West Bengal Institute of Technology (WBIT) 2008 B.C.A Computer Application COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (Visual Basic) (-203) - Question Paper
Signature of Invigilator
2..................................... Reg. No.
Signature of the Officer-in-Charge
Roll No. of the Candidate
Time : 3 Hours ] [ Full Marks : 70
1. This Booklet is a Question-cum-Answer Booklet. The Booklet consists of 32 pages. First page of the Booklet shows Instructions to the Candidates. The questions of this concerned subject commence from Page No. 3.
2. a) In Group - A, Questions are of Multiple Choice type. You have to write the correct choice
in the box provided against each question.
b) For Groups - B & C you have to answer the questions in the space provided marked Answer Sheet'. Questions of Group - B are Short answer type. Questions of Group - C are Long answer type. Write on both sides of the paper.
3. Fill in your Roll No. in the box provided as in your Admit Card before answering the questions.
4. Read the instructions given inside carefully before answering.
5. You should not forget to write the corresponding question numbers while answering.
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9. Rough work, if necessary is to be done in this booklet only and cross it through.
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Marks Obtained Group - A Group - B Group - C
Question Number |
Total Marks |
Examiner's Signature | ||||||||||||||||
Marks Obtained |
Head-Examiner/ Co-Ordinator/Scrutineer
[ Full Marks : 70
Time : 3 Hours ]
GROUP -A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following :
10 x 1 = 10
i) To detect the undefined variable, the statement is
b) Option Explicit d) None of these.
a) Option Base
c) Option compare text
ii) The default lower index of an array is
a) 2 b) 1
c) 0 d) None of these.
iii) What will be the result of the following expression 5 MOD 100 ?
a) An error b) 5
c) 0 d) 20.
iv) The type declaration character for data is
a) # b) $
c) ~ d) None of these.
v) Dim x, y as integer. What is x and y data type ?
a) x and y are both integers
b) x is string and y is integer
c) x is variant and y is integer
d) x and y are both local integer variables.
vi) What is the size of the variant data type ?
None of these.
a) 1024 b)
c) 256 d)
vii) Dim n As Integer If n = 0 Then MsgBox ( "ZERO" )
MagBox ( "EMPTY" )
End If
Output of the code segment is
a) ZERO b)
EMPTY None of these.
c) Compile Error d)
viii) Dim c, a As Integer, b As Integer a = 10
b = 3 c = a \ b MsgBox ( c )
Output of the code segment is
None of these.
O( nlog 2 n) None of these.
object model all of these.
a) 3.3333333 b)
c) Compile Error d)
ix) Complexity of selection sort is
a) O( n 2 ) b)
c) O( n ) d)
x) ADO is a/an
a) method b)
c) inbuilt function d)
GROUP -B ( Short Answer Type Questions )
3 x 5 = 15
Answer any three cf the following.
2. "VB is front-end tool" Explain with suitable example. What are the advantages of Visual Basic ? 3 + 2
3. Write an application program in VB to print the Fibonacci numbers upto 50.
4. Write a Program module to calculate the Factorial of any Number.
5. Write the differences between any two of the following :
2 x 2 2
a) List Boxes and Combo Boxes
b) Option Button and Check Boxes
c) Input Box and Message Box.
6. Why is VB6 an Event Driven programming language ? Explain with Example.
GROUP - C ( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following.
3 x 15 = 45
7. Explain loop structure in Visual Basic ? Write a program to print first 50 numbers of a Fibonacci series. Write a program to sort 10 user input numbers is ascending order and display them. 4 + 5 + 6
8. a) What are dynamic array and multidimensional array ? Explain with an example. 5
b) Write the difference between Public function and Private function. 5
c) Write a VB code segment to check if a string is palindrome or not. ( If a string is same from both sides then it is called palindrome, e.g., MADAM ). 5
9. a) Write a VB program to check whether a year is leap year or not.
b) Write a VB program that allows the user to input his name and print the lnitial name. For example : Vinoy Kumar Singh
Output : V.K.S
c) What function can be used to convert the lowercase letters to uppercase and vice-versa ? 6 + 6 + 3
10. Write a program to add, edit, delete records to/from the table. What is Option Explicit statement ? Explain with suitable example. Describe the scopes of Dim, Private and Public variables. 5 + 4 + 6
11. Write short notes on any three of the following : 3 x 5
a) |
Inheritance |
b) |
Multidimensional array |
c) |
Structured programming |
d) |
Cint( ) and Val( ) |
e) |
Random Access File. |
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Earning: Approval pending. |