotional dissonance refers to the conflict between the emotions an individual experiences and the emotions he needs to express to conform to organizational norms.

The interactive communication constitutes informal channels of communication and has a central role to play in organizations.

In interactive communication, the flow of information is not confined to a specific path.

Classical conditioning essentially involves learning a conditioned response by associating a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned one.

Self-managing teams: The group decision approach is more formally known as the use of self-managing teams, also called socio-technical teams. The extreme form of this method of participation is operating by consensus, which reflects many ideas of Theory Z.

Investigative: Prefers activities that involve thinking, organizing and understanding.

Various participative programs usually result in favorable outcomes both for the employees as well as the organization.

Organization outcomes: Higher output, better quality, creativity, innovation Employees outcomes: Acceptance, self-efficacy, less stress, satisfaction

Performance-reward linkage is defined by Vrooms expectancy theory, as the degree to which an individual believes that working at a particular level will generate a desired outcome.

In lateral communication, managers communicate with people in other departments outside their own chain of command.

Upward communication: It is possible only when organizations empower their employees and allow them to participate freely in decision making.

Grapevine communication supplements the formal channels of communication and provides information which is not communicated through the latter. Communication that flows from one level of a group or organization to a lower level is downward communication. Downward communication doesnt have to be oral or involve face-to-face contact.

Network is a form of interactive communication. A network is a group of people who develop and maintain contact with each other to exchange information of common interest in an informal manner.

According to the principle of closure, a person may sometimes perceive a whole, where it does not exist while sometimes, a person may not be able to perceive a whole although one exists.

In decline stage, the individual evaluates his life and career and tries to convince himself that he made the right decisions in his life.

One could describe negative reinforcement as a form of social blackmail, which makes a person behave in a particular manner.

Employees, who are actively involved in lateral communication, have access to large amounts of information outside their department, which they filter and communicate to others. These employees can be referred to as Boundary spanners. Mentors - assist employees

Wedge-Drivers - a type of rumor which is negative and divisive in nature, fueled by feelings of aggression, hatred etc.

The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others is known as personality.

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66.    B Managers generally do not use the grapevine as a source of information. However,

they try to keep track of the information passing through grapevine through their loyal subordinates. This helps managers identify the issues that cause anxiety to employees.

67.    A The way in which people explain the cause for their own or others behavior is

referred to as attribution.

68.    D Internals are highly achievement-oriented and search extensively for the required

information before making a decision.

Externals are better suited for jobs involving routine and structured tasks.

Internals are the individuals who believe that they control what happens to them.

69.    B An Ombudsperson resolves problems quickly without going through lengthy

channels (Supervisor - HOP - Persons - managers).

70.    A (I) Operant conditioning finds greater application in human learning than

classical conditioning

(II) In operant conditioning, it is the environmental event following the behavior that determines the strength and frequency of the behavior Hence statements (I) and (II) are false.

71.    C Impression motivation is particularly applicable in organizations where employees

try to control the perceptions of their superiors about them.

Impression construction refers to the methods adopted by a person to create the specific impression that he wants. The impression may be related to various factors such as personal characteristics, attitudes and values.

72.    B Middle-management committees are also termed as multiple management. It is a

method of improving the participation of the middle-level managers in the decision-making activities of the organization. A major advantage of this program is that ideas are carefully scrutinized before they are presented to the top management.

Autocratic-II : A leader obtains relevant information from subordinates and then attempts to find the solution to the problem. He does not reveal the problem or seek the advice of subordinates in finding a solution or making a decision.

Agreeableness refers to the extent to which a person subjugates his/her interests for the sake of the group and gives importance to maintaining harmony and do not insist that others agree with what he/she says or follow his/her suggestions.

Horizontal communication is necessary to ensure that all the departments in an organization act in a coordinated manner to achieve organizational goals. The need for such communication is more obvious in complex organizations with hundreds of departments and sub-divisions.

When a perceiver judges some person based on his perception about the group to which the person belongs, it is known as stereotyping.

Observational learning is the essential component of vicarious or modeling processes and it takes place in two steps.

