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All India Management Association (AIMA) 2007 M.B.A Marketing Management Organizational Behavior – I - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 10:25Web
ratio with that of others.
< TOP >
51. E The approaches to manage diversity are
? Creation of family-friendly workplaces.
Providing diversity training to employees.
Developing mentoring programs for employees.
< TOP >
52. A Respondent conditioning - A kind of conditioning in which an individual
responds to a few stimulus that would not ordinarily produce such a response.
< TOP >
53. C A compressed work week would have 4 ten-hour days. This type of
arrangement allows employees to devote considerable time to their family needs.
< TOP >
54. C According to the two-factor theory of motivation, the hygiene factors were
responsible for preventing dissatisfaction and motivators were essential to keep
the employees satisfied.
< TOP >
55. A If an employee is low in his ability to perform as well as willingness to perform,
the manager needs to adopt the telling style, he must constantly provide directions to
the employee.
< TOP >
56. A Managers understand their employee’s point of view and thus help them deal
with delicate situations. Such an ability is referred to as ‘Empathy’.
< TOP >
57. E Continuance commitment is influenced by the costs that could accrue to the
employee if he leaves the organization.
< TOP >
58. D In encoding the message of the communication process, the sender chooses
improper words, charts or other symbols and also decides on the medium of
sending a message.
< TOP >
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59. E People with external locus of control believe that their fate is controlled by luck,
chance or external forces.
Self-efficacy refers to a person’s perception of his ability to cope with various
situations as they arise.
Conscientiousness refers to the extent to which a person is responsible and
achievement oriented.
Self-esteem refers to the self-perceived competence and self-image of people.
Authoritarianism is believing that people should obey authority and rules, even
when these are unfair, and even if it means that they lose their personal freedom.
< TOP >
60. C Consensus denotes the extent to which others behave in a similar manner in the
identical situation.
< TOP >
61. C Communication that flows from 1 level of a group or organization to a lower
level is a downward communication. Downward communication doesn’t have to
be oral or face-to-face contact.
< TOP >
62. A Only statement (I) is actual.
I. If heredity alone influenced the personality characteristics of an individual,
then it would be impossible to alter an individual’s personality.
II. Both heredity as well as environment are important in shaping the
personality of an individual.
III. Apart from heredity and environment, the situation in which an individual
is can also influence his personality.
< TOP >
63. B Affection or love is a somewhat complex general motive. The complexity arises
due to the fact that love is similar to the primary motives in a few ways, while in
a few other ways, it resembles secondary motives.
< TOP >
64. C Communication with an organization must follow the shortest and most directed
< TOP >
65. E Group II: A leader after sharing the issue with the subordinates, initiates a
group discussion on option solutions, and moderates the discussion till the
group reaches a consensus on the solution to be adopted.
< TOP >
66. E When a person has realized his full potential and is fulfilled, he can be stated to
have attained self actualization. These needs are at the highest level in Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs.
< TOP >
67. A choice (a) is actual regarding legal regulations of effect which states that responses followed
by pleasant consequence are more likely to be repeated, while responses
followed by unpleasant consequences are less likely to be repeated
choice (b) - According to classical conditioning, the strength and frequency of
behaviors are determined by environmental events that precedes the behavior.
choice (c) - Halo Effect states that people draw a general impression about an
individual based on a single characteristic.
choice (d) – Impression Management states that the process by which people try
to manage or control the perception of other people.
choice (e) –Equity theory states that employees compare their result – input
ratio with that of others.
< TOP >
68. E The main objectives of interactive communication in an organization are:
? Task coordination
issue solving
info sharing
Conflict resolution.
< TOP >
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69. D Self-outside: The employee compares his experiences in the current position
with the experiences of those holding a similar position in a different organization.
< TOP >
70. B Exit interviews are held for employees who are quitting the organization to obtain
out their reasons for leaving and their suggestions for improving the work place.
< TOP >
71. C ‘Self-efficacy’ refers to the self-perceptions of a person as to how well he/she
can cope with the situations as they arise. People with high Self-efficacy feel
capable and confident of rising up to a situation.
< TOP >
72. B During job rotation, an employee is shifted from 1 job to a different. < TOP >
73. C ‘Situation-person interaction’ represents the 1st sub-process of perception. < TOP >
74. B Defensiveness is an attempt to intentionally block communication when people
feel that other is threatening their self-image and prestige.
< TOP >
75. C Selective perception: The account lead appears to be drawing an unjustified
conclusion from an unclear situation. This comes under the perceptual set in the
work place.
< TOP >
76. E Supportive: The leader attempts to address the needs and issues of his
< TOP >
77. C Perceptual situation is the most advanced form of perceptual organization and
provides meaning and value to objects, events, situation and other people in the
< TOP >
78. D Carries 100% actual info is not a feature of grapevine communication. < TOP >
79. D When did you feel particularly good about your job – What turned you on and
When did you feel exceptionally bad about your job – What turned you off are
the 2 ques. asked by Herzberg to the responded in his 2 factor theory of
hygiene and motivation.
