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All India Management Association (AIMA) 2006 M.B.A Marketing Management Organizational Behavior - I - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 10:15Web
46. B In order to identify critical behaviors for O.B. Mod, the subsequent ques. need
to have an affirmative answer:
? Can the behavior be directly measured?
Does it affect the performance outcome?
47. C Participative leadership: The leader discusses issues with subordinates and
seeks their suggestions before making a decision.
Directive: The leader clearly tells his subordinates what is expected from them,
provide them work schedules and instructs them on ‘how’ to do the task.
Supportive: The leader attempts to address the needs and issues of his
Achievement-oriented: The leader attempts to develop his subordinates by giving
them challenging tasks and higher responsibilities, and encouraging them to
perform at their best.
48. D Flextime: It provide more autonomy to employees with respect to their work timings.
Employees have to work only during business timings. It provide them the freedom
to work in accordance with their lifestyles. The employees of the organization
have to work for a minimum period of 8 hours daily, anytime within the office
49. C The knowledge function: Attitudes give a standard of reference which allows
people to understand and discuss their environment.
50. B Emphasizing organization to give equal opportunity for all employees is mainly
responsible for emergence of ‘Diversity in organizations’.
51. B Transmitting the message: It involves the transmission of the message using an
improper medium of communication such as memo, phone call or personal
52. A Only statement (I) is actual about general motives.
A motive is considered to be a general motive if it is not learned, but is also not
based on physiological needs.
General motives stimulate tension within the individual.
Hunger, thirst, sleep etc are primary motives.
ans cause
53. E Emotional dissonance refers to the conflict ranging from the emotions an individual
experiences and the emotions he needs to express to conform to organizational
54. D The interactive communication constitutes informal channels of communication
and has a central role to play in organizations.
In interactive communication, the flow of info is not confined to a specific
55. B Classical conditioning essentially involves learning a conditioned response by
associating a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned one.
56. B Self-managing teams: The group decision approach is more formally known as the
use of ‘self-managing teams’, also called socio-technical teams. The extreme form
of this method of participation is operating by consensus, which reflects many
ideas of Theory Z.
57. B Investigative: Prefers activities that involve thinking, organizing and
58. A different participative programs usually outcome in favorable results both for the
employees as well as the organization.
Organization outcomes: Higher output, better quality, creativity, innovation
Employees’ outcomes: Acceptance, self-efficacy, less stress, satisfaction
59. B Performance-reward linkage is described by Vroom’s expectancy theory, as the
degree to which an individual believes that working at a particular level will
generate a desired result.
60. B In lateral communication, managers communicate with people in other
departments outside their own chain of command.
Upward communication: It is possible only when organizations empower their
employees and allow them to participate freely in decision making.
Grapevine communication supplements the formal channels of communication and
provides info which is not communicated through the latter.
Communication that flows from 1 level of a group or organization to a lower
level is downward communication. Downward communication doesn’t have to be
oral or involve face-to-face contact.
Network is a form of interactive communication. A network is a group of people
who develop and maintain contact with every other to exchange info of
common interest in an informal manner.
61. B According to the principle of closure, a person may sometimes perceive a whole,
where it does not exist while sometimes, a person may not be able to perceive a
whole although 1 exists.
62. D In decline stage, the individual evaluates his life and career and tries to convince
himself that he made the right decisions in his life.
63. B 1 could define negative reinforcement as a form of social blackmail, which
makes a person behave in a particular manner.
64. A Employees, who are actively involved in lateral communication, have access to
large amounts of info outside their department, which they filter and
communicate to others. These employees can be referred to as Boundary spanners.
Mentors – assist employees
Wedge-Drivers – a kind of rumor which is negative and divisive in nature, fueled
by feelings of aggression, hatred etc.
65. D The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others is
known as personality.
ans cause
66. B Managers generally do not use the grapevine as a source of info. However,
they try to keep track of the info passing through grapevine through their
loyal subordinates. This helps managers identify the problems that reason anxiety to
67. A The way in which people discuss the reason for their own or others’ behavior is
referred to as attribution.
68. D Internals are highly achievement-oriented and search extensively for the needed
info before making a decision.
Externals are better suited for jobs involving routine and structured tasks.
Internals are the individuals who believe that they control what happens to them.
69. B An Ombudsperson resolves issues quickly without going through lengthy
channels (Supervisor – HOP – Persons – managers).
70. A (I) Operant conditioning obtains greater application in human learning than
classical conditioning
(II) In operant conditioning, it is the environmental event subsequent the behavior
that determines the strength and frequency of the behavior
Hence statements (I) and (II) are false.
71. C Impression motivation is particularly applicable in organizations where employees
try to control the perceptions of their superiors about them.
Impression construction refers to the methods adopted by a person to create the
specific impression that he wants. The impression may be related to different factors
such as personal characteristics, attitudes and values.
