West Bengal Institute of Technology (WBIT) 2008 B.C.A Computer Application - 104 PC Software ( ) - Question Paper
CS/BCA/SEM- 1/BCA-104/08/(09) 3

Time : 3 Hours ] I Full Marks : 70
GROUP - A (Multiple Choice Type Questions)
1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following : 10 x 1 = 10
J) A$2 is...............cell addressing.
a) absolute b) relative
c) mixed d) half.
11) Windows provides a temporary area called
a) memory b) clipboard
c) paste d) all of these.
ill) Any database function in Excel has
a) one argument b) two arguments
c) three arguments d) any number of arguments.
Iv) Mail merge helps in
a) pasting a mail with envelope
b) creating a mail
c) creating a mall having multiple copies
d) posting a mall.
CS/BCA/ SEM-1 /BCA-104/08/(09) 4
v) Which one is not a facility of MS Word ?

Thesaurus Auto sum.
a) Spell check b)
c) Slide show d)
vi) Which one of the following is false ?
a) Eveiy formatting work needs selection of object beforehand.
b) Tables can also be drawn besides inserting it.
c) Windows OS allows plug-n-play facility.
d) OS is an application software.
vii) An icon is a
a) pictorial representation of files and folders
b) file
c) shortcut
d) navigation tool.
viii) .pdf is an extension of
access file none of these.
sO word file b)
c) excel file d)
ix) References in MS-Excel are of
3 bytes
none of these.
a) 2 bytes b)
c) 4 bytes d)
x) There are............... distinct table formats in MS-Excel.
b) 32 d) 256.
a) 16 c) 64

GROUP - B ( Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3x5=15
2. What are Header and Footer ? How will you insert header and footer ?
3. What is filter ? explain briefly.
4. What is Watermark Picture ? How to apply it on a picture ?
5. What are the differences between manual spreadsheet and electronic spreadsheet ?
6. What is Power Point ? Define Handouts.
GROUP -C ( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 x 15 = 45
7. Describe different steps to create a chart in MS-Excel. How do you change the title and data source of a chart in MS-Excel ? 8 + 7
8. What is Software ? What are the different types of Software ? Differentiate between System software, System utility software and Application software. 2 + 5 + 8
9. a) What is an operating system ? What are its different features ? 2 + 3
b) Write down the differences between CUI and GUI. 3
c) What is the use of Control Panel icon in MS-Windows ? Write down at least two features of Control Panel. 2 + 2
d) What is the default size of recycle bin ? 1
e) What is warm booting and cold booting ? 2

10. a) What is Custom Animation ? What do you mean by loop in slide presentation ?
What are the major advantages of power point ?
b) Describe different types of view available in Power Point. 2 + 3 + 4 + 6
11. Distinguish between any three of the following : 3x5
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a) Goal seek and Solver
b) Autofilter and Advanced filter
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c) Template and Wizard
d) Workbook and Worksheet
e) 1 Primary key and Foreign key.
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