All India Management Association (AIMA) 2006 M.B.A Marketing Management Organizational Behavior - I - Question Paper
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Organizational Behavior - I (MB1B1): October 2006
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1. Managers perform ten different, highly interrelated roles, or sets of behaviors attributable to their jobs. A
manager when performing the role of a spokesperson
(a) Receives wide variety of info and serves as nerve center of internal and external info of
the organization
(b) Transmits info received from outsiders or from other employees to members of the organization
(c) Represents the organization during the interactions with outside parties
(d) Maintains a network of outside contacts who give favors and info
(e) Transmits info about motivation and direction of employees through speeches.
2. Ram is appointed as a project leader in TechnoSoft Ltd. He wants to adopt a leadership approach that
focuses on the employee’s readiness and willingness to perform as well as his ability to do what is
expected. Ram’s option of leadership theory will be
(a) Fiedler’s contingency model
(b) Leader-member exchange theory
(c) Life cycle model
(d) Leadership-participation model
(e) Path-goal theory.
3. IBM made considerable efforts to stabilize its workforce and preserve their jobs. It decreased overtime and
freezed hiring. Moreover, it allowed job transfers and also offered early retirement incentives. Which of
the subsequent models of organizational behavior is IBM adopting?
(a) The autocratic model
(b) The collegial model
(c) The supportive model
(d) The custodial model
(e) The cognitive model.
4. The amount of difference ranging from 2 social systems or the social systems of 2 various countries is
referred to as
(a) Cross-cultural re-entry
(b) Cultural distance
(c) Ethical dilemma
(d) Guided imagery
(e) Psychological contract.
5. Bobby is a corporate manager who prefers rule-regulated, orderly, and unambiguous activities. He is dull
and a stubborn person. But is very efficient in work related activities and is practical in his approach. What
kind is Bobby’s personality?
(a) Artistic
(b) Conventional
(c) Realistic
(d) Social
(e) Enterprising.
6. A research analyst working for a company will experience equity or inequity when he compares his salary
with that of a different research analyst working with him. The referent comparison used by the research
analyst is known as
(a) Other-inside
(b) Self-inside
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