< TOP >
80. C Similarity: The greater the likeness of the stimuli, the more they are likely to
be perceived as a common group. Such grouping by likeness causes issues
of stereotyping.
< TOP >
81. B Management is open to solve the grievances without red-tapism which is called
as Open door policy.
< TOP >
82. E No access to recreation facilities or e-mailing system for a week is the examples
of punishment. So this comes under the punishment.
< TOP >
83. D Statement (II) and (III) are not actual about secondary motives.
A secondary motive is a motive that has been studied or acquired over time.
The motives of curiosity, manipulation, motive to remain active and to display
affection are examples of general motives.
General motives are also called as “stimulus motives”.
< TOP >
84. B An organization offers to train an employee in the improper foreign language,
customs, culture and political environment of a country to which the employee is
being assigned to undertake the role. Such a measure to overcome the barrier to
cultural adaptation is known as predeparture training.
< TOP >
85. E Generally, there are 2 kinds of attributions made by people- dispositional
attributions and situational attributions. In dispositional attribution, a person’s
behavior is attributed to the internal factors that characterize the person such as
the personality traits of the individual, his motivation or his ability.
< TOP >
86. E All the statements are actual about ERG Theory. < TOP >
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87. C Statements (I) and (III) are actual about ethnocentrism
I. A person who is ethnocentric obtains it difficult to adapt to a culture various
from his own.
II. Having an ethnocentric view makes it difficult for a manager to understand
the behavior of people from other cultures.
III. Ethnocentrism is also known as the self-reference criterion.
< TOP >
88. D Task orientation refers to the degree to which the task on hand can be performed
efficiently by subsequent a particular method. The other choices do not come
under the Fielder’s contingency model.
< TOP >
89. B Accounts: The employee attempts to justify the occurrence of a negative
result by giving excuses.
< TOP >
90. D Factors such as intensity, size, contrast, repetition, motion, novelty and
familiarity of objects and situations comprise external attention factors.
Motivation and perception comes under the internal set factors.
< TOP >
91. C The "masculine" side of cultural dimension refers to cultures that have clear
gender role divisions. Assertiveness and competition are valued. "Feminine"
cultures are more tolerant of a wider distribution of roles relatively independent
of one's gender. Caring for others, relationships, and quality of life are valued.
Several factors indicate that Leyton is working in a culture that is closer to the
masculine side of the continuum. Success is described by one's possessions and
income. (Leyton's home, car, and six-figure income qualify him as a success
according to this definition.) Additionally, work roles are structured such that he
contributes very little time to caring for his children, or maintaining a quality
relationship with his spouse. In general, evidence shows that workers of
relatively more masculine cultures (as described by Hofstede) tend to experience
more job stress and conflict ranging from job and family roles. In relatively more
feminine cultures workers report less stress and less role conflict.
< TOP >
92. A The way in which people discuss the reason of their own or other’s behavior is
referred to as attribution.
< TOP >
93. D Certain characteristics of the person being perceived also play a role in
influencing social perception. This includes the way a person is perceived, is
greatly influenced by the visible traits of the person.
< TOP >
94. D People face many difficulties while adopting to other social cultures and
customs. They typically go through a series of phases when they arrive in a
foreign country. In the 1st phase they are generally excited and stimulated by
the challenge of a new job, home and culture. The 2nd phase is the
disillusionment phase. In the 3rd phase, they undergo a cultural shock where
they experience insecurity and disorientation after facing the various
dimensions of a new culture.
< TOP >
95. D Attitudes consist of 3 components – cognitive, affective and behavioral. The
cognitive component shows the opinions, values or beliefs of an individual
about something. The affective component represents the feelings of a person
towards something. The behavioral component of a person shows the intention
of a person to behave in a particular way.
< TOP >
96. C Statements (I) and (II) are actual about social perception.
Social perception is the study of how an individual gets to know other
The primary factors that affect social perception are related to psychological
processes, such as attribution made by people, stereotyping and the halo effect.
Attribution theory explains the reasons or the reason for an individual’s behavior,
stereotyping and the halo effect are issues associated with social perception.
< TOP >
97. B The perceived fairness of the manner in which rewards are offered, both in terms
of the volume of the reward received by the individual as well as in terms of the
distribution or rewards ranging from individuals, is referred as distributive justice.
< TOP >
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98. E Emotional stability determines an individual’s ability to withstand stress.
Individuals who have positive emotional stability feel emotionally secure and
tend to be calm. They are enthusiastic about their work and are capable of
withstanding the tensions and pressures of a job.
< TOP >
99. D Lower and middle-level managers will probably experience higher managerial
motivation and performance when their combination of needs consists of a high
need for achievement and power and lower need for affiliation.
< TOP >
100. D Normative commitment refers to the extent to which an employee feels obligated
to continue on in the organization.
Affective commitment is concerned with the employee’s emotional
attachment and involvement with the organization.
Continuance commitment is influenced by the costs that could accrue
to the employee if he leaves the organization.

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