72. B Middle-management committees are also termed as ‘multiple management’. It is a
method of improving the participation of the middle-level managers in the
decision-making activities of the organization. A major advantage of this program
is that ideas are carefully scrutinized before they are presented to the top
73. B Autocratic-II : A leader finds relevant info from subordinates and then
attempts to obtain the solution to the issue. He does not reveal the issue or
seek the advice of subordinates in finding a solution or making a decision.
74. A Agreeableness refers to the extent to which a person subjugates his/her interests
for the sake of the group and provide importance to maintaining harmony and do not
insist that others agree with what he/she says or follow his/her suggestions.
75. C Horizontal communication is necessary to ensure that all the departments in an
organization act in a coordinated manner to achieve organizational goals. The need
for such communication is more obvious in complex organizations with hundreds
of departments and sub-divisions.
76. E When a perceiver judges a few person based on his perception about the group to
which the person belongs, it is known as stereotyping.
77. B Observational learning is the essential component of vicarious or modeling
processes and it takes place in 2 steps.
? Through observation a person acquires a mental picture of an act carried out
by someone and its consequences.
? Then the person enacts the acquired image.
78. B Attitude questionnaire is 1 of the methods of making upward communication
more effective. All other choices are barriers to effective communication.
79. B Country club management: Managers who score high on concern for people and
low on concern for production.
ans cause
80. B A punishment may be described as a action that weakens a particular behavior and
decreases its frequency.
81. D The subsequent are the personality determinants:
? Heredity
? Environment
? Situation.
82. E Suggestion boxes, junior boards, quality circles, informal involvement of
employees, etc., are participative techniques used in decision-making. Club
organization is 1 of the stages of development of a multicultural organization.
83. E Consistency refers to a trend of behavior, which may be relatively stable or
unstable and indicates whether a person behaves similarly in a similar situation or if a
particular behavior is just an infrequent occurrence.
84. A An expatriate manager evaluates other cultures on the basis of how similar they are
to his/her own culture. Then such manager obtains difficulties to adapt to a culture
various from his own. Such a tendency is referred to as ‘Ethnocentrism’
85. D A person may establish a defense against a few stimuli or situational events
because they may be clashing with his personal values or culture or may be
threatening, in nature. This is known as perceptual defense.
86. E All 3 statements are actual about nonverbal communication. < TOP
87. A The process theories of motivation deal with the cognitive antecedents that go into
motivation or effort, and more specifically, with the way the cognitive antecedents
of an individual relate to 1 a different.
88. C The rules provided to Nordstrom employees couldn't be simpler, which is an
indication that employees can tolerate greater levels of uncertainty. Additionally,
employees are provided a great deal of latitude regarding how to respond to situations
that arise. This increases their level of autonomy, but also makes the decisionmaking
process more uncertain and more risky. Nordstrom employees are
operating under conditions of low uncertainty avoidance, meaning they feel
relatively comfortable dealing with uncertain conditions. Under conditions of high
uncertainty avoidance, organizations tend to have extensive rules, regulations, and
procedures with careful delineation of the work every person is responsible for
doing. Employees show a propensity for low-risk decision making.
89. A Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a outcome of
90. C The next sub process, interpretation is the most important cognitive aspect of
perception and is affected by the psychological processes of an individual.
91. C According to ERG theory, various needs can emerge simultaneously and people
can move backward and forward through the needs continuum as circumstances
92. B A transactional leader believes that people can be motivated by recognizing their
accomplishments and designing rewards improper for their level of efforts and
93. E Empowerment refers to the increased involvement of employees in organizational
processes and decision-making.
ans cause
94. E Power distance defines the degree of inequality among people that is considered
to be normal. Cultures with high power distance seek to maintain differences in
power and wealth whereas cultures with low power distance seek to eliminate
those inequalities. There are several factors that indicate Janice and Fran operate in
a low-power-distance culture. They prefer to be called by their 1st names rather
than a formal title. They eschew the trappings of authority. They operate the
business, not from big fancy offices, but from open cubicles. Finally, they value
the input of their employees in the decision process. Giving employees genuine
input into important decisions is an organizational practice typical of low-powerdistance
95. D People with a high need for affiliation exhibit a high degree of concern for social
96. D According to perceptual constancy, the perception of elements like size, shape,
color, brightness and location of an object remains constant and does not change
from 1 individual to a different.
97. D Statements (I), (II) and (III) are actual.
TQM tries to obtain better ways of managing various business processes and not
just departments and functions.
TQM uses reliable data and info.
TQM aims not only at achieving the financial goals of the company, but also at
making the company a socially responsible entity.
All employees should be involved in efforts to obtain better ways.
98. C Followers with an external locus of control will be more satisfied with a directive
Statement (I) and (II) are the hypothesis of path-goal theory.
99. B The process by which skilled personnel from advanced nations give training in
requisite skills to the local workforce, who, in turn train other employees, is known
as training multiplier effect.
100. B Motivators and Hygiene factors were the 2 factors in Herzberg’s two-factor
People take pride in the work they are doing and feel good if the facilities or
equipment given to them are modern and in good condition. This comes under
the hygiene factors.

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