West Bengal Institute of Technology (WBIT) 2010-2nd Sem B.C.A Computer Application - HU201 English Language & Communication ( ) - Question Paper
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Roll No. :............................................
Invigilator's Signature ..........................
CS / BCA/ SEM-2 / HU-201 /2010 2010
Time Allotted : 3 Hours . Fuf/ Marks : 70
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers In their own words
as Jar as practicable.
GROUP-A ( Comprehension Type Questions )
1. One warm summer afternoon my friends and I strolled languidly across the College campus on our way to the dining hall. We had successfully completed the trials and tribulations of freshman orientation and considered ourselves to be matured students. Confidently opening the canteen door we stepped inside and stared at the huge room in horror; we had no idea how to get to the food line Immediately we scuttled back to the door and huddled together, frantically trying to decide our next move. A friendly senior girl behind us, seeing our dire situation, started to . guide us to the food line. We were almost there when an entire table of boys who had watched the scene with amusement stood up clapping and yelled yes freshmen ! This made us realize that we werent the mature college students we thought we were ... yet.
A semester had passed since that embarassing day at orientation and I feel like I have made thk transition from adolescent to adult. It wasnt easy, though. Going to class was an ordeal for me because I had to walk through the sea
of unfamiliar faces. I remember asking directions everywhere
I went. One time, because I followed everyones directions without a second thought, I sat in a wrong class for ten days before the teacher told me that I wasnt on his rolls. Eventually I learnt my way around the campus.
Towards the middle of the semester, some new college* words entered my vocabulary. One such word was semesters. I had never Used this word in high school, and it sounded so grown up and important that I incorporated it into almost any conversation. I especially used it a lot at home with my little sister. Soon, everyone knew I was busy with all my semesters. Arrears was another term everyone started using towards the end of the semester. Luckily, another ignorant freshman asked the teacher for the meaning, and I learnt that it meant subjects not cleared in the first attempt. When
I learnt this, the thought of taking an exam that covered twenty chapters terrified me, and all forms of socializing quickly ended while I studied for my dreaded exams.
However, I must say Im much more matured that I was the first time I walked into this College. I now walk confidently to my classes, recognizing several faces in the sea of students and wave and say Hi ! just like everyone else. I know all , about the first year practicals and exactly how good the canteen food tastes ! Perhaps the best feeling of all, however, is knowing that next year a new group of freshers will be wandering around the campus and as a sophomore Ill be able the one giving them the directions and if they are really scared and lost, Ill probably give them the right directions !
Read the passage and answer the following questions :
i) Write a precis on this passage. 4
ii) This made us realize that we werent the mature college students we thought we were .... yet. What made the author realize this ? 3
ill) Give the synonym of walk as used in the passage. 1
iv) Define socializing. *
v) Towards the end of the year, the narrator has become
a) arrogant
b) kind
' - . - - ' *r, '
c) confident
d) terrified. *
GROUP-B (Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 x 5 = 15
2. You are the HR Manager of IBM Kolkata. Write an advertisement for the Situation Vacant column of local newspaper describing the person you want to operate as a supervisor.
3. Assume that you are the head of the students counsel.
. Prepare a memo for the Principal of your college with
statistical details concerning the expenditure incurred in the last six months and expected expenditure in the next six months.
4. You are a management trainee in an MNC dealing with marketing of software. There has been a slight change in the market as a result of which you need to change in the market as a result of which you need to change your strategies. Write a brief report to your Project Leader and you/ MD concerning the changes that need to be brought about. Identify differences, if any, in the style of writing the report.
5. You are the President of the Cricket Team of your college.
The inter-college cricket tournament is going to be held on
26th July, 2010. Notify the students about it.
GROUP -C (Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3x15 = 45
6 Wba* are meant by upward and downward communications ? What are the methods used by organizations for encouraging upward and downward communications ? What are the limitations of upward & downward communications ?
7. Write a survey report on a spot your company has chosen for factory construction and giving your suggestions to the Manager.
8. What are the sender-oriented barriers ?
9. What are the basic tenets that should be kept in mind before composing business messages ?
10. What do you understand by media of communication ? Which media are usually used for communication in organization ? 5+10
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