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All India Institute of Medical Sciences 2005 M.D /MS Entrance - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 09:35Web
b) Her two neu
c) Ret proto Oncogene
d) Rb gene

71. A 30 year old patient with history of recurrent headache was sent for fundus valuation. He was obtained to be having generalized arterial attenuation with multiple cotton wool spots and flame shaped haemorrhages in both eyes. The most likely reason is:
a) Diabetic retinopathy
b) Hypertensive retinopathy
c) Central retinal artery occulusion
d) Temporal arteritis

72. A 55 year old female comes to the eye casualty with history of severe eye pain, redness and diminution of vision. On exam the visual acuity is 6/60, there is circumcorneal congestion, corneal oedema and a shallow anterior chamber. Which of the subsequent is the best drug of choice?
a) Atropine ointment
b) I.V. Mannitol
c) Cipofloxacin eye drops
d) Betamethasone eye drops

73. A 55 year old patient complains of reduced distance vision. However, now he does not require his near glasses for near work. The most likely reason is:
a) Posterior subcapsular cataract
b) Zonular cataract
c) Nuclear sclerosis
d) Anterior subcapsular cantaract

74. Which of the subsequent drugs is contraindicated in a patient with history of sulfa allergy presenting with an acute attack of angle closure glaucoma?
a) Glycerol
b) Accetazolamide
c) Mannitol
d) Latanoprost

75. A patient has a right homonymous hemianopia with saccadic pursuit movements and defective optokinetic nystagmus. The lesion is most likely to be in the:
a) Frontal lobe
b) Occipital lobe ans
c) Parietal lobe
d) Temporal lobe

76. A young tall, thin male with archnodactyly has ectopia lentis in both eyes. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Marfan's Syndrome
b) Marchesani's Syndrome
c) Homocystinuria
d) Ehler's Danloss syndrome

77. The most common systemic association of scleritis is:
a) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
b) Disseminated systemic sclerosis
c) Rheumatiod arthritis
d) Giant cell arteristis

78. The subsequent is not a method of isolation of Chlamydia from clinical specimens.
a) Yolk sac inoculation
b) Enzyme immunoassay
c) Tissue culture using irradiated McCoy cells
d) Tissue culture using irradiated BHK cells.

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