   Through observation a person acquires a mental picture of an act carried out by someone and its consequences.

   Then the person enacts the acquired image.

78.    B Attitude questionnaire is one of the methods of making upward communication

more effective. All other options are barriers to effective communication.

79.    B Country club management: Managers who score high on concern for people and

low on concern for production.

A punishment may be defined as a action that weakens a particular behavior and reduces its frequency.

The following are the personality determinants:

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80.    B

81.    D

82.    E

83.    E

84.    A

85.    D

86.    E

87.    A

88.    C

89.    A

90.    C

91.    C

92.    B

93.    E








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Suggestion boxes, junior boards, quality circles, informal involvement of employees, etc., are participative techniques used in decision-making. Club organization is one of the stages of development of a multicultural organization.

Consistency refers to a pattern of behavior, which may be relatively stable or unstable and shows whether a person behaves similarly in a similar situation or if a particular behavior is just an infrequent occurrence.

An expatriate manager evaluates other cultures on the basis of how similar they are to his/her own culture. Then such manager finds difficulties to adapt to a culture different from his own. Such a tendency is referred to as Ethnocentrism

A person may establish a defense against some stimuli or situational events because they may be clashing with his personal values or culture or may be threatening, in nature. This is known as perceptual defense.

All three statements are true about nonverbal communication.

The process theories of motivation deal with the cognitive antecedents that go into motivation or effort, and more specifically, with the way the cognitive antecedents of an individual relate to one another.

The rules given to Nordstrom employees couldn't be simpler, which is an indication that employees can tolerate greater levels of uncertainty. Additionally, employees are given a great deal of latitude regarding how to respond to situations that arise. This increases their level of autonomy, but also makes the decisionmaking process more uncertain and more risky. Nordstrom employees are operating under conditions of low uncertainty avoidance, meaning they feel relatively comfortable dealing with uncertain conditions. Under conditions of high uncertainty avoidance, organizations tend to have extensive rules, regulations, and procedures with careful delineation of the work each person is responsible for doing. Employees show a propensity for low-risk decision making.

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Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.

The next sub process, interpretation is the most important cognitive aspect of perception and is affected by the psychological processes of an individual.

According to ERG theory, different needs can emerge simultaneously and people can move backward and forward through the needs continuum as circumstances change.

A transactional leader believes that people can be motivated by recognizing their accomplishments and designing rewards appropriate for their level of efforts and performance.

Empowerment refers to the increased involvement of employees in organizational processes and decision-making.

94.    E Power distance describes the degree of inequality among people that is considered

to be normal. Cultures with high power distance seek to maintain differences in power and wealth whereas cultures with low power distance seek to eliminate those inequalities. There are several factors that indicate Janice and Fran operate in a low-power-distance culture. They prefer to be called by their first names rather than a formal title. They eschew the trappings of authority. They operate the business, not from big fancy offices, but from open cubicles. Finally, they value the input of their employees in the decision process. Giving employees genuine input into important decisions is an organizational practice typical of low-power-distance countries.

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95.    D People with a high need for affiliation exhibit a high degree of concern for social


96.    D According to perceptual constancy, the perception of elements like size, shape,

color, brightness and location of an object remains constant and does not change from one individual to another.

97.    D Statements (I), (II) and (III) are true.

TQM tries to find better ways of managing different business processes and not just departments and functions.

TQM uses reliable data and information.

TQM aims not only at achieving the financial goals of the company, but also at making the company a socially responsible entity.

All employees should be involved in efforts to find better ways.



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98.    C Followers with an external locus of control will be more satisfied with a directive


Statement (I) and (II) are the hypothesis of path-goal theory.

99.    B The process by which skilled personnel from advanced nations provide training in

requisite skills to the local workforce, who, in turn train other employees, is known as training multiplier effect.

100.    B Motivators and Hygiene factors were the two factors in Herzbergs two-factor


People take pride in the work they are doing and feel good if the facilities or equipment provided to them are modern and in good condition. This comes under the hygiene factors.




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