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All India Institute of Medical Sciences 2003 - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 08:20Web
1. Persecutory delusion.
2. Voices commenting on actions.
3. Delusion of guilt.
4. Incoherence.
Ans 2

163 A middle aged man presented with pain in back, lack of interest i recreational activities, low mood, lethargy, reduced sleep and appetite for 2 months. There was no history suggestive of delusions of hallucinations. He did not suffer from any chronic medical illness. There was no family history of psytchiatric illness. Routine investigations including
haemogram, renal function tests, liver function testsm electrocadiogram did not reveal any abnormality. This patient should be treated with :
1. Haloparidol.
2. Sertraline.
3. Alprazolam.
4. Olanzapine.
Ans three
164. An elderly house spouse lost her husband who died suddenly of Myocardial infarction couple of years ago. They had been staying alone for almost a decade with infrequent visits from her son and grandchildren. About a week after the death she heard his voice clearly talking to her as he would in a routine manner from the next room. She went to check but saw nothing. Subsequently she often heard his voice conversing with her and she would also explain her daily matters with him. This however, provoked anxiety and sadness of mood where she was preoccupied with his thought. She should be treated with:
1. Clomipramine.
2. Alprazolam.
3. Electroconvulsive therapy.
4. Haloperidol.
Ans 4

165 Yawning is a common feature of
1. Alcohol withdrawal
2. Cocaine withdrawal
3. Cannabis withdrawal
4. Opioid withdrawal
Ans 2

166 The differential diagnosis of retinoblastoma would include all other than.
1. Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous
2. Coat's disease.
3 Retinal astro cytoma
4. Retinal detachment
Ans four [ref CPDT page 813 ed 15th] . "leucoria is the most common sign(60%) in retinoblastoma, D/d of leucoria includes Toxocara canis granuloma, astrocytic hamartoma, retinopathy of prematurity, coats disease, retinopathy of prematurity, persistant hyperplastic primary vitreous."
Also rarely in seven % patients painful red eye with glaucoma, hyphema, or proptosis is the initial manifestation.
Imp about retinoblastoma : Biopsy not needed for diagnosis: characterstic features on ophthalmologic exam are intraocular calcification and vitreous seeding. Retinoblastoma can undergo spontaneous remission (Q) Also learn ques. in past papers on about treatment of retinoblastoma.

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