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All India Institute of Medical Sciences 2003 Post Graduate Diploma all india medical pre pg entrance - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 08:15Web
1. Expectant management.
2. Caesarean part.
3. Induction and vaginal delivery.
4. Induction and forceps delivery.
Ans. 2
77. A case of Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia belongs to high risk group if disease develop after:
1. Hydatidiform mole.
2.Full term pregancy.
3. Spontaneous abortion.
4. Ectopic Pregancy.
Ans. 2
78. All of the subsequent are known risk factors for development of endometrial carcinoma except:
1. Obesity.
2. Family History.
3. Use of Hormone Replacement Therapy
4. Early Menopause.
Ans. 4
79. In actinomycosis of the spine, the abscess usually erodes:
1. Intervertebral disc.
2. Into the pleural cavity.
3. Into the reteroperitoneal space.
4. Towards the skin.
Ans ?? 3/4
80. A ten-year old girl presents with swelling of 1 knee joint. All of the subsequent conditions can be considered in the differential diagnosis, except:
1. Tuberculosis.
2. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Haemophilia.
4. Villonodular synovitis.
Ans. 3[ Hemophilia does not occur in girls, it is almost an exclusively a male disease pg 512 CMDT 2003]
For info :Juvenile Arthritis is usually bilateral, in vilonodular synovitis: Most common joint is knee joint, sex ratio equal, in young 8-15 yr old children.

81. A vascular necrosis can be possible sequelae of fracture of all the subsequent bones, except:
1. Femur neck
2. Scaphoid.
3. Talus.
4. Calcaneum.
Ans. 4
82. A five year old boy has been diagnosed to have posterior superior retraction pocket cholesteatoma. All would constitute part of the management, except:
1. Audiometry.
2. Mastoid exploration.
3. Tympanoplasty.
4. Myringoplasty.
Ans four [ Posterio superior is unsafe type,only myringoplasty is not sufficient.If any other proceedure is done then tymoanoplasty is the name of proceedure.]
83. A 31 year old female patient complaints of bilateral impairment of hearing for the past five years. On examination, tympanic membrance is normal and aduiogram indicates a bilateral conductive deafness. Impedance audiometry. indicates as kind of curve and acoustic reflexes are absent. All constitute part of treatment, except:
1. Hearing aid.
2. Stapedectomy.
3. Sodium Fluoride.
4. Gentamicin.

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