Vinoba Bhave University 2008 B.A Economics Part -2 - Question Paper
Economics 2008 VBEC (2) S/G
Full Marks : 100 Time : 3 hours Answer any five questions The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
1. Discuss the basic features of Indian Economy. What economic changes have taken place in it in recent years ? 15 + 5
2. What would be a suitable population policy forlndia ? Discuss. 20
3. Planning has failed in India. Elucidate. 20
4. Account for low agriculture productivity in India and suggest suitable remedies. 10+10
5. What is the importance of agriculture in Indian economy? Discuss its main features. 10+10
6. Describe the growth, present position and main problems of either Iron and Steel or Cotton Textiles Industry of India. 20
7. Discuss the main features of the Industrial Policy of India, 1956. 20
8. What are the problems of Small Scale Industries in India ? 20
9. Explain the objectives and achievements of Eleventh Five Year Plan in India. 20
10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
10+ 10(/) Unbalance Balance of Payment of India
[ii) India's agricultural policy
(iii) Industrial Development during planning period
(/V) Land Reform Policy of India after independence